Cant find character after Character Transfer

#0 - May 4, 2009, 10:27 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Dear GM,

I have opened a character transfer from Uldum to Frostmane on May 3rd for my DK - Valordian and the transaction page from Account Management on wow website has shown me the transaction been successful. However, I was not able to see my DK from either Frostmane or Uldum. I am sort of panicing at this stage and is keen to know what is happening to my DK.

I have just noticed that I cannot select my DK for forum posts as well, seems like he's completely gone from my account. :(

#2 - May 4, 2009, 11:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Try creating a character on Frostmane, log in, then out and delete that character. Then you may have to exit WoW and sign back in. See if that updates your character list.

This would be my suggestion.

Sometimes restorations and transfers need the list refreshed to show. Making a fresh character on the realm will normally do that.
#4 - May 4, 2009, 12:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Dear GM,

I have opened a character transfer from Uldum to Frostmane on May 3rd for my DK - Valordian and the transaction page from Account Management on wow website has shown me the transaction been successful. However, I was not able to see my DK from either Frostmane or Uldum. I am sort of panicing at this stage and is keen to know what is happening to my DK.

I have just noticed that I cannot select my DK for forum posts as well, seems like he's completely gone from my account. :(


I'm seeing Valordian on your Frostmane list. It's the only character I see on that realm, but he is there.

I am not seeing any fresh deleted characters, nor any others on your list. Are you certain you are looking at Frostmane?