Think my accont was closed caus i bought gold

#0 - May 3, 2009, 3:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi i am writing this from a new trail account becasue my old 1 got closed because of economy explotation, i was kinda confused about what it ment but decided to google it and i think i found out why. it said if u get some1 to level up ur character or buy gold u could get banned i think . I did not get some1 to level it but i did buy some gold. They were selling it my wow game on the trade channel i asked the guy who was selling and he said blizzard reccomends it if u dont have time to play a lot. I dont have alot of time to play because im in school and get homework alot, i hate homework. So i asked my mom and she said i could cause i would pay her in then she would let me use her card to order it from the guys website. PLEASE can i get my other account back i dont want to have to do all the quests again, it was getting more fun cause i could do zul farrack and the fat lady one. I promise i wont do it again.
#14 - May 3, 2009, 3:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
i would but then i think have to buy all the games again and i dont think my parents will let me. i also dont think people should be allowed to try to sell gold in the game chat if u get baned for buying. and wow people should say that u cant buy gold in an easyer way to understand because i think alot of people would be confused by that service thing.

We have a full article on the matter here: .

And, we do not allow players to advertise for selling gold; doing so is also considered a violation of our policies. You're welcome to dispute the actions taken, if you would like, by contacting our Account Administration department at
#151 - May 5, 2009, 7:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
And, scene.