LIghting Overload *Not Working as Stated

#0 - May 20, 2009, 9:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You stated that

"We are concerned that Elemental shaman dps is a little low in patch 3.1. We are going to hotfix an improved chance for the Lightning Overload talent to cast the half-damage Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. This hotfix should go in sometime over the next couple of days. The talent currently has a 7 / 13 / 20% chance to proc. The new change will be an 11 / 22 / 33% chance to proc.

We think this will provide a roughly 5% dps increase for say the raid-buffed level 80 Elemental shaman, but we will closely monitor the damage being done after this change. Note that the tooltip of the talent will not change from this hotfix – the talent will proc 33% of the time with 3 ranks, even though the tooltip says 20%. We will get the tooltip updated in a future client patch."

By: Ghostcrawler
Found in

Personally i have tested Lighting Overload since you have said you would hotfix it in the next couple a days (about a little more than a week ago now) and it has not been changed to a 33% proc rate as you stated youself. I can record a stream or do a live broadcast if you wish to see (since recount doesn't record Lighting Overload procs) but after testing day in and day out each day....

The proc rate seems to be random and anywhere from 17%-25% in an average of about 1000+ casts

On that note, Lighting Overload also seems to have this weird thing going on were you wont get procs for the longest time (33% yea right) but then once you do proc it. Then next 2-5 in a row are all Lighting Overload followed by the no proc grace period again.

Not sure whats going on would like to know if anyone else is seeing the same spontaneous % i am seeing and if they are also seeing that Lighting Overload seems to proc 2-5 times in a row after one Lighting Overload proc

I have not seen past 25% yet in all my tests

Would like feedback from Players/Ghostcrawler or another blizzard employee
#7 - May 20, 2009, 11:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'm almost positive the proc is 33% with max ranks, but we'll see if other players have found differently.