is it 100 or 200 treasures we need?

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#17 - June 22, 2015, 7:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/22/2015 12:24 PMPosted by Gongam
06/22/2015 12:18 PMPosted by Bashiok
Double Confirmation: The Confirmationing

can you double confirm if all achievements need to be on one character? The wowhead tool shows my current main as needing to do all of the loremaster achievements even though i already have loremaster achievement.

Yeah it'll be a 'blue' titled account meta, meaning it'll count all the achievements from across your account. You can have Securing Draenor done on one character, Explore Draenor on another, etc. etc. and it'll all roll up into an account-wide unlock of flying.

The individual achievements must be completed on one character though of course. So you can't, say, do 6 of the Apexis dailies on one character and the other 6 on another as that does not grant the Securing Draenor achievement. It'll only look at achievements completed, but it will look at your whole account.
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#19 - June 22, 2015, 7:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/22/2015 12:41 PMPosted by Tiapriestess
The individual achievements must be completed on one character though of course. So you can't, say, do 6 of the Apexis dailies on one character and the other 6 on another. It'll only look at achievements completed, but it will look at your whole account.

As a plus, any sub-achievements required for the meta that are also blue-headered can be split across several characters. Loremaster acts this way. I had done most of it on my rogue, and finished it off on my hunter. Really wish the apexis missions had been blue-headered though. Those suck enough as it is.

Right! I think the Apexis dailies are pretty fun/easy. Buy the quest missives if you don't have them, bang 'em out. It's pretty quick, and I thought the various completion mechanics were pretty fun, as well as some of the special items/abilities you can use. *shrug*