Blizzard Raid Frame Gripes

#0 - May 31, 2009, 2:26 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I recently find that due to lacking features in the default UI I had to switch from using the default Blizzard Raid frames to Pitbull. My prefrence is to run as few mods as possible and the default Blizzard raid frames while static were adequate for the majority of encounters. I would really like to see the default raid frames improved so there was more of a choice in using the default UI.

The Default UI is good for showing who is and is not in a vehical but could be improved by replacing the default vehical icon with custom icons to denote Demolisher, Seige Engine, Gunner, Catapults and Motorcycles.

No Raid Icons on the Unit Frames.
Raid Icons were a huge boon for setting up kill targets and CC. Why can't raid icons be displayed on the default raid frames?

Cureable Debuff Highlighting.
Buffs and debuffs get very crowded very fast. The shear number of debuffs in in the Yogg encounter is the main reason I had to switch from the default UI to Pitbull. Highlighting the frame with debuff coloring goes a long way in aleviating the need to quickly scan the 125+ debuff Icons to find the one that you need to dispel.

Buff and Debuff Filtering
I haven't found a single raid frame that completely solves this problem. Being able to display only the buffs and debuffs that concern me most is a necessity. The largest hurdle I see to implementing a good filter is how do you setup the filter UI. The current buff/debuff filter only consists of showing Buffs or debuffs. I would really like to see a further level of refinement. What I would like is to be able Break buffs and debuffs into multiple categories, allow me to turn on and off the specific categories and finish it with a blacklist and whitelist.

for example:
Buffs from me/my class (PW:S, PW:F)
Buffs from other players (AI, Blood Lust)
Buffs from NPC/consumables (Flasks, Keeper Auras)
Debuffs from me/my class (Weakened Soul)
Debuffs from other players (Sated, Mortal Strike)
Debuffs from NPC/consumables (Sanity, Frost Blast)
#1 - May 31, 2009, 7:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I am going to selfishly draw attention to this thread because it's something we are discussing a lot right now. If you have feedback on the default raid UI with regard to healing, this is a great place to put it.

Some players just like mods, and that's totally cool. But you should be able to heal a raid without mods too.