Thanks Blizzard.

#0 - June 11, 2009, 4:59 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey everyone at Blizzard HQ.

I just want to thank you guys for creating and maintaining this game. It truly has set the standards for what a MMORPG should be and has kept me enthralled with every little change that has been made over the years.

I know I speak for a majority of the community when I say that we have often given you the cold shoulder and moved off to the latest "WoW killer" but nothing has been able the match the magic that is unique to the Warcraft Universe.

Good Job guys and girls, If any of you are ever in Brisbane, i'll buy you a beer in gratitude :).

#8 - June 11, 2009, 5:54 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Says the paladin.

EDIT: id like to add
thanks for easy raids with no satisfaction, thanks for the imbalance, thanks for the terrible server uptimes, thanks for trying to appeal to the masses, thanks for making arena a FOTM race every month, thanks blizzard.

Don't make me talk to you about Ulduar... you haven't even been there... how can you judge with no experience? Give it a shot! You may just find that it is challenging. Don't stop with Flame Leviathan and say you've tried it.