Give CASTERS a Healing reduc spell like MS!

#0 - May 29, 2009, 7:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Why is this an ability that only the op melee get atm?

Why can't a shadow priest or boomkin get something similar? This certainly would make these 2 classes more viable in arena...

Have offensive spells or something have a chance to have an MS effect placed on the target... Make it able to be dispelled, but make it stack so that it would give us some dot protection too... 10% healing reduction per placement, stacking up to 5x.

Just seems unfair that only melee get this ability, which essentially nerfs dual dps teams and caster healer teams...

#20 - May 29, 2009, 8:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It's an interesting question that comes up a lot. Would caster comps be more viable if they just brought MS? Would things feel more even if MS was a 20% debuff instead of 50%?

One of the things we've noticed from feedback is that players who feel like they just can't stop healers often lack MS on their team. On the other hand, teams that feel like they get clobbered be melee nearly always have the MS debuff on them.

We experimented with giving the debuff to shamans early on Lich King, but ended up backing off of that because it just felt like we were homogenizing classes too much. But you can make the argument that it's such a game changer that it's almost mandatory in Arena.
#393 - June 1, 2009, 6:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
GC, hunters will tell you that MS alone does not give you an edge. if you can't conclude this by looking at their representation then i don't know what to tell you.

MS alone does not give you an edge, true. But are teams really viable that lack warriors or rogues? There are some Unholy + Resto and Ret + Disc in 2s. That's about it.