Please dont write off DW DKs

#0 - May 20, 2009, 8:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Ok i know its an old topic and not anything new, but on behalf of frost dks I just want to throw the plea back into the forums for blizz to see.

Please make dw viable for dks. Not superior, just viable.

Frost is a great candidate, oblit is mediocre at best - make it and frost strike use both weapons.
Make Nerves of Cold Steel a talent that actually makes you want to dw.

I am just dying to use my 2 1h tank weapons, the mitigation is better than stone skin gargoyle and its a fun playstyle. DW dps would be fun again too. Might actually get to mix and match runes on our weaps.

Please dont forget about DW for DK's!!! I know it got nixxed because it was tricky to balance, please put in the effort!!
#1 - May 20, 2009, 11:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Next major patch.
#113 - May 21, 2009, 9:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So 3 DK posts in the past 10 mins and 3 blue posts.

15 page post about last place priest dps yet nothing. Claiming you dont play favorites. Prove it GC

My proof is that I ban people who complain about which threads I answer regardless of your class.

Q u o t e:
Maybe I was overreacting about this being favoritism, I still can't see why they would work on DW for DK's with all the other issues that WoW has currently.

What this invariably means: you should work on MY class instead.

We welcome any feedback you have on class design. Please do not presume to tell us in what order we have to work on things. That only leads to squabbling about who is the most deserving or who has been waiting the longest. No good will come of such discussions. Stick to the mechanics.