Did you choose ur race based on racials?

#0 - June 9, 2009, 7:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Does race even matter that much end game? I've heard tons of people complaining how much they hate their toons but love their racials! I chose Belf cause they look sexy and are actually not hunchbacks, unlike other horde races (and yes i'm an alliance reroller)
#83 - June 9, 2009, 7:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I barely look at the racial abilities when figuring out what race/class combo to pick for my next toon. Don't get me wrong, they are a factor, but probably the last thing I think about and look/style can easily overcome any deficiency from the racial ability aspect of things.
#103 - June 9, 2009, 8 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

This is a pretty ignorant statement.

They matter quite a bit depending on your interests and/or role. I mean, even at a basic statistical level (which is measurable, such as the 2% decreased change to hit a Night Elf, which is a decent amount of iLevel budget on tanking gear), but also in terms of what different abilities do. For instance, Arcane Torrent is an amazing silence in Arenas, especially for certain classes that can chain other interrupts or silences. WotF has always been an amazing PvP ability, etc.

Unfortunately, I rolled this character not long after launch and racials mattered a lot less back then. I'd be a lot more careful now (and am more careful with my alts).

Ignorant is a pretty harsh word, but it's obvious that the extra little abilities and min/maxing of stats is very important to you so this is really a difference of opinion. For me I have to be happier with the look and feel of the character before racials can come into the picture.

There have been many times over the 4+ years of World of Warcraft that I have seen players/friends change their character for a new race that fits what they want to do, but for me I can't imagine changing the look and feel (via the race) of the main characters I play, they are what I want to play more than a little damage boost or an extra ability.