Disable Primalist Future Primal Storm Chance

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WoW Community Council
#1 - April 6, 2024, 7:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post

For roughly the last 2 days especially since the change to have 2 storms and then they be more “consistent” over the zones, it seems the storms keep picking Primalist Future, which is entirely disabled.
More often than not there’s now only one storm up as if the change last week didn’t happen at all. Last night at 5am EST it seemed to have been that BOTH storms chose it and thus there were 0 storms up at all for that cycle.
As this seems counterproductive to the wanted change, please disable the chance for the disabled zone to be chosen with this new zone equalizing thank you.

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Community Manager
#4 - April 9, 2024, 11:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Please know that we’ve been working on these issues, and will continue to make tweaks
and fixes until we’ve got it all ironed out. We’re looking to accomplish a couple of things:

  1. Disable the Primalist Storm location.
  2. More thoroughly fix the scheduler so that it can pick two Storms at once.

We like having two up at a time.

We think that some of this will require that we implement fixes during maintenance, so please bear with us until next Tuesday.