Yah im gonna need refund of $2k for DualSpec?

#1 - Jan. 8, 2011, 11:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I heard its 10 gold at level 30 or something now

anyway i payed 2k gold for dual spec for two of my characters about a month before cata came out

i want my 1,980 gold that u robbed me and gave everyone away for 10 gold after i had just payed a huge sum of my cash that I thought would go the distance

when u make huge changes like lowering the cost dual spec for 990 gold u have to let ppl know before they purchase it that ur planning to make changes in the future that will lower the crap out of it

I bouhgt dual spec for two characters = 2k gold they had to be lvl 80 i believe

U CHANGED IT TO lvl 30 and made it cost 10 gold

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#31 - Jan. 8, 2011, 11:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
01/08/2011 3:41 PMPosted by Sozin
lmao, why'd they move this thread here?? That was fast :P

Questions about policy is often our neck of the woods here in the Customer Support Forum. I can understand why they may prefer one of us Support Forum Agents to address this, as we handle these types of issues and questions regularly.

01/08/2011 3:42 PMPosted by QuƬznos
They should'a padlocked it instead.

Given the non-constructive nature of the initial post and the downward spiraling responses, I'm inclined to agree.

I'm afraid our Game Masters do not reimburse for changes in content. We do make quite a bit of effort to inform our players as soon as possible of any such changes, and we did so with this feature.