Why blizzard should recall the new bear art.

#0 - May 28, 2009, 5:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have never seen a community so full of horrible negative ingrates in my entire life. If I were on the art team I would just stop the release, seriously, you people don't deserve a god damn thing. Blizzard didn't update your art for 5 years, now they finally do it and you spit in their faces.

What I love is the fact that the majority of the Druid community keeps saying they expect more, but never elaborate what they expect. What you were given were two new models that reflect the old ones, with additional details and WIDE model improvements. They aren't going to give you something radical, tauren BEAR FORM isn't suddenly going to stop being a Tauren Bear. The forms are perfect, they did a good job and based on the over all communitys reaction to change, they should force you to stick with the ones you have already.

Thread after thread of people who couldn't even bother to read the release statement before posting. The bears jaws close, the other forms are in the works, quit your @@*%!ing. You either get what they god damn give you which is a huge improvement over the old one or you get nothing at all.

The squeeky wheel shouldn't get the grease, and in this case you just spat in the face of an art and design team trying to please a small % of the wow community. Good job guys... good job.
#34 - May 28, 2009, 6:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Whoa whoa whoa, just relax (don't do it...).

Overall the response from the community on the new Tauren/Night Elf bear models has been very positive. We are very happy to see this and will continue to welcome constructive feedback on them (like any topic).
#77 - May 28, 2009, 7:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

who have you been talking to? most people are insulted that it took this long and we just go re-hashes. different colors to existing models seems to be a recurrent theme with this game and its getting a little old considering the financial investment required on this game. The art teem seriously needs to be expanded if the excuse is "their all just so busy making new art"

druids didn't get the A. customization of forms or B. change in forms based on iLVL of gear that they were promised

When you want to get to it, the new models are not re-hashes at all, at least they weren't made that way and don't look like re-hashes to us.

We would like to add more customization options but we will have to see if that gets implemented in the future, for now it will just be forms that you can change between and look way better than the current ones.
#103 - May 28, 2009, 7:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Also, Bornakk, will female Taurens still turn into males in cat form? :P

I guess, but it's not like you can easily tell the different between a male and female cat in real life right?
#126 - May 28, 2009, 7:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Well yes but the current Tauren cat form has a lion's mane :)

This is a fantasy world, why can't a female have a lion's mane? Yeah, I really don't have much to go on, but female and males will look the same.