PVP Guilds - What's Blizz's stance on them?

#0 - June 23, 2009, 2:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I haven't seen a strictly pvp guild since maybe 2.3, and even then, most PVP guilds in BC were pretty undermanned and just an outlet for pvp ego's to talk smack to each other and troll trade chat or something.

I blame it on easily accessible PVE epics, and the casual tone of BG's.

Nowadays, you need to have some kind of pve gear if you're a dps trying to arena, or even be the best at BG's, world pvp, or duels.

Most players just don't have the kind of time to try and succeed in pve and pvp, so the players who do get a bit of time to raid and get lucky on drops have such a large advantage over people who don't have 5 hours a night to fit into their schedule for raiding.

I really like the fact that rated BG's are on the horizon, but I want it to be a full alternative to being in a PVE guild. I want it to be a whole team BG with a ranking system for winning (like arenas, but a bit less competitive, and less ladder like) that would favor something like a pvp guild.

Instead of logging on every night for 5 hours to raid and hear people QQ about people afking to take care of RL stuff, or how no one is logging on for hard modes, or how casuals are getting it easy, or people treating each other horribly just because of gear.

I can log on for an hour or two and do some BG's, and people would be doing them just about all day long whenever there's 10 or so people.

Can you guys through us a bone and make this happen? It would make the game fresh again if everything didn't revolve around doing repetitive dailies, working on time sink achievements, afking in BG's, doing some unbalanced arena, then logging on for 5 hours, 4 days a week for raiding.
#10 - June 23, 2009, 3:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There are many things we'd like to do for guilds and to enhance the guild experience, but we don't have any information on any of that at this point in time.