Maim, Bash, and HoJ massively nerfed

#0 - June 9, 2009, 10:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
When immune to the stun of following abilities, Maim, Bash, and Hammer of Justice will no longer cause player spells to be interrupted but they will still interrupt NPCs. Also, when these abilities do stun a player target, they will not perform an interrupt effect and lock out the affected magic school.

Heralding a bonafide buff to Druids and Paladin in adding an off the GCD interrupt later on (to encourage tanking parity at least), or unmitigated nerf and reducing the skillcap of these abilities/classes?

#126 - June 9, 2009, 11:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
In LK, we made a change for PvE reasons to let some of these stuns also cause an interrupt, since many bosses were immune to stuns.

It was never the intent that they cause both a stun AND an interrupt. The original change was made to let the interrupts work on stun-immune targets (generally a boss). A target upon which a stun has DR'd is not the same as a stun immune target. The original change was not intended as a stun buff for PvP.

Bottom line: the interrupt portion of these abilities will never happen against players.
#263 - June 10, 2009, 1:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The Feral PvP glove bonus of granting an interrupt to Maim is basically superfluous because Maim was given that ability baseline in Lich King. So you're not getting much out of it at the moment in any case.

We will go back and change any old glove bonuses referencing Maim as an interrupt to the new Feral glove bonus of reduced cost on Maim.
#290 - June 10, 2009, 1:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You're missing the point.

You said that Maim's interrupt was intended to be used in PvE when the idea originally was placed on the feral druid PvP gloves.

So either you're wrong and you forgot why you put the bonus there in the first place, or you're essentially admitting that the PvP gloves were meant to be used for PvE raiding.

I'm really curious as to which it is. I'm not trying to sound offensive, Ghostcrawler, but it seems like you're trying to find a way out when there isn't one - the simple truth is you're nerfing feral druid PvP.

Sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression we were trying to wiggle out of anything. We did and do want Maim to be an interrupt -- that's one of the reasons we changed it to be a stun. (The other was confusion on what it actually was.)

It was an old glove bonus. Maim itself worked pretty differently back then -- it was a disorient -- so it wasn't as effective at stopping casting as it is now as a stun (because it could break on damage). The main mistake we made was not going back to change those old gloves when we changed Maim to be a stun. We don't make heroic efforts to always go back and change old items because most of the player base has moved on to new ones. But it's a valid point that some players might still be using the old gloves, so we'll go ahead and get them updated.

Maim still works as a stun, which will also stop casting unless the target is under DR or otherwise has some kind of protection. In PvE, Maim still works as an interrupt on those targets that can be interrupted but not stunned.