Twitter notices locked thread:

#1 - June 11, 2015, 7:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I just noticed, the top of GD has a locked thread posted all tweets from the devs regarding 6.2 there. Is this new?

If so, finally.
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#2 - June 11, 2015, 7:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We've been posting all the responses we give from developers on @WarcraftDevs up there for a few months now. :)
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#5 - June 11, 2015, 7:44 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/11/2015 12:38 PMPosted by Jumangii
Derp, my apologies! I never noticed until just now, maybe the forum change helped :p

Keep up with the good work, thanks!

Haha, no worries! Glad you found it.

06/11/2015 12:38 PMPosted by Gabbie
hi crithto

Hai thar!
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#14 - June 11, 2015, 8:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/11/2015 12:48 PMPosted by Muletia
Is 140 characters at a time the new attention span of the audience or the developers? :)

Your question only took 88 characters so you can judge for yourself. ;)

06/11/2015 12:53 PMPosted by Atrael
They had attempted to communicate with Twitter because it was faster

Partially this...

06/11/2015 12:56 PMPosted by Hippeaux
I think 140 characters is a good way to force people to get to the point

Partially this except "encourage" is a better word.

Twitter is another avenue in which we can promote the game, provide updates, and respond to folks. Yes, the shorter format is often helpful, but it can also be ignored and thus we tend to get long rants broken up into several tweets. My team and I sift through them every day and communicate them to developers who provide us with insights and answers. Where appropriate, we respond and make sure to also post them here on the forums for those who would rather get information from our site than from Twitter. Win win!
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#17 - June 11, 2015, 8:18 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/11/2015 01:09 PMPosted by Kelvv
You should add a live twitter feed or something to the site instead of tweeting and posting here it automatically gets updated here.

Would be a pain to do it though. :p

We've definitely talked about this.