Um, Blizz? Innervate? Hello?

#0 - June 11, 2009, 7:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Innervate is extremely broken in high rating arena.

A buff with almost complete dispel protection (barkskin) that gives full mana.

With a short enough cooldown so it can be used several times in one match.

Please justify why you feel this is balanced.
#4 - June 11, 2009, 7:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Several times in one match? It has a 6 min cooldown. How long do your matches last?

I'd argue the problem is the reverse. It is balanced around a 6 min cooldown so in a 3 min match it provides a lot of mana and the fact that it can't be used again for a long time is small consolation when the match is over quickly.

We are reluctant to balance it around being dispelled though. When dispel is the counter for everything, it just makes classes with the ability more necessary and makes those without it even weaker.