Proposed Warrior Rage Changes

#0 - June 26, 2009, 9:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I feel that the warrior class have evolved to the point that taking damage shouldn't be something we rely on to get rage to tank. Nor should it be something that you need to calculate into boss fights in correlation to DPS warriors.

What is my idea? Make it so that warriors do not gain ANY rage from taking damage with exceptions from specific talents/moves.

The first move, Berserker Rage.. keep the rage gain effect.

The second talent, give us a percentage of our rage when we block dodge or parry.. not a lot. By doing this it will make items will shield block a little more attractive. With my next suggestion, you'll see why it doesn't have to be a lot of rage.

Change 1h weapon spec to increase rage regenerated by x/x/x 3 talent points or keep it five, as it is the only thing in that tier.

this will make warriors rely on hitting with white swings (thus making hit and expertise even better. (and they're already very good, and fairly easy to hit the cap)

Lastly, increase rage gained from damage dealt across the board.. just to compensate for dps warriors getting 0 rage from damage taken.

If you have any other ideas feel free to post them.. these may turn out to be dumb as hell ideas so go easy on me.
#2 - June 26, 2009, 9:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
In the next (hopefully) PTR build, we are going to try:

Shield Specialization: This warrior talent now provides 5 rage on block, dodge, and parry instead of 2 rage on block.

There might be other changes that we aren't ready to talk about.
#68 - June 27, 2009, 1 a.m.
Blizzard Post
In response to some of the comments, just remember the goal is not that warriors can ignore their resources and always have enough rage no matter what. You do have a resource bar. It is supposed to count. The goal with this particular change is that improving your tanking gear won't keep making it harder and harder to generate rage, especially when overgearing content. Rage starvation on a raid boss is rarely a big deal except in the first few seconds of the fight.

We don't, unless I'm forgetting something, ever ask you to do a tank transition on a taunt-immune boss, so needing to build up rage for purposes of doing a tank transition shouldn't be a big problem. If you can't do a ton of dps when not tanking, we are more sympathetic, but still understand that if you do amazing dps in a full tank set up then it makes dps classes look bad. If it really, really bothers you, you can always dual spec for those fights where you don't have to tank much or at all.
#200 - June 30, 2009, 12:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
If you haven't seen it yet, the most recent PTR build also has a slight damage boost to Devastate.