WG weekly question

#0 - May 26, 2009, 9:42 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Ok got a question. In WG the quest changed to weeklies and the assumption has been to reduce lag. There appears to be a issue and I am wondering if we will get honor taken for it. Once you complete the weeklie you are done till Tuesday. Ok cool. If I complete it on Tuesday someone who never did it can share it again with me on Wednesday and I can do the quest. I assume this was done on purpose and not a bug hence this forum.
#2 - May 26, 2009, 12:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Ok got a question. In WG the quest changed to weeklies and the assumption has been to reduce lag. There appears to be a issue and I am wondering if we will get honor taken for it. Once you complete the weeklie you are done till Tuesday. Ok cool. If I complete it on Tuesday someone who never did it can share it again with me on Wednesday and I can do the quest. I assume this was done on purpose and not a bug hence this forum.

Can you tell me exactly what quest(s) this was - or does it seem to be all of them?