Sights Worth Seeing

#0 - May 4, 2009, 9:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
After working through the Argent Tournament dailies for the past couple of weeks, I've had quite a few moments where I've been awed by the landscapes and architecture found around Northrend.

For those of you who frequently get out for flights around the continent, what are some of your favorite sights to see, areas to take a picnic, or places to fight some of the locals, etc?

Please keep it constructive. This isn't a thread where you should take the opportunity to call up criticisms, related to the topic or not. That can be reserved for every other thread in the history of the forums. :)
#18 - May 4, 2009, 9:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Hey blues, tell your managers to stop trying to fish information from us by pretending to care.

No one told me to post this, nor did I seek approval before doing so. I thought it'd be a fun discussion after flying around Saturday night doing Argent Tournament dailies.

This is the type of response we're not looking for, friends.
#119 - May 4, 2009, 11:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Care to tell us some of your favorites Zarhym?

I was flying from Howling Fjord to the library in Storm Peaks the other night and realized how amazing that flight is. The transition from Howling Fjord to Grizzly Hills to Zul'Drak is quite spectacular. Over all though, I think Storm Peaks is my favorite just for its sheer size and scale. My favorite area is the northern part of the zone and the giant cliffs separating Ulduar from the rest of the land.
#126 - May 4, 2009, 11:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Go outside.

I think you're lacking perspective here. To start, you're on a video game forum meant solely for discussing aspects of the game. Second, you have an active subscription and a level 80 character with which you're posting.

If you want to watch The Matrix -- a movie brought to you by a major motion picture corporation backed by millions of dollars -- so you can tell everyone you know to rage against the corporate/authoritarian machine, you go for it! It could be right down your alley.