3.1.2 Ulduar Nerf

#0 - May 1, 2009, 9:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I understand that you guys feel the need to include the casual players in ingame...but nerfing 25 mans are unnecessary. Yes, there are high end guilds that have cleared it, and there are a ton of guilds that can't kill razorscale. But that's not because the bosses are too hard. Its because the players aren't good enough. Naxx (and you all know it is true) was so easy compared to anything in Burning Crusade that players have been pampered into one shotting bosses and if they have to spend more than one night on it, they cry. I have honestly been loving progressing through Ulduar. Our guild has done everything except Mirimon, General Vexus, Freya, and Yogg, and we are by no means a high end raiding guild. But we don't go in there and one shot it like we did with naxx. We go in, and we progress. We know that if we don't run out with the Gravity Bomb, we are going to kill the raid. We understand that if you stand in the fire on Razorscale you are going to die and fast. And if we can't dps Kologarn's right arm fast enough then people are going to die.

And that is the way it SHOULD be. You didn't stand in the raid on Solarian with the wrath debuff and not wipe half the raid. You couldn't run around in flame wreath and only take a small amount of damage. In Burning Crusade, if you messed up, then it was over, and that is the way it should be. Because when you mess up, you get in there, and you TRY again, and if you are a GOOD player, the second time around, you don't wipe the raid again. Ulduar was supposed to be on the same difficulty of SSC and TK...and it IS. You didn't see the majority of guilds get through those in a week. Don't expect it here. Let us progress.

I might be overeacting to the patch notes...I haven't gotten to see it in action yet, but our guild, and tons of guilds out there have proven that this content is doable. But from what I am seeing, all the ulduar changes in 3.1.2 are nerfs in the amount of damage different raid elements inflict. And there is no reason to. If players are having problems with the way it is now...then they need to run ulduar 10, or go back to naxx and get the rest of those upgrades. Leave Ulduar to the raids that have proven they can do it, and stop making content easy enough for everyone...because all it does is drive away the most commited and strongest players in the game.
#99 - May 1, 2009, 10:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I understand that you guys feel the need to include the casual players in ingame...but nerfing 25 mans are unnecessary. Yes, there are high end guilds that have cleared it, and there are a ton of guilds that can't kill razorscale. But that's not because the bosses are too hard. Its because the players aren't good enough. Naxx (and you all know it is true) was so easy compared to anything in Burning Crusade that players have been pampered into one shotting bosses and if they have to spend more than one night on it, they cry. I have honestly been loving progressing through Ulduar. Our guild has done everything except Mirimon, General Vexus, Freya, and Yogg, and we are by no means a high end raiding guild. But we don't go in there and one shot it like we did with naxx. We go in, and we progress. We know that if we don't run out with the Gravity Bomb, we are going to kill the raid. We understand that if you stand in the fire on Razorscale you are going to die and fast. And if we can't dps Kologarn's right arm fast enough then people are going to die.

And that is the way it SHOULD be. You didn't stand in the raid on Solarian with the wrath debuff and not wipe half the raid. You couldn't run around in flame wreath and only take a small amount of damage. In Burning Crusade, if you messed up, then it was over, and that is the way it should be. Because when you mess up, you get in there, and you TRY again, and if you are a GOOD player, the second time around, you don't wipe the raid again. Ulduar was supposed to be on the same difficulty of SSC and TK...and it IS. You didn't see the majority of guilds get through those in a week. Don't expect it here. Let us progress.

I might be overeacting to the patch notes...I haven't gotten to see it in action yet, but our guild, and tons of guilds out there have proven that this content is doable. But from what I am seeing, all the ulduar changes in 3.1.2 are nerfs in the amount of damage different raid elements inflict. And there is no reason to. If players are having problems with the way it is now...then they need to run ulduar 10, or go back to naxx and get the rest of those upgrades. Leave Ulduar to the raids that have proven they can do it, and stop making content easy enough for everyone...because all it does is drive away the most commited and strongest players in the game.

It's a good post, Aavryn. Thank you for taking the time to write up some good feedback for us. :)

With that said, I think our views on raid content are at odds. If you're having difficulty comparing the raid content of Wrath to the raid content of Burning Crusade, it's because our philosophy changed a little bit. You say Ulduar's difficulty is supposed to be on par with SSC and TK, but that's not really true. The primary goal in this expansion -- and the reason we've implemented 10/25-player, and hard modes -- is to give as many people access to the raid content as possible. Just given the nature of raid dungeons, so many resources need to be poured into making them, from art, design, and story boarding, to programming and testing. It's a very intensive process and we want our players to experience the end result.

For this reason we're continuing with the philosophy that pick-up groups should have some level of success when raiding. Coordination and effort will still be necessary, as will the appropriate level of gear; but we don't want capable groups hitting brick walls, at least not within the first few boss encounters of Ulduar.

The difference in difficulty between 10-player and 25-player modes should also be fairly minimal. The distinction here is between the guilds that might not have the resources to more-than-double the size of their raid. 25-player content should be more difficult, but only incrementally. You'll find all the brick walls and incredibly challenging encounters in hard modes, and they're worth the effort and status for the experienced raiders.

I hope you don't take any of this to mean we expect anyone to waltz through Ulduar. That's not necessarily the case. You still need to know what you're doing and be appropriately geared for the fights. Even so, we want to get players in the door and have them feeling a natural, though slight progression in difficulty with each boss encountered.

When it comes to nerfing difficulty, we do intentionally tend to slightly over-tune things at the start. Our goal is to watch players of all levels of skill attempt each encounter, and then adjust the encounters according to the percentage of raids we expect to be killing specific bosses. While some may see this as us giving content to be people who don't deserve it, we feel it's a lot better than taking away content if we were, say, to make encounters too easy from the start and then buff them up after the fact.

The days of a marginal amount of players having a go at our raid dungeons are mostly over. We're continuing to brain storm ideas to keep the most-skilled raiders feeling challenged and rewarded, but we're going to continue ensuring that smaller guilds and players who haven't as much time to play each week get a reasonable chance to progress in each Wrath raid dungeon released.
#136 - May 1, 2009, 10:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You mean like the exact @#@@ing thing you did with the hard modes, Hodir in particular?

I wasn't speaking about hard modes. You need to relax or you're not going to be posting here anymore.
#153 - May 1, 2009, 11:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
This is an awful awful idea and Blizz you should be ashamed to be turning your game into Kiddy Time with Thrall For Bads.

You're not tuning for difficulty, you're tuning for BAD PLAYERS that, if they just wait long enough, won't even have to learn how to move out of fires.

Why? Because you'll just nerf fire until it's acceptable to just stand in it.

Stop rewarding the weak players of this game: there is no incentive to get better because hey, don't worry Blizz will just make it easier for us.

I *MISS* the pre-nerf sunwell. Okay? Raids should be DIFFICULT to finish to be truely rewarding to those that put in the effort to play well.

Whatever, they aren't even going to read this.

Hyperbole isn't convincing.
#239 - May 2, 2009, 12:17 a.m.
Blizzard Post
This discussion is certainly welcomed folks, but let us please keep it constructive. We are discussing a video game here after all. There are so many people playing that we're going to have disagreements about what we want out of our play time. There's no reason to condescend to others.

If you describe players and play styles you admonish with terms like bads, nerds, lifeless, etc, you're doing a disservice to the greater part of the community that's ultimately here to socialize and have a good time discussing a form of entertainment we enjoy. :)
#255 - May 2, 2009, 12:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Most people on the internet had their mothers to tell them to be nice to others and try to walk a mile in other people's shoes. If they choose to ignore that, then they're not going to do it because you told them to.

There are also several threads where players are just as demeaning to others in them all across these boards, could we possibly keep the blue posts in a thread about the current raid content about the current raid content? It's a little distracting to those of us eager to see justifications or reasonings behind the changes being made within hours of hard modes being defeated.

Then consider it a warning not to be a jerk in this thread if you want to keep posting.