Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the recently released World of Warcraft patch 6.0.3. Hotfixes are updates we make on our end without requiring you to download a new patch. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require your realm to be restarted to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client- side patch update. We will continue to update this list as additional hotfixes are applied.
Hotfixes have been listed by the date they've been implemented. The hotfixes have also been compiled by category for those wanting a quick summary of all hotfixes that have been applied since Patch 6.0.3.
Patch 6.0.x Information
- Patch 6.0.2 Now Live and Survival Guide
- Warlords of Draenor: Feature Overview
- The Iron Tide: 6.0.2 Patch Notes
- 6.0.2 Hotfixes
- Patch Installation & Troubleshooting
By Date
By Category
6.0.3 Patch Notes
WoW's 10th Anniversary
- [Requires a realm restart] WoW's 10th Anniversary event has received an extension! The event will begin again at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 6 and ends at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 13.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Garrison Buildings
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Players can now accrue as many Iron Horde Scraps as they want.
- Lumber Mill: Players can now accrue as much Timber as they want.
- Death Knight
- Talent
- Conversion now costs 15 Runic Power per second for Frost Death Knights (up from 10 Runic Power).
- Talent
- Hunter
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Hunters should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect when Freezing Trap activates on a target that is immune.
- Armor Sets
- Paladin
- Talents
- Empowered Seals (Protection, Retribution) should no longer incorrectly be providing a 30% increase to attack speed on top of its intended benefits.
- Armor Sets
- [Currently in testing] PvP 4-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now increases damage and healing by 2% per Holy Power spent (down from 3%) for 4 seconds (down from 8 seconds).
- Talents
- Assassination
- Assassin's Resolve now increases damage by 17% (up from 10%).
- Combat
- Vitality now grants 50% additional Attack Power (up from 40%).
- Subtlety
- Sanguinary Vein now increases damage dealt by 25% (up from 20%).
World Environment
- Nagrand
- Resolved an issue where players that die in the areas around Highmaul may be unable to resurrect at their corpse.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Grimrail Depot
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Assault Cannon's Suppressive Fire now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Grom'kar Gunner's Shrapnel Blast now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Iron Infantry now has less health.
- Grimrail Depot
- Ashran
- [Requires a realm restart] Players now have 60 seconds to accept the prompt to enter Ashran (up from 20 seconds).
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that could cause Quest achievements for Draenor zones to not be awarded correctly to characters below level 100.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Resolved a situation that could cause players to be unable to receive new Nemesis quests.
- Frostfire Ridge
- The Cure: Frostwolf Gladiators can no longer be killed by Alliance players.
- Guild Bank Money Logs should now be able to correctly display records of transactions greater than 215,000 gold.
- Outposts
- [Requires a realm restart.] Completing a quest for a newly swapped Outpost building should no longer cause it to incorrectly revert back to a pre-swapped state.
- Hunter
- Talents
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now work correctly with the Glyph of Mirrored Blades.
- Talents
- Priest
- Talents
- Clarity of Will's (Discipline) protective ward on a critical effect should now be correctly reduced by Battle Fatigue in PvP combat.
- Glyphs
- Glyph of the Inquisitor should now correctly be dealing self-damage against the Priest (with a chance to break crowd control effects) in PvP combat against enemy players with glyphed crowd control abilities that removes damage over time effects on the target.
- Talents
- Assassination
- Envenom should no longer incorrectly consume all of the Rogue's combo points if the ability misses or was dodged.
- Subtlety
- Hemorrhage's periodic effect should now be able to critically strike.
- Talador
- [Requires a realm restart.] Socrethar's Demise: Resolved an issue that could cause Socrethar to become unattackable.
- Legacy
- Report to the King: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains! and My Son, the Prince to become unavailable
- Warning the Warchief: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Machines of War and Enemies Below to become unavailable.
Creatures and NPCs
- Frostfire Ridge
- Iron Cannoneers no longer drop Iron Horde Scraps.
- Gorgrond
- Iron Banshee should now correctly award credit towards completing Assault on the Pit.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- The Everbloom
- Xeri'tac: Resolved an issue that could cause Venom-Crazed Pale One to not spawn in correctly.
- The Everbloom
- Ashran
- Fangraal and Kronus now costs 3000 Artifact Fragments to summon (up from 1000).
- Primal Spirits should now be dropping more frequently while harvesting mineral and herb nodes outside of the Garrison, from Skinning, and in a satchel obtained by completing the daily Fishing quest from the Garrison Fishing Shack.
- Potions purchased from the Brawler's Guild are now bind on pickup.
- Guide: Sharpshooting should now correctly have a chance to drop for Hunters from rare Draenor NPCs and creatures.
- Kowalski's Music Box should now correctly apply its soothing effect to targets that are not in combat.
- World Shrinker's effect is now removed when mounting up.
- Premade Groups should no longer display a Scenarios category for characters that are above level 90.
- Garrison Buildings
- Frostwall Mines: Mine Guards should now scale with the player's character level.
- Frostwall Mines Level 3: Mine Guards now have significantly more health and damage.
- Mage
- Talents
- Prismatic Crystal used in PvP combat, now transfers only 75% of total damage on Critical Hits, and only 50% of total damage on Multistrikes. There's no change to the ability in PvE combat.
- Talents
- Warlock
- Destruction
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Havoc now has a base cooldown of 20 seconds (down from 25 seconds).
- Destruction
Creatures and NPCs
- Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh should now correctly send players back in time to visit old Theramore.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now has a guaranteed chance to award a piece of Heroic Dungeon loot (item level 630 rare) appropriate for the character's loot specialization.
- Developer Commentary: We’re aware of excessive queue times for Heroic Dungeons. To help players have a better experience in Dungeon Finder, we’re expanding the rewards for Satchel of Savage Mysteries to award Heroic Dungeon loot in addition to the guaranteed Augment Rune, and a chance to contain a mount, Follower enhancement token, Battle Pet, or Battle-Stone. The satchel will remain Bind on Account and we'll continue to monitor Dungeon Finder queues and iterate as needed to ensure a great experience for everyone.
- Raids
- Highmaul
- The Butcher now has a chance to drop a Green Winter Hat.
- Brackenspore: Elements of the fight, such as hostile fungus and beneficial mushrooms should now be visible from further away during the encounter on Mythic difficulty.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved a situation where pulling Twin Ogron and having them despawn could cause the Imperator Mar'gok encounter to not work correctly on Mythic difficulty.
- Highmaul
- Garrison Buildings
- A hotfix in testing from December 11 for the Inn has been implemented. The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Yggdrel now deals less damage with the Entangling Vine ability.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Messages for obtaining an Augment Rune are no longer broadcasting to the party or raid group.
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus' health has been reduced by about 15% when the raid is scaled to 10 players on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. As the raid scales up to a maximum of 30 players, Tectus' health for 30 players remains roughly unchanged from before this hotfix.
- Highmaul
- Enchanting
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Mark of Blackrock can no longer trigger its effect for the first 40 seconds after equipping the weapon.
- Resolved an issue where having a player join the Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group just as another player was leaving could cause the button to queue up for additional players to remain greyed out for the rest of the group.
- Resolved an issue where the Darkmoon Faire was not showing up in the in-game calendar past December 2014.
Class Tuning Changes
- Please note, the following class tuning changes are still undergoing testing and will be implemented as soon as possible.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- Improved Focus Fire now grants a 5% increase (up from 2%) to attack power for every stack of Frenzy that had been consumed.
- Survival
- Serpent Sting's damage has increased by 60%.
- Beast Mastery
- General
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now increases all damage dealt by 5% (down from 10%).
- Assassination
- Venomous Wounds' damage has increased by 20%.
- Combat
- Blade Flurry now also strikes up to 4 additional nearby opponents for 35% of normal damage (up from 30%).
- Subtlety
- Backstab's damage has increased by 20%.
- Hemorrhage's damage has increased by 30%.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Map Icon for the Garrison should now appear correctly for characters that had undergone a faction change.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Alliance Tier 3 Garrison: Dungeoneer's Training Dummy for healing and damage have swapped places so melee classes are less likely to trigger the tanking dummy by accident.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Captured beasts can now stack to 20 (up from not being stackable).
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Armor transmogrification items obtained from the Dwarven Bunker/War Mill are now truly account-bound and can be sent to other characters on the same Battle.net account.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Corrected an issue that allowed a losing player to claim loot from victor's chest when multiple players died near-simultaneously.
- Stables: Corrected an issue where players could complete The Stable Master achievement without owning a Level 3 Stable.
- Druid
- Balance
- Sunfall (Starfall modified by Glyph of the Solstice) should now also be dealing 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Sunfall should no longer incorrectly have a chance to trigger Nature's Vigil.
- Balance
- Talents
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now interact correctly with Glyph of Deterrence.
- Talents
- Greater Invisibility should now correctly be counting as dispelling two damage over time effects instead of canceling them.
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Mages should now be correctly consuming stacks of the buff while casting Frostfire Bolt.
- Talents
- Hand of Purity should no longer incorrectly affect damage over time abilities that are immune from this damage reduction effect.
- Selfless Healer should now be correctly dispelled instead of having only 1 stack dispelled at a time.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins, Righteous Determination should now be dispellable.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Assault on Magnarok: Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs for the quest.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Flames of the Earth: Players are now able to free Magma Elementals without tap credit and completion credit for the quest is now shared amongst all characters in the party.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Removing the Reinforcements: Resolved an issue where the quest could not be completed if the character had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
- THAELIN!: Resolved an issue where players may not be able to complete the quest if they had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
World Environment
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Resolved an issue that could cause The August Celestials daily quests to not match up in a cross-realm zone.
Creatures and NPCs
- A large number of rare creatures and NPCs on Draenor can now be tapped by players on both factions.
- Gorgrond
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Poundfist now has 40% more health and increased the upper limit on the number of players his health can scale to.
- Spires of Arak
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Befuddled Relic-Seeker, Highmaul Relic-Seeker, and Highmaul Skullcrusher should no longer drop dead after being pickpocketed.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Raid Finder difficulty Highmaul should now be creating raid groups comprised of 2 tanks, 5 healers, and 18 damage dealers (instead of forming raid groups with 6 healers).
- Kargath Bladefist: Players should no longer be getting trapped in the tiger pit after defeating Kargath Bladefist.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Brackenspore: Creeping Moss' healing dealt to fungal spawn will now show up in the Combat Log.
- Brackenspore: Burning Infusion now increases damage and healing dealt by 13% per stack (up from 10% per stack) and decays more slowly at a rate of 1 stack every 4 seconds (up from 1 stack every 2 seconds).
- Ko'ragh: DPS caster trinkets should now correctly have a chance to trigger its effects on attacks that have been completely absorbed by Ko'ragh's Nullification Barrier.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Mark of Chaos abilities should now be correctly applied to all characters regardless of range.
- Highmaul
- Ashran
- PvP vendors in Stormshield and Warspear now have Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles for sale to Pandaren characters.
- Conquest Primal Gladiator trinkets have had their values adjusted proportionally to the Honor Primal Combatant trinkets.
- Players are now removed from a Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group upon accepting the queue to enter Ashran.
- Addressed an additional issue that could cause faction Captains to stop spawning.
- Events in Ashran should now be occurring more frequently.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] A Few Artifact Fragments should no longer be awarding more reputation than intended.
- Everbloom Seed Pouch no longer affects other players.
- Tome of the Clear Mind now stacks to 200 (up from 20).
- Garrison Buildings
- [Still in testing.] Inn: Inn quests can now be completed on the spot without returning back to the Garrison.
- [Still in testing.] Inn: The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
- Note: The following changes to Outposts will take effect with next week's scheduled maintenance.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Nagrand to 500 gold.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Gorgrond, Talador, and Spires of Arak to 5,000 gold.
- Changing Garrison Outpost buildings should now grant access to the building-specific questline for that zone, including building-specific follower(s).
- Additional information on changes to Outposts can be found in the forum thread titled: Upcoming Garrison Outpost Hotfixes.
- It is now possible to continue to receive Level 95-99 missions even when all Followers are level 100.
- Death Knight
- Armor Sets
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Blood Death Knights should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Armor Sets
- Druid
- Balance
- Starfall now deals 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Feral Druids.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Guardian Druids should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Balance
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks should now correctly reduce the Energy cost of Jab.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Mistweaver Monks should no longer incorrectly apply its effect to both the casting Monk and target at the same time.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Brewmaster Monks should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Paladins.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Protection Paladins should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- General
- Silence (Discipline) now prevents the target from casting spells for 2 seconds (down from 5 seconds). There is no change to the ability for Shadow Priests.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Priests.
- Talents
- Resolved an issue where Death from Above could sometimes incorrectly be granting multiple combo points in conjunction with Ruthlessness.
- General
- Ghost Wolf modified by Glyph of Ghostly Speed no longer provides a movement speed increase while indoors.
- [Still in testing.] Lava Burst (Elemental, Restoration) now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Enhancement Shaman now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- Affliction
- Nightfall should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Corruption dies.
- Destruction
- [Still in testing.] Chaos Bolt now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- Protection
- Shield Slam modified by Glyph of Shield Slam now only dispels 1 magical effect while the Warrior is in Defensive Stance.
- Armor Sets
- PvP 4-piece set bonus now generates 3 Rage for every 1% health lost (up from 1 Rage per 1%).
- Frostfire Ridge
- A Song of Frost and Fire: Players can no longer accept this quest if The Home of the Frostwolves is already in their quest log.
- Winds of Change: Olin Umberhide should now return if he despawns for any reason.
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Shadowspeaker Niir should now always be attackable.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Brackenspore: Elements of the encounter should now still be visible from further away.
- Twin Ogron: Pol's Arcane Ogron forms should now correctly use Arcane Charge based on the direction they're facing.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now use their abilities more consistently, using Crush Armor every 6 seconds (instead of 5-8 seconds), and Kick to the Face every 20 seconds (instead of 15-30 seconds).
- [Still in testing.] Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now deal 15% less damage on all difficulty modes.
- Highmaul
- Grimrail Depot
- Core of Iron should now correctly only be available on Heroic difficulty.
- Railmaster Rocketspark: Characters should no longer be taken out of stealth effects at the start of the encounter.
- Ragewing the Untamed: Blackhand Doomcutter should no longer be incorrectly dropping for characters that use Strength in Personal loot mode.
- Ashran
- Fangraal and Kronus no longer scales their health based the number of players they're fighting. Each faction guardian's health now scales based on the number of enemy players active at the time when they're summoned.
- Alchemy
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Alchemy recipes. Combat potion recipes no longer requires Crescent Oil and meat/fish, and will require herbs instead. Flask recipes now use more herbs, increasing the number of herbs needed from one type of herb to two.
- Draenic Agility Potion now requires 3 Fireweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Armor Potion now requires 3 Frostweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Channeled Mana Potion now requires 3 Starflower and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Potion now requires 3 Talador Orchid and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Mana Potion now requires 3 Gorgrond Flytrap and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Potion now requires 3 Nagrand Arrowbloom and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Agility Flask now requires 4 Fireweed, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Stamina Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Flask now requires 4 Gorgrond Flytrap, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Enchant Boots - Mastery now increases Mastery by 9 (down from 11).
- [Still in testing.] Mark of Blackrock now triggers its effect more frequently, and can occur when the character is below 60% health (up from being below 50% health), and can also trigger from blocking an attack or absorbing damage.
- [Still in testing.] Mark of the Shattered Hand now triggers its bleed effect less frequently.
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Jewelcrafting recipes. Tier 1 gem recipes now requires more ore and less herbs. Tier 2 gem recipes will no longer requires herbs and instead require a tier 1 gem.
- Critical Strike Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Fireweed.
- Haste Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Frostweed.
- Mastery Taladite take 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Starflower.
- Multistrike Taladite take 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Nagrand Arrowbloom.
- Stamina Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Talador Orchid.
- Versatility Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Gorgrond Flytrap.
- All Tier 2 gems now requires 50 Taladite Crystal, 10 Sorcerous Air, and one Tier 1 gem.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where Druids that performed a Character Boost would be unable to learn the Incarnation talent until they have completed Tanaan Jungle.
- Resolved a situation that could cause ore and mining carts in a player's Garrison to despawn.
- Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not correctly accrue rested experience when entering their Garrisons.
- Garrison Invasions
- Players defeating the final boss that pushes their invasion score to over 1000 should now correctly be able to receive credit for obtaining a gold rating.
- Druid
- Balance
- Shooting Stars should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Moonfire or Sunfire dies.
- Balance
- Hunter
- General
- Resolved a number of additional situations that could cause Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) to not correctly reset its cooldown.
- General
- Monk
- General
- Transcendence: Transfer should now continue to correctly reference new transfer locations after multiple uses.
- General
- Priest
- Talents
- Insanity's (Shadow) snare should now be correctly affected by abilities that remove or reduces the duration of snare effects.
- Talents
- Rogue
- Subtlety
- Honor Among Thieves should no longer cause Rogues with the Anticipation talent to stand up after receiving a Critical heal.
- Subtlety
Creatures and NPCs
- Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Rhonin, Leader of the Kirin Tor, should now be reciting their spoken lines to characters within a much smaller radius in the streets of the city of Dalaran. Note that his text... his text are still worth reading and continue to still be visible to those within the city.
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Enslave Demon and Control Undead effect.
- Goren Protector, Orc Ancestor, Ancient Ogre, and Ghostly Arakkoa should now correctly scale to level 100.
- World Bosses
- The world bosses Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless in Gorgrond now share a single loot eligibility lockout.
- Both Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless should no longer be available at the same time.
- Cordana Felsong should now be visible to characters that are at or above level 98.
- May Tirta and James Lamone located in Zangarra can no longer be attacked by characters.
- Solar Magnifier should no longer become untargetable if they are leashed while using the Excavation ability.
- Gordawg no longer uses Tectonic Slam.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Credit for defeating bosses on Raid Finder difficulty should no longer incorrectly have a daily reset instead of a weekly one.
- Highmaul
- Tectus: Motes of Tectus should now be properly tracked in the boss frames as intended.
- Twin Ogron: Phemos' thrown weapons now persist for 16 seconds after Quake has finished casting.
- Ko'ragh should no longer benefit from Critical Strike auras from players that are under the effects of Dominating Power.
- Ko'ragh: Resolved an issue where players may be unable to use execute abilities against Ko'ragh when his health is low.
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Slave Watcher Crushto: After being defeated, the miners should no longer be attackable, and no longer cause Croman to chase them out of range.
- Grimrail Depot
- Nitrogg Thundertower should no longer be able to get thrown off the train and wind up being stuck in evade mode.
- Added a second location for Iron Autocannon, Iron Limbcleaver, and Huge Crate of Weapons to the Grimrail Crash Site.
- Ashran
- Bonus objectives in Ashran now have a daily reset timer.
- Fortune Favors the Bold no longer provides a bonus to Honor Point gains.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Healers leaving an Arena match should no longer sometimes cause Dampening to reset.
- Resolved an additional number of situations where players could incorrectly obtain items that require Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip from a Rated Battleground or The Coliseum.
- Healing effects from healing potions should no longer incorrectly be able to critically heal or Multistrike.
- Raid buffs to Mastery no longer counts for food that provides a well fed buff to the highest secondary stat.
- Personal Hologram's temporary hologram of yourself should now be easier to see.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where dispelling Prayer of Mending was incorrectly only removing a single charge instead of the entire effect.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Increased the drop rates for Savage Blood from work orders.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill: Work orders now award more Iron Horde Scraps and increased the drop rates for Follower Enhancements.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Characters can now accumulate up to a maximum of 5000 Broken Bones at a time.
- Salvage Yard: Salvage recovered from a Garrison Mission should now always contain an item.
- Trading Post: The Savage Friends achievement now only requires the character to become Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation (down from 3).
- Trading Post (Alliance): The Sha'tari Defense quartermaster now correctly offers the Sky Fry Battle Pet for sale at Revered reputation.
- Druid
- General
- Resolved an issue where Druids may sometimes lose Flight Form (and fall) when logging in or exiting from a Battleground or Arena match.
- General
- Hunter
- General
- Kill Shot should now correctly reset its cooldown when it fails to kill the target due to Cauterize (Mage) or Guardian Spirit (Priest).
- General
- Mage
- Armor Sets
- Mage Tier-16's 4-piece set bonus is no longer guaranteed to trigger for characters above level 90.
- Armor Sets
- Warlock
- General
- Dark Soul's cooldown should now work correctly when used in conjunction with the talent Archimonde's Darkness and Glyph of Dark Soul.
- General
- Spires of Arak
- Orders, Commander?: Resolved an issue where characters that have performed a faction change may be unable to complete the quest.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Iron Flame Technicians should no longer be incorrectly dropping Normal difficulty loot on Raid Finder difficulty.
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed attack should now be correctly counted as an attack for abilities that require an attack to trigger its effects.
- The Butcher should no longer become unresponsive if a Rogue in stealth gets too close.
- Brackenspore: Unit frames for Living Mushrooms and Rejuvenating Mushrooms should now display properly.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Arcane Aberrations that have been Banished should now continue to use Collapsing Entity.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Added a portal transporting players back to The Coliseum from Throne of the Imperator after Imperator Mar'gok has been defeated.
- Highmaul
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- The portal that appears after Ner'zhul has been defeated should now transport players back to the beginning of the Dungeon.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- The level 90 bracket has been merged into the level 91-99 bracket.
- Priests should no longer be able to continue to hold onto the flag while in Spirit of Redemption form.
- Rated Battleground flag carriers in a tanking specialization should no longer be taking more damage than flag carriers in a non-tanking specialization. Previously, flag carrying tanks took 50% more damage and that stacked with an additional 25% damage received while in RBGs (additional 75% damage received total). This change removes the 50% additional damage taken while carrying a flag in an RBG.
- Enchanting
- Resolved an issue that could cause Enchanter's Illusions to be reverted from an item.
- General goods vendors across Draenor now offer Crystal Vials and Enchanting Vellums for sale.
- Consumable items that summons a fast mount can no longer be used while in a Challenge Mode.
- Elixir of Deep Earth now increases armor by 67 (down from 268).
- Primal Spirit is now only eligible for Greed rolls in Need Before Greed loot mode.
Class Tuning Changes
- Death Knight
- Frost
- Frost Strike's damage has increased by 7%.
- Howling Blast's damage has increased by 7%.
- Obliterate's damage has increased by 7%.
- Frost
- General
- Kill Shot's (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot's damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Arcane
- Arcane Barrage's damage has increased by 16%.
- Arcane Blast's damage has increased by 16%.
- Arcane Explosion's damage has increased by 10%.
- Arcane Missiles' damage has increased by 16%.
- Enhanced Pyrotechnics now causes a stacking 10% increased critical strike chance (up from 5% per stack).
- Molten Armor now increases spell critical strike chance by 15% (up from 5%).
- Frostbolt's damage has increased by 25%.
- Arcane Orb's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Comet Storm's (Frost) damage has increased by 25%.
- Meteor’s (Fire) damage-over-time effect has increased by 25%.
- Nether Tempest's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Supernova's (Arcane) damage has increased by 12%.
- General
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from the Monk's abilities (down from 15% increased damage).
- General
- Chain Lightning's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has increased by 10%.
- Lightning Bolt's damage has increased by 10%.
- Earthquake's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Beam's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Lash's damage has increased by 20%.
- Stormstrike's damage has increased by 20%.
- Restorative Waves now increases all healing done by 30% (up from 25%).
- Elemental Blast's damage has increased by 10%.
- Fury
- Bloodthirst's damage has increased by 20%, and has an additional 40% chance to be a critical strike (up from 30%).
- Execute's (Fury) damage has increased by 10%.
- Raging Blow's damage has increased by 33%.
- Wild Strike's damage has increased by 32%.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Ashran has been re-enabled as a potential daily strategic assault choice. This reverts a change from November 21.
- Garrison Buildings
- [Requires a realm restart.] Work orders for the following Horde buildings (Mine, Herb Garden, Goblin Workshop, War Mill, and Trading Post) and Alliance buildings (Dwarven Bunker, Gnomish Gearworks, Trading Post) should now correctly contribute credit towards the achievements for Working Some Orders and Working More Orders.
- Gem Boutique: Followers assigned to the building should now always offer a daily quest.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Highmaul Coliseum gladiator tournament should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Work orders were awarding much more gold and items than intended. The amount of items and gold awarded has been reduced to be more comparable to other buildings.
- Herb Garden: Visitors can no longer harvest the player's Frostweed.
- Salvage Yard: Awards for salvage have been split into 3 tiers based on the level of the Garrison Mission (Levels 90-94, Levels 95-99, and Level 100). Additionally, the mission needs to be successful for a chance to receive salvage with Level 100 missions having a guaranteed chance on success.
- Shadow Council Invasion: Concubine of Sin no longer awards points when defeated.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- The Fate of Karabor: Yrel should now always assist the player with Krull. Additionally, Krull's Brutal Smash now has a reduced range of 6 yards.
- Talador
- Not In Your House: Fort Wrynn Laborers should now always flee after defeating Ripgut.
- Send Them Running: Peons should now always flee after defeating Vicegnaw.
Creatures and NPCs
- Grom'kar NPCs in the Frostfire Iron Siegeworks and Gorgrond Blackrock Foundry areas should now correctly have a chance to drop Iron Horde scraps for characters with a Dwarven Bunker / War Mill in their Garrisons.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Shinri should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus: Visual markers for Earthen Pillar, Fracture, Meteoric Earthspire, and Radiating Poison should now be easier to see.
- Tectus: Meteoric Earthspire now deals less damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Tectus' targeting circle for Crystalline Barrage should now still be visible for users with projected textures disabled.
- Twin Ogron's Fierce Disposition, Savage Disposition, and Aggressive Disposition should now be showing up in combat logs.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane mines for Destructive Resonance should now be easier to see for users with projected textures disabled.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Visuals for Destructive Resonance should now be visible from anywhere in the Throne of the Imperator area.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane Wrath ability should no longer incorrectly jump to a player that has been Branded during Phase 4 with the Power of Replication.
- Highmaul
- Auchindoun
- Disabled the cutscene for Teron'gor that plays after defeating Azzakel on Challenge Mode.
- Skyreach
- Ranjit should no longer occasionally target the tank with Lens Flare and Windwall.
- Ashran
- Honor and reputation increases for turning in Artifact Fragments first noted on December 3, are now out of testing and have been implemented.
- Disabled health regeneration for Kronus, Fangraal, Grand Marshal Tremblade, and High Warlord Volrath when they leash or drop out of combat.
- Creatures outside of Ashran should no longer incorrectly have a chance to drop Artifact Fragments.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Rated Battlegrounds should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Archeology
- Pristine Ancestral Talisman and Pristine Cracked Ivory Idol should no longer be incorrectly awarded again if the character has already obtained the item.
- Follower Weapon and Armor enhancements can now stack up to 20.
- Temporary buffs that increase Critical Strike should now correctly increase Parry through Riposte for tanking specializations.
- Cracked Potion Vials should no longer drop for non-Alchemists.
- Everburning Candle was buffed much more than intended. The amount of mana granted has been reduced to 10,456 (down from 20,916). Additional information on the reasoning for this change can be found in the forum thread: Everburning Candle Changes.
- Gently Squeezed Toad is no longer usable while in a Challenge Mode Dungeon.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Got My Mind On My Draenor Money now only requires looting 2,500 gold in Draenor (down from 10,000).
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Garrison Buildings
- Fishing Shack: Completing a daily Fishing quest now awards 15 skill points to Fishing (up from 1).
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: Overcharged Demolisher should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: "Skyterror" Personal Delivery System should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Corrected an issue that could cause Bloodmaul Stronghold, Shattrath City, and the Pit to sometimes not drop Apexis Crystals despite being an active quest area for the day.
Creatures and NPCs
- Fate-Twister Tiklal has relocated to a more prominent location closer to the Apexis Traders in Warspear.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Butcher: The boars Krush and Smash now deals less damage with their Boar's Rush ability and should no longer kill players in one hit.
- Tectus: Players should no longer be able to use their bonus rolls twice after defeating Tectus.
- Highmaul
- Ashran
- To address a potential pathing issue, Fangraal, Kronus, and faction Captains now continuously push towards the enemy faction's base.
- Players entering Ashran from a PvE realm should now be correctly flagged for PvP.
- Characters should no longer be able to resurrect at the King's Road graveyard if their faction isn't in control of that point.
- Resolved an issue where faction Captains may not be spawning correctly.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Resolved an issue where if a Flag Carrier was standing in the area where their team's flag would be when it is returned, they'd be unable to capture the flag until they leave and return to the area again.
- Arathi Basin: Characters on the Alliance team in a Rated Battleground should now be able to be resurrected by their Spirit Healer at the Blacksmith graveyard if their team is in control of it.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Eye of the Storm: Characters in a Rated Battleground will now return to their team's starting position when releasing, regardless of what bases their team controls.
- The Battle for Gilneas: Resolved issues where Spirit Healers may sometimes not spawn in correctly when a point has been captured.
- First Aid
- Antiseptic Bandage no longer requires Sea Scorpion Segments to craft.
- Jewelcrafting
- Critical Strike Taladite should no longer incorrectly require a Taladite Crystal to craft.
- Consuming a Draenor potion, elixir, or flask should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Mantid Elixir now provides a more reasonable increase to armor.
- Primal Combatant's Drape of Contemplation now provide a bonus to Multistrike instead of Critical Strike to differentiate it from the Drape of Meditation.
- Primal Gladiator's Drape of Contemplation now provide a bonus to Multistrike instead of Critical Strike to differentiate it from the Drape of Meditation.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Resolved an issue where players may become stuck or be disconnected while attempting to visit other Garrisons.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The Coliseum scenario now requires 15 players to start (up from 10).
- Herb Garden Level 3: The Draenor fruit tree should now always bear fruit even if no Followers are assigned to work there.
- Player pets should now correctly rejoin the player after taking a flight path or using a vehicle.
- Paladin
- General
- Eternal Flame's initial healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Flash of Light's healing has been reduced by 20% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Word of Glory's healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- General
- General
- Mass Dispel should no longer be incorrectly dispelling Cyclone without a Glyph of Mass Dispel equipped.
- Power Word: Shield critical hits should now correctly absorb only 150% of normal in PvP.
- Divine Aegis' should now correctly absorb only 50% as much in PvP.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus: If Tectus enters Berserk mode while in the process of shattering, the resulting Shards of Tectus and Motes of Tectus should now correctly enter Beserk mode as well.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where Tectus could have no loot if the entire raid dies before his death event was complete.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved an issue where credit for completing the achievement Brothers in Arms was being incorrectly awarded.
- Highmaul
- Critical Heals should now correctly heal for 150% of normal in PvP (they were incorrectly healing for 175% of normal).
- Gladiator's Distinction, the 2-piece set bonus now reduces damage taken from players by 15% (up from 10%).
- Being attacked in PvP combat and triggering the secondary item level on PvP gear should no longer cause the player's health to decrease by more than intended.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battleground Flag Carriers should now correctly have a 45-second delay before their location is revealed to the enemy team (was incorrectly revealing their location immediately).
- Resurrection times in Rated Battlegrounds has been corrected to be 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Guild news should no longer be displaying (and getting spammed with) entries for characters looting items for the Legendary Ring Quest Line.
Bug Fixes
- Recruit-a-Friend characters should now be correctly receiving a 300% bonus to the experience awarded for completing a Dungeon (was incorrectly awarding 900% instead).
- New Pandaren Hunters that use the Level 90 Character Boost should now start with a turtle pet.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3, Build 19243
Released: 12-03-2014
Bug Fixes- Resolved an issue where the experience reward for a quest may display incorrectly.
- Resolved a display issue for quest objectives that have received a hotfix to sometimes not update properly.
- Resolved an issue where players may be unable to connect to another realm if they attempt to switch to a different realm after being in a server queue.
- Resolved an issue where the Mac OS game client may sometimes crash on launch or close improperly.
- Resolved an issue where adding or removing a friend may cause the player to be unable to whisper to any BattleTag friends.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Book of Garrison Blueprints should now be consumed when learned and can also be destroyed.
- Resolved a number of issues where players may sometimes be unable to enter their Garrisons.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The building should now correctly provide the benefits from earlier levels 1 and 2.
- Inn: To encourage players to not leave in the middle of a run with a Dungeon Finder group, quests received from the Garrison Inn now requires the final boss of the Dungeon to be defeated.
- Inn: Millhouse Manastorm can now always be found on the second floor.
- Mage Tower/Spirit Lodge: Greatly increased the drop rates for Ogre Waystones.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Salvage Yard: Special transmogrification items obtained from crates of salvage are now Rare (blue) quality to help distinguish them. Additionally, these items are now able to be disenchanted.
- Tannery Level 2: Rorok Ironhide (Horde) should no longer incorrectly be selling tents.
- The Forge Level 2: Followers assigned to work at the building should now be able to correctly grant Solace of the Forge and Song of the Anvil buff.
- Botani Invasion: The Gnarled Ancient should no longer get stuck and be able to enter a Horde Garrison.
- Iron Horde Invasion: Made a number of adjustments to make Gold Victory more obtainable.
- Magister Krelas should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Elvenkind trait.
- Magister Serena should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Humanist trait.
- Death Knight
- Glyphs
- Glyph of Death and Decay should now also apply its effect for Death Knights with the Defile talent.
- Glyphs
- Druid
- Restoration
- Nature's Swiftness should now correctly increase the healing over time effect and duration of Regrowth.
- Talents
- Soul of the Forest (Restoration) should now interact and correctly apply its healing bonus while Nature's Swiftness is active.
- Restoration
- General
- Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) should now correctly reset its cooldown if the target becomes immune, have abilities, or talents that trigger to prevent the target from dying.
- Mistweaver
- Life Cocoon's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Talents
- Chi Wave should now correctly bounce up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.
- General
- Hand of Freedom modified by Glyph of Hand of Freedom should now correctly reduce the remaining duration of all loss of control effects when used on other players.
- General
- Mass Dispel modified by Glyph of Mass Dispel should no longer incorrectly dispel Cyclones cast by a friendly player.
- General
- Shaman totems should no longer be damaged by the Death Knight talent, Defile.
- Enhancement
- Maelstrom Weapon will no longer increase the damage or healing effects of spells that consume the Ancestral Swiftness buff.
- Restoration
- Riptide modified by Glyph of Riptide should no longer incorrectly consume Echo of the Elements when cast.
- Armor Sets
- Tier-15 2-piece set bonus should no longer be retained incorrectly when the set pieces are no longer equipped.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Karg Unchained: Players should now be able to complete or re-accept this quest after completing Return to the Pack.
- Gorgrond
- Assault on the Pit: Defeating Iron Horde NPCs in the middle of the pit should now correctly grant credit towards completion of the quest.
- Spires of Arak
- Hot Seat: The Apexis Turret should no longer be able to accidentally damage players.
World Environment
- Resolved issues that can occur for characters that retain the Time Travelling effect outside of Blasted Lands and Theramore.
- Players should no longer be unable to leave the tower after obtaining Steamwheedle Supplies in the Ring of Trials area in Nagrand.
Creatures and NPCs
- Frostfire Ridge
- Borrok the Devourer should now drop a Devourer's Gutstone that allows more than one player to loot it.
- Fernus is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Krosnis is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Tarlna the Ageless' Genesis ability now summons a maximum of 15 Giant Lashers and has a increased duration of 12 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
- Objects in the Mok'gul Watchpost area should no longer incorrectly cause the player to remain in combat and be unable to interact with those objects.
- Warsong Marauders should no longer attack Rogues that pickpocket them.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now have a chance to contain a mount, pet, pet consumable, Draenor consumable, or Follower upgrade token in addition to an Augment Rune.
- Raids
- The entire raid is no longer notified when a player loots an Elemental Rune or Abrogator Stone.
- Highmaul
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed ability now deals less damage if it's triggered by their off-hand weapon.
- Brackenspore should now correctly heal back up to full health at the start of the encounter.
- Tectus' Berserk timer is now 10 minutes on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where defeating Tectus just as he was going into Berserk mode could result in no loot.
- Tectus: It should now be possible to obtain the achievement, More Like Wrecked-us.
- Grimrail Depot
- Borka the Brute is now immune to taunts from player pets.
- Grom'kar Cinderseer's Lava Wreath ability should no longer hit pets.
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability should no longer incorrectly disorient Rogues with Cloak of Shadows active.
- Emberscale Adolescents and Emberscale Whelplings should now always be targetable while in combat.
- [Requires a realm restart.] New Honor and Conquest vendors have been added to Stormshield and Warspear.
- In Stormshield, Alliance players can find Bregg Coppercast (Honor) and Ingrid Blackingot (Conquest) standing in front of the Siege Tank near the exit to Ashran, across from the training dummies.
- In Warspear, Horde players can find Lieutenant Brokefist (Honor) and Lieutenant Axelash (Conquest) on the hill next to the exit to Ashran, just down the path from the inn.
- Faction balancing is now in effect if there are more than 5 players from each faction in Ashran.
- Fortune Favors the Bold has been increased to 100% additional Honor Points and Artifact Fragments (up from 25%).
- Artifact Fragment rewards from Ring of Conquest Ogre guards, or Ashran rares should no longer decrease based on the number of players engaging them.
- [Still in testing.] Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 3 Honor Points per fragment (up from 1 Honor Point).
- [Still in testing.] Increased reputation gains with Wrynn's Vanguard and Vol'jin's Spear.
- Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 5 reputation points per fragment (up from 1 reputation point).
- Turning in tokens recovered from a defeated player now awards 2500 reputation points when turned in (up from 350 reputation points).
- Completing a bonus objective now awards 500 reputation points.
- Defeating Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath now awards 2500 reputation points.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Warsong Gulch: Players in a Wargame or Rated Battleground should no longer be sent to the wrong graveyard.
- Draenor Treasure Maps are now bind on pickup.
- Bonemaw's Big Toe can now be Needed by Warriors.
- Ironmender's Totem can now also trigger its effect from healing spells.
- Moonfang’s Paw is no longer unique.
- Moonfang’s Shroud is no longer unique.
- Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao's Endurance of Niuzao effect should now trigger first if the ability is not on cooldown before triggering the Purgatory talent for Death Knights.
- Raw Riverbeast Meat should now correctly drop from Riverbeasts and no longer be incorrectly dropping from Basilisks.
- Tormented Armament, Munificent Armament, and Grandiose Armament tokens obtained from completing a Garrison Mission should no longer incorrectly create one-handed warmaces for Assassination and Subtlety Rogues.
- Resolved an issue where Draenor PvP gear may display incorrect item levels and stats.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors that spawns inside of the Garrison should now be lootable if they're killed by an NPC (like a Bodyguard). An additional hotfix is being worked on that will also apply this while encountering Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors outside of the Garrison as well.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap should no longer be incorrectly triggering when other players run over it.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill Level 2: Added a 2 hour grace period for cosmetic gear purchases from this building, allowing characters to sell the item back for a full refund. Note that utilizing the item for transmogrification will remove this grace period.
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: Fight, Kill, Salute! now awards 500 Conquest Points (down from 1500).
- Menagerie Level 3: Reduced the number of pet battle wins needed for the Draenic Pet Battler achievement from 500 to 150.
- Stables Level 3: Completing The Stable Master achievement should now correctly award the Stable Master title.
- Players should now be eligible to receive an Invader's Forgotten Treasure once a week if they complete the invasion with a Gold Victory.
- Corrected an issue that was causing progress towards a Garrison invasion to reset each week.
- Conquest Garrison Missions have been disabled temporarily from the pool of available missions for players that are eligible to receive them.
- Death Knight
- Armor Sets
- Death Knight PvP 2-piece set bonus from previous PvP Seasons should now grant 1 Runic Power when Chains of Ice is used (down from 10 Runic Power).
- Armor Sets
- Mage
- Armor Sets
- Mage Tier-12 2-piece set bonus' summoned Mirror Images should no longer be dealing an excessive amount of damage.
- Armor Sets
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Enveloping Mist's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- General
- Seal of Insight's healing effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- General
- Priest
- Holy
- Lightwell's heal over time effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- Binding Heal should now correctly heal both the Priest and friendly target.
- Holy
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Downsizing the Darktide: Ra'ka Bloodspear should now correctly allow multiple players to receive tap credit.
- Shattering the Enemy: Increased the spawn rates for Felstorm Crystal.
- A Centurion Without a Cause: Defeating Woodfist far away from High Centurion Tormmok should no longer cause him to remain hostile to the character and allow players to complete the quest.
- Assault on the Pit: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs for this quest.
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Strike While the Iron is Hot: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- My Precious!: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive completion credit for the quest. Additionally, players that have adandoned the quest should now be able to see Bazwix to reobtain the quest.
- Ring of Trials quests can no longer be completed while in a Siege Tank or Demolisher. Seriously, that's not even a fair fight.
- Goldmane the Skinner: Taking the cage key without opening the cage to let Goldmane out no longer prevents Bolkar the Cruel from respawning.
- Upgrading the ring should now correctly remove the old ring from the player's inventory.
World Environment, Creatures, and NPCs
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Dominate Mind ability.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Time-Warped Tower can now be looted by Alliance characters.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Darktide Rylakinator-3000's attacks now deal more damage.
- Talador
- NPCs in the Aruuna area should no longer cause Horde characters to become stuck in combat.
- Burning Eye's Eye of the Legion ability now has a reduced range of 30 yards (down from 100).
- Daggerjaw Pridelord, Daggerjaw Raider, and Daggerjaw Hoarder now deal less damage.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Molten Core
- Trash mobs like Ancient Core Hounds and Lava Surgers no longer respawn.
- Molten Core
- Dungeons
- Cloth chest pieces should now correctly have a chance of dropping on Personal loot mode.
- Bloodmaul Slagmines
- Slave Watcher Crushto's Ferocious Yell now deals 10% less damage.
- Slave Watcher Crushto: Captured Miner's Traumatic Strike now has a recast time of 6 seconds.
- Achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live: Croman should now be more forviging with how far apart he can remain from the player he's following before despawning.
- Grimrail Enforcers: Makogg Emberblade's Lava Sweep should now always deal damage to players.
- Credit for completing the achievement I Saw Solis should now be correctly awarded.
- Kyrak's Rejuvenating Serum now has a duration of 9 seconds (down from 12 seconds). On Heroic difficulty and Challenge Mode, the ability now heals for the 8% (down from 10%).
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability can now hit players that are not in line-of-sight.
- Conquest Points have been converted into Honor Points before the start of the season.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Conquest Quartermasters Marshal Gabriel (Alliance) and General Aevd (Horde) have reinstated to sell Conquest gear. This reverts the hotfix from November 17.
- Cross-realm groups are now able to enter Ashran together.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Strand of the Ancients should now correctly award players with a Gold Strongbox for winning.
- Level-up items created by some professions no longer use reagents that required a daily cooldown to create and are no longer soulbound. To compensate for this change, basic reagent requirements have been increased and vendor buyback price for those items have been reduced now that they're less rare.
- Enchanting
- Mark of Blackrock now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Earth (down from 10).
- Mark of Shadowmoon now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Fire (down from 10).
- Blingtron 5000 should now correctly resume offering their daily quest after defeating another Blingtron.
- Ink Traders should now accept Warbinder's Ink in exchange for other inks.
- Many epic trinkets in Draenor received a buff to ensure a proper progression path through the Raid tier. This change affects world-drop BoE epic trinkets, Inscription-crafted epic trinkets, and trinkets that drop from Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Further information on this change could be found in the forum thread titled: Trinket Hotfixes.
- Note that Scabbard of Kyanos was unintentionally buffed much more than intended and its stats will be reverted to a more reasonable level.
- Missing Class Glyphs
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Glyph of the Solstice (Druid)
- Glyph of Flying Fists (Monk)
- Glyph of Cleanse (Paladin)
- Glyph of Purification (Priest)
- Glyph of Purify Spirit (Shaman)
- Glyph of Frostbrand Weapon (Shaman) will be automatically learned at level 75.
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Tooltips for players in Premade Groups should no longer incorrectly display their level 90 Proving Grounds achievements.
Update 2, Other Hotfixes: 6:00pm PST
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Item rewards received from a Garrison invasion now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap now have a 15-second cooldown (down from 30 seconds).
- Mine Levels 2-3: Mining Carts now contains more Primal Spirits and Archeology fragments. The amount of ore given by each mining node has been adjusted to a more appropriate level.
- Death Knight
- Talents
- Breath of Sindragosa should now work correctly with the Plaguebearer talent, extending the duration of diseases when used.
- Talents
- Monk
- Talents
- Chi Explosion's visuals should now be more visible and the ability's sound effects should no longer be too quiet.
- Talents
- Paladin
- Holy
- Beacon of Light's sound effects should no longer be excessively loud.
- Holy
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Assault on Socrethar's Rise: Sargerei Binders should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Talador
- Dreadpiston: Dreadpiston should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Nagrand
- Assault on the Gorian Proving Grounds: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the quest area.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Items obtained from Garrison Mission above level 615 now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Lumber Mill: Legacy of the Ancients has increased spawn rates of Medium Timber around the Botani Marsh area in Shadowmoon Valley.
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the Mok'gol Watchpost area.
- Talador
- Brutag Grimblade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Nagrand
- Hallvalor Blademaster should no longer be chasing players for excessively long distances.
- Katsuo should no longer be incorrectly using Wind Walk to target players that they're not in combat with.
- Fangraal and Kronus now have 25% less health.
- Grand Marshal Tremblade and High Warlord Volrath now scales their health based on the number of players in the zone.
- Alliance captains should now be retreating in the correct direction.
- Resolved an issue where multiple captains dying at the same time could cause an incorrect number of captains to respawn.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- After a lengthy discussion with the Postmaster regarding their mailing habits, the Postmaster should no longer be mailing back gray quality items and money that haven't been looted by characters.
- Resolved an issue where completing a Warlords of Draenor Dungeon was incorrectly being crediting progress towards the achievement, Queuing Spree.
- Grimrail Depot
- Fire effects for Slag Blast and Slag Tanker should now be visible across all graphics settings.
- Iron Docks
- Grimrail Enforcers: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Ahri'ok Dugru, Makogg Emberblade, and Neesa Nox are defeated in.
- Skulloc: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Skulloc, Koramar, and Zoggosh were defeated in.
- The Everbloom
- Mutagen can now stack up to 10 times (down from 20) and have a maximum duration of 1 minute.
- Ancient Protectors: Shaper's Fortitude has been removed on Heroic difficulty.
- Orebender Gor'ashan's visuals for his Electric Pulse should now correctly reflect the ability's area-of-effect.
- Items contained within the Challenger's Strongbox now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Ashran
- Class book abilities should now be correctly removed when leaving Ashran.
- [Still in testing] Crafted gear and weapons received an item level boost. Tooltips for the items will still display the incorrect (older) item level.
- Crafted Tier-2 weapons now have an item level of 645 (up from 640).
- Crafted Tier-3 weapons now have an item level of 660 (up from 655).
- Crafted Tier-3 gear now have an item level of 670 (up from 665).
- Rare (blue) quality items now have a greatly increased chance to disenchant into Draenic Dust instead of a Small Luminous Shard. Additionally, characters with the Enchanting profession should receive more Draenic Dust while disenchanting an item.
- [Still in testing] Mark of Blackrock now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Earth (down from 10).
- [Still in testing] Mark of Shadowmoon now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Fire (down from 10).
- Swapblaster's visual effect should no longer persist indefinitely.
Bug Fix
- Resolved an issue where buffs received from a Shamanstone was incorrectly causing the character to travel much more slowly while on a flight path.
Update 1, Class Tuning Changes: 12:00pm PST
Please note that some of the class tuning changes listed below are not yet live and are still in the process of being implemented.
- Orc
- Hardiness now reduces stun duration by 15% (up from 10%).
- Undead
- Will of the Forsaken has a 2-minute cooldown once more (down from 3 minutes).
- Death Knight
- General
- Blood Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Frost Fever, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- General
- Talents
- Necrotic Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Balance
- Moonfire, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Sunfire, when used in PvP combat may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Predatory Swiftness no longer increases the healing done by Healing Touch.
- Heart of the Wild's bonuses are now halved when used while in PvP combat.
- Pulverize (Guardian) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Arcane
- Arcane Blast's damage has been increased by 10%.
- Fire
- Pyroblast's damage has been increased by 35%.
- General
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 15% increased damage (down from 20%).
- Tiger Palm (Brewmaster, Windwalker) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Guard's damage absorption shield now absorbs 100% more damage.
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now defers 30% of damage taken to be divided over 10 seconds (up from 20%).
- Glyph of Keg Smash should now correctly increase the range of Keg Smash.
- Protection
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases Shield of the Righteous' damage reduction by 0.5% per point, down from 0.75% per point.
- Grand Crusader now also has a 30% chance to trigger its effect from Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous.
- Shield of the Righteous now reduces physical damage taken by 25% (up from 20%).
- General
- Chain Lightning's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has been increased by 35%.
- Lava Burst now has a chance equal to the character's Critical Strike chance to trigger an additional Multistrike. This is separate from the standard two chances for Lava Burst to Multistrike; one Lava Burst could trigger up to three Multistrikes (two standard Multistrikes, plus one more from Critical Strike chance).
- Lava Lash's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Stormstrike's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Affliction
- Agony's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Unstable Affliction's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Shadow Bolt's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Soul Fire's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Touch of Chaos' damage has been increased by 25%.
- Chaos Bolt's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Conflagrate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Immolate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Incinerate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Rain of Fire's damage has been reduced by 60% and no longer generates Burning Embers.
- Shadowburn's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Demonbolt's (Demonology) damage has been increased by 10%.
- Soulburn: Haunt (Affliction) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Protection
- Revenge's damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Shield Slam's damage has been reduced by 20%.
World Environment
- [Requires a realm restart.] The time that corpses persist in the world has been restored back to their former durations.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- [Requires a realm restart.] Resolved an issue where players were unable to queue through Dungeon Finder while in Warspear or Stormshield.
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, Black Iron Guards no longer join in the fight when he is at 10% health.
- Commander Tharbek should no longer be using Iron Axe, Imbued Iron Axe, and Iron Reaver within 4 seconds of each other.
- Orebender Gor'ashan's Electric Pulse should now correctly hit players that are standing on a Rune Conduit.
- Son of the Beast's Fiery Trail should no longer persist and continue to damaging pets after being defeated.
- Miner’s Coffee should no longer be incorrectly applying its speed buff outside of the Garrison's mine.
- Swapblaster should no longer be incorrectly swapping locations with targets other than another party member.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Characters are now guaranteed to have level 90-94 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 90-94 range and level 95-99 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 95-99 range.
- Work Orders should now also work with materials and reagents that are in the character's bank and reagent bank.
- Temporarily disabled Ashran as a daily quest choice while we continue to troubleshoot issues with some of the daily quests being offered.
- Followers
- Leeroy Jenkins: Resolved an issue where characters that were dead or in Spirit of Redemption form when completing the achievement Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy...? may sometimes not receive Leeroy Jenkins as a follower.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Assault on Darktide Roost: Increased the respawn rates of creatures and NPCs needed for the quest.
- Gorgrond
- Assault on the Pit: Blackrock Foundry Assaulted credit is no longer being awarded when using the Iron Troop Launcher.
- Shredder vs. Saberon: Resolved an issue where characters that leave the quest area immediately after receiving credit may be unable to turn-in the quest.
- Assault on Skettis: The debuff Infected Talons placed by various creatures in the area for this quest no longer stacks.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Defeating the ritualists Vile Siphonmaster, Crazed Obliterator, and Insane Nullifier now contributes credit towards completing the Pale Orcs Slain objective.
- Tarnished Bronze: Spirit of Kairozdormu's Time Bomb ability should no longer be hitting players that aren't in combat with him in a different phase.
World Environment
- [Requires a realm restart.] Portals leading to the Dark Portal in Blasted Lands have been added next to Archmage Khadgar in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
- Removed an erroneous treasure marker displayed by using the Spires of Arak Treasure Map for a Reagent Pouch that did not actually exist.
Creatures and NPCs
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs across a number of questing areas for level 100 daily quests.
- Reduced the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs laying siege in the areas around Shattrath City.
- Gruuk has moved to a new location where they can be seen by both Horde and Alliance players.
- High Warlord Volrath and Grand Marshal Tremblade now only award 50 Honor for defeating them (down from 500).
- Nagrand Prowler 's Leap for the Kill ability now has a shorter stun duration and smaller damage radius.
- Nok-Karosh's drop, Garn Nighthowl now only allows players in a party or Raid to roll greed.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Reverted the change to the default loot mode for random matchmade groups in Dungeon Finder back to Personal loot.
- In Personal loot, each player in the group will now always receive an item from the final dungeon boss.
- In Need Before Greed, the dungeon boss will now drop 3 items to be shared among the group as desired, up from 2 previously.
- Full premade groups queuing in Dungeon Finder now defaults to Need Before Greed and they can change the loot mode if they want.
- Reverted the change to the default loot mode for random matchmade groups in Dungeon Finder back to Personal loot.
- Railmaster Rocketspark's X21-01A Missile Barrage now deals 20% less damage.
- Araknath: Rogues using Vanish should no longer cause Araknath to become non-interactive.
- High Sage Viryx's Cast Down ability should no longer cause Druids to drop out of their shapeshifted form.
- Solar Flares are now able to correctly Fixate on a target even while stunned.
- Putrid Pyromancer should no longer continue to track the player when using their Dragon's Breath ability.
- Kyrak's Debilitating Fixation ability can now target players up to 50 yards away (up from 30 yards).
- Ragewing the Untamed's indicator for Fire Storm should now correctly display the ability's area of effect.
- Black Iron Leadbelcher should no longer incorrectly activate a Sentry Cannon while polymorphed or hexed.
- Players should no longer be incorrectly placed into a Molten Core where Ragnaros has already been defeated.
- Shazzrah's area of effect damage has been reduced.
- Firelord now uses the Lava Spawn ability less frequently.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, and Molten Giant's area-of-effect attacks now deals 50% less damage.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, Molten Giant, Lava Annihilator, and Lava Surger now have 30% less health.
- In a departure from the original Molten Core, reduced the aggro radius for most non-boss creatures from their original aggro radius from back in the day.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Tarren Mill vs Southshore
- Victory conditions are now for the first side to reach 300 points or the match results in a tie after 30 minutes.
- Tarren Mill Deathguards and Alliance Guards now have more health.
- Archeology
- Moved some Archeology nodes in the area around Icewind Drifts in Frostfire Ridge to no longer be in inaccessible locations.
- Epic quality Bind on Equip world drops are no longer eligible for a Need roll.
- Many Warlords of Draenor trinkets received an adjustment to their stats to provide a bonus that's more appropriate for the trinket's item level.
- Turbulent Cloak contained in Satchel of Helpful Goods should no longer result in creating an invalid item for Guardian Druids.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that could cause characters to become stuck on a flight path.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Stables Level 2: Characters should now be immune to being dazed while riding their mounts.
- The Forge Level 2: Solace of the Forge should now correctly only be usable while outdoors in Draenor.
- Trading Post Level 2: Players should now be able to gain reputation with the Sha'tari Defense or Laughing Skull Orcs.
- Outposts
- Nagrand Tankworks: Wor'var Demolisher and Telaari Siege Engine now deals less damage against other players.
- Hunter
- General
- Camouflage's stealth effect should now be reapplying correctly when the Hunter and their pet are stationary.
- General
- Mage
- Talents
- Prismatic Crystal when conjured, should now correctly last for its full duration.
- Talents
- Shaman
- General
- Totemic Recall should now correctly refund the mana cost back when used.
- Elemental
- Earthquake can now only Stun a target once per cast.
- General
- General
- Resolved an issue where Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg was incorrectly allowing Eye of Kilrogg to fly while on Draenor.
- Frostfire Ridge
- [Requires a realm restart.] Tricks of the Trade: Characters that have undergone a faction change can now complete this quest if they had already completed it on the opposite faction.
- Spires of Arak
- Assault on Skettis: Increased the drop rates for Talon Key. Additionally, Apexis Sol-Mender, Glowing Energizer and, Stalwart Warden should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Bonus Objective: Bladefist Hold: Increased the spawn rates for Brood Mother Xylax, Bagdoth Goredrinker, and Val'dune Fleshcrafter.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Veoryx should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Characters visiting someone else's Garrison should no longer be incorrectly seeing another player's daily quests.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Nemesis quests should no longer be incorrectly removed from the player's quest log if they log out while the building is under construction.
- Goren Invasion!: Adjusted a number of spawn points so the invaders should no longer get stuck in Garrison buildings.
- Scraps of Iron (Dwarven Bunker/War Mill): Completing the quest should no longer remove more Iron Horde Scraps than needed.
World Environment
- Increased the number of situations where items and abilities slowing the player's falling speed could be used while in outdoor environments.
Creatures and NPCs
- Graveltooth should now be using their inside voice to shout at players in the area instead of shouting at the entirety of Nagrand.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Reduced the item level requirement to queue for Normal difficulty Grimrail Depot, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, The Everbloom, and Upper Blackrock Spire to 595 (down from 600).
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Orebender Gor'ashan: Mobs from other parts of the Dungeon should no longer be joining the fight during the encounter.
- Challenge Mode
- Aviana's Feather should no longer be usable while in a Challenge Mode dungeon.
- Proving Grounds
- Statistics for Basic Healer (Endless) should no longer be incorrectly displaying under Basic Tank (Endless).
- Increased the amount of players that can be in Ashran to 150.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Primal Combatant PvP trinkets awarded from Gold Strongboxes should now contain stats that are more appropriate for the character's specialization.
- Primal PvP trinkets should now be eligible to grant players the Gladiator's Distinction set bonus.
- Primal Honor PvP gear should now correctly have a set bonus.
- Gnomish Net Launcher now has a level 91 requirement to equip and provides a more appropriate bonus to Versatility.
- Invisibility Field's effect is now on a shared cooldown with other invisibility effects.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where Draenor Perks for characters may sometimes not be saving correctly.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Fishing Shack: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Frostwall Mine: Fixed a number of True Iron Deposits that were spawning inside of pillars and terrain.
- Mage Tower/Spirit Lodge: Characters under a shapeshifting effect should now be able to use an Ogre Waygate to return to their Garrisons.
- Salvage Yard: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Outposts
- Nagrand: The building bonus for having a Corral should no longer incorrectly dismount Herbalists while harvesting resource nodes.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Spires of Arak: Bonus for the building should now switch correctly when changing buildings for the outpost.
- Followers that are 3 or more levels below the mission level now receive 10% of the mission XP and bonus XP (up from 0%). Additional information on how Followers and mission level affects their XP gain can be found in a forum thread titled Followers and Garrison Missions XP.
- Druid
- Balance
- Empowered Moonkin's clearcasting effect should no longer be incorrectly consumed if it's triggered while the Moonkin is in the middle of casting a spell.
- Balance
- Mage
- Talents
- Comet Storm should now correctly belong to the Frost school and is no longer usable if that school is locked.
- Talents
- Paladin
- Talents
- [Requires a realm restart.] Holy Shield should now correctly deal damage when blocking normal attacks as well.
- Talents
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Further increased the spawn rates of Pale Orcs and Rylak Eggs.
- For the Children!: Manastorm's Duplicator should now be correctly awarded to characters that complete the quest.
- Moving In: Characters that abandon the quest should now have an easier time reacquiring the quest and resume their progress on the main quest line.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Players that have completed Into the Heart of Madness should no longer sometimes be placed into an incorrect phase and be unable to complete the quest.
- Safety Measures: Increased the spawn rate of bog denizens.
- Shadowmoon Invasion! is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
- Skimming Off The Top: Increased the drop rates for Volatile Oil.
- Strike While the Iron is Hot: Blocked off the entrance to the Iron Docks so players won't accidentally wander out of the quest area and wind up getting lost.
- The Defense of Karabor: Players resurrecting at a graveyard during this quest should no longer be immediately attacked by Iron Horde NPCs.
- The Iron Wolf: Players should now be able to receive completion credit if they've died and released during the quest.
- Thunderlord Invasion!: The quest is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
Creatures and NPCs
- Apexis Traders Dawn-Seeker Krek (Alliance) and Dawn-Seeker Alkset (Horde) are now offering Exceptional gear (item level 645) for sale.
- Developer Commentary: The vendors' offerings were previously tied to the Highmaul raid unlock, but we wanted to make sure that players have useful items to spend their Apexis Crystals on, rather than positioning them exclusively as a catch-up item vendor. The final tier of Flawless gear (item level 655) will now unlock when the Highmaul raid becomes available, rather than when Blackrock Foundry becomes available.
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs in the Skettis Ruins area in Spires of Arak. [Requires a realm restart.] Additionally, resolved an issue where some creatures were incorrectly sharing loot with other players.
- Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Rangari Jonaa now has a cooldown on their Scatter Shot ability.
- Rotcap's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Typhon's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Characters with Warlords PvP gear that had its secondary item level activated due to being in PvP combat temporarily disqualifies them from queuing for Dungeons and Raid Finder. It can take up to 20 seconds after ending PvP combat before the character will be eligible to queue up normally.
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, players should no longer be kept in a constant state of combat between waves.
- Reverted a hotfix from October 15 that reduced all PvP damage by 25%.
- Gnomes are now able to increase their reputation with Wrynn's Vanguard.
- Coil of Sturdy Rope, a Horde quest item should no longer be incorrectly dropping for Alliance characters.
- Miner's Coffee movement speed buff should now stack correctly with other movement speed buffs.
- Solium Band rings can now be equipped at level 98 (down from level 100).
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Barracks: Training dummies have been temporarily removed from the Garrison.
- Barracks Level 2: Bodyguard followers accompanying the player are now more likely to assist with the player's current target.
- Mine Level 2: Preserved Mining Picks obtained from mining carts should now work correctly.
- Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on a flight path while attempting to fly into their Garrisons.
- Followers
- [Requires a realm restart.] Hulda Shadowblade should now be correctly awarded to players that have completed the quest, Standing United.
- Warlock
- Talents
- Grimoire of Supremacy's summoned Terrorguards and Abyssals should now correctly have the Avoidance ability.
- Talents
- Articles of the Fallen: Players that have already completed To the Garrison should now be able to see Kal'gor the Honorable to complete the quest.
- Battle in Ashran: The quest now requires players to obtain 100 Artifact Fragments and go to Shadow Hunter Ukambe (Horde) or Scout Valdez (Alliance) to complete the quest.
- Battle of Thunder Pass: Dying or leaving the area during the middle of the Battle of Thunder Pass event should no longer prevent players from completing the event.
- Bled Dry: Cages can now be opened by multiple players simultaneously.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Bushwhacker: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Draenor's Secret Power: Completion of this quest is now required before being able to move onto the next step of the Legendary quest chain. For characters that skipped this quest, completion of this quest has also been made into a requirement before being eligible for the next upgrade.
- Fate of Karabor: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: Resolved an issue where Farseer Drek'Thar may sometimes not accept quest turn-ins.
- Last Steps: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Krashyx should no longer get stuck in evade mode.
- The Battle for Shattrath: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- The Debt We Share: Players that are mounted should now be able to receive completion credit for this quest.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Infested: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- The Iron Wolf: Added another way for characters to obtain The Iron Wolf invasion quest for characters that upgraded to a Tier 3 Garrison before completing the main Frostfire questline.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Razorbloom: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Voice of Iyu: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
Creatures and NPCs
- Grand Marshal Tremblade should now drop a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox for Horde characters when they're defeated.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Increased the amount of experience awarded for completing a Draenor level-up dungeon (Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, Auchindoun, and Skyreach) to be more rewarding.
- Items looted from normal Level-100 dungeons now have a level requirement of 100 instead of 97.
- Iron Docks
- Players should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for completing the Take Cover! achievement without actually completing the achievement.
- Attempted to resolve an issue where Skulloc may sometimes not grant loot.
- Slag Mines
- Players that are dead should now correctly still receive credit for completing the achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live.
- The Everbloom
- Coagulated Genesaur Blood is now correctly flagged as a damage dealer trinket.
- Salyin Battle Banner is no longer eligible to be used during Challenge Modes.
- Resolved an issue where a realm may sometimes not have a Challenge Mode daily quest available.
- Auchindoun: Reduced the amount of enemies to kill to 48 (down from 50).
- Skyreach: Time needed to achieve a gold rating has been increased to 17 minutes (up from 15 minutes). Times for silver and bronze rating have been adjusted accordingly.
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Players receiving credit for Challenge Master: Upper Blackrock Spire achievement should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for Challenge Master: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds as well.
- Honor Quartermasters have been added to Ashran. Austin Feeney (Alliance) and Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (Horde) now sell Honor gear.
- Conquest Quartermasters Marshal Gabriel (Alliance) and General Aevd (Horde) have temporarily stopped selling Conquest gear.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- An item now needs to be at least item level 560 or above before being eligible to be scaled up to 650 in level 100 Battlegrounds and Arenas.
- The following items are now uncommon quality (green) so there's less award pop-ups when retrieving the them from Garrison work orders. There's been no change to the item's functionality or availability.
- Primal Spirit
- Savage Blood
- Burnished Leather
- Gearspring Parts
- Hexweave Cloth
- Metamorphic Crystal
- Taladite Crystal
- Truesteel Ingot
- War Paints
Bug Fix
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters that have XP disabled could wind up being unable to level.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Lunar Fall Inn/Frostwall Tavern: Improved the rewards for completing Budd's Gambit, Go Fetch, Ogre Ancestry, and Sky Dancers.
- Stables Level 2: Resolved an issue where characters were not remaining mounted while interacting with herb nodes.
- Trading Post Level 2: Multiple items for Auctioning for Parts should no longer be dropping at the same time.
- A Collection of Coils: Increased the drop rates for Coil of Sturdy Rope.
- A Feast of Shadows: Increased the spawn rate for Face-Stealers.
- Bonus Objective: Kill Warspear Priests no longer awards a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Increased the number and rate of Rylak Egg spawns.
- Core of Iron: Core of Iron should now only be found on Heroic difficulty Grimrail Depot.
- In Need Of A Hero: Completion credit for the quest is no longer shared amongst party members. This was causing other party members to be placed into an incorrect phase.
- Icespine Stinger: Increased the number of Icespine Stinger spawns.
- Legacy of the Apexis: Increased the drop rates for Apexis Core.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rate for Ango'rosh ogres.
- Strike While the Iron Is Hot: Resolved a situation where the Activate Primal Device button doesn't go away after completing the quest.
- The Battle of Thunder Pass: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Eldest: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Master Siegesmith: Master Siegesmith Uratok now scales his health based on the number of players engaging him.
- The Traitor's True Name: Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the quest.
- Wanted: Maa'run's Hoof should no longer incorrectly reward the exact same rings as Engorged Goren.
Creatures and NPCs
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures in the Shivering Trench area in Frostfire Ridge.
- Felwrought Annihilator is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- Mandragora now spawns more frequently and can be tapped by multiple players.
- Mor the Dominator can now be tapped by multiple players.
- Xanatos the Defiler will never be a slave and is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- Resolved an issue where Thaelin Darkanvil may not be visible as a quest giver to players that have rescued him.
- Resolved an issue where Warriors using Charge against some Grimfrost Lavaslingers could become stuck in the world geometry.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Increased the frequency of loot awards for Normal difficulty Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, and Skyreach.
- Heroic Dungeons should correctly have a daily lockout once more.
- Auchindoun: Players should now be able to take a Soul Transporter to get back to Teron'gor if the entire party died after defeating him.
- Coliseum Champion's Spoils and Gleaming Ashmaul Strongboxes should no longer incorrectly have a chance to contain Epic quality PvP weapons.
- Characters with over 600 skill should no longer continue to find catch-up items for the respective profession.
- Excavated Highmaul Thingamabob, Fungus-Infected Hydra Lung, Pulsating Brain of No'losh, and Thornmother Eye can now trigger its effect from non-healing spells as well.
- Resolved an issue causing the Mists of Pandaria Legendary Cloaks and Metagems to remain effective for level 100 characters.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Mine Level 2: Mining carts should now be easier to spot and should contain more than 1 piece of ore.
- Followers
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where characters were not receiving the quest.
- Druid
- Balance
- Resolved an issue where the balance cycle may incorrectly force the Druid to stand up.
- Balance
- Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where characters may not receive completion credit for the quest.
- I See Dead People: Resolved an issue where Bryan Finn may become unresponsive.
- Kaelynara Sunchaser: Resolved an issue where characters were unable to return to their bodies in Spirit Form if they die inside the Jorune Mines.
- Leave Nothing Behind!: Kur'ak the Binder now spawns more frequently.
- Mulverick's Plight: Increased the drop rate for Mulverick's Axe.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rates of the Ango'rosh Ogres.
- Save Wolf Home: Gronnstalker Korhol, Beastmaster Trokar, and Giantslayer Zhakta should now spawn more frequently. Additionally, resolved an issue where characters may be unable to complete profession quests while this quest is active.
- The Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where completing this quest may cause characters to be unable to progress if they're also on the quest for The Righteous March.
- Echo of Murmur now spawns more frequently.
- Made a pass on a number of rare creatures to allow multiple players to receive credit for personal loot if they helped defeat them.
- Reduced the density of Squirrels in Nagrand and, critters and Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge.
Update 3: 09:30pm PST
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- Resolved an issue where Keg Smash may sometimes not generate Chi when used.
- Brewmaster
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive this quest after completing the Embaari Defense Crystal event.
- Book Burning: Shadowborne Dementor should now always drop a Shadow Council Spellbook.
- Shivertail's Den: Made a change to make it easier to receive credit for "Find Shivertail's Mother".
- The Great Salvation: Draenei prisoners should spawn more frequently now.
- The Warlord's Guard: Increased the spawn rates for Thunk, Gullok, and Splorg.
- These Colors Don't Run: Characters now receive credit towards planting a Frostwolf Banner when they defeat or help in defeating a Bladespire Ogre with the exception of Bladespire Mauler, Chef, Boarbuster, Ogron, and Goresnout.
- Wrath of Gronn: Increased the spawn rate for Captive Gronns.
Creatures and NPCs
- Collision geometry has been added to Drek'Thar, Thrall, and Gazlowe in Frostfire Ridge.
- Gorg the Host should now allow multiple players to receive credit for defeating it.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Resolved an issue where item levels for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Skirmishes brackets below level 100 were not scaling correctly.
- Epic rings that are a part of the Legendary quest line can no longer be disenchanted.
Update 2: 6:00pm PST
- Adherents of the Sun God: Increased spawn rates for Adherent Bladewing.
- Dark Enemies: Increased spawn rates for Shadowmoon Voidmancer.
- Escape from Shaz'gul: Players can now receive completion credit for the quest by defeating Terrorfang at the end.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Gormaul Tower: (Temporary) Completion credit for the quest is automatically awarded once players reach the top of the hill.
- Great Balls of Fire!: To address an issue where some players were unable to destroy the barricade, players now receive quest completition credit once they get to the top of the ramp.
- Quakefist: Quakefist's health now scales based on the number of players fighting it.
- These Colors Don't Run: Multiple players can now place a banner on a Bladespire Ogre if they had tap rights.
- Various Kaliri in the Spires of Arak area should no longer be too high off the ground to be attacked.
- Various creatures should now correctly have a chance to drop fur that could be used for tailoring.
- Abberant's Paw, Gnarled Goren Jaw, and Redclaw's Gutripper now give a bonus to Spell Power.
- Toy Train Set has been temporarily disabled.
Update 1: 1:30pm PST
- Druid
- Balance
- Resolved an issue where the Eclipse indicator in the UI can sometimes not match the Druid's current Balance power.
- Balance
- Back to Work / Looking for Lumber: Greatly increased the number of trees available to mark for both Horde and Alliance versions of the quest. Additionally, Lunarfall Ravens respawn much more quickly now.
- Closing the Door: Resolved an issue where Void Portals may sometimes not close correctly.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: The Shamanstone no longer requires characters to interact with it and will grant its blessing to players that are nearby.
- Quakefist: Quakefist now spawns outside of the cave, making it easier to locate.
- Ship Salvage / What We Need: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
- The Clarity Elixir: Pristine Star Lily can now be looted by multiple players at the same time.
- These Colors Don't Run: Greatly increased the spawn rates for Bladespire Ogres and made them share tap credit.
- Vengeance for the Fallen: Bleeding Hollow orcs respawn much more quickly now.
- Durotan at Beastwatch in Gorgrond is now significantly tougher.
- Gorum can now be tapped by multiple characters. All players who contributed to defeating Gorum will now become eligible for loot.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Challenge Mode
- Characters can switch specializations once more after the Challenge Mode has started.
- Death Knight
- Talents
- Necrotic Plague now deals 20% more damage.
- Talents
- Druid
- Balance
- Lunar Peak should no longer incorrectly display as having 2 charges (it was always only 1 charge). Additionally, the tooltip will be updated in a future patch to clarify the damage increase only applies to Moonfire's initial damage.
- Balance
- Hunter
- General
- Explosive Trap now deals additional Fire damage over 10 seconds (down from 20 seconds). Total amount of damage dealt remains unchanged.
- Talents
- Binding Shot should now correctly stun targets affected by silence when they move more than 5 yards from the arrow. Additionally, targets should no longer incorrectly break out of stealth on entering Binding Shot's area of effect.
- Resolved an issue where Posthaste may sometimes not trigger correctly with Disengage.
- General
- Fire
- Combustion is now learned at level 80 (up from level 77).
- Brewmaster
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases armor by 75% (up from 50%), and reduces magic damage taken by 15% (up from 10%).
- General
- Power Word: Shield now absorbs 20% more damage.
- Discipline
- Holy Nova's healing has been reduced by 41%.
- Penance's damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
- Destruction
- Fire and Brimstone should now correctly hit all secondary targets within 10 yards, regardless of whether they're in combat with the Warlock.
- Talents
- Damage caused by Burning Rush while Soul Link is active should no longer incorrectly cause the Warlock to go into combat.
- Stacks of Demonbolt debuff should no longer be incorrectly removed by Hand of Protection.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- The Postmaster received a talking to and should no longer be mailing large amounts of unimportant items to players.
Pet Battle
- Grommloc, the delightfully dreadful baby murloc masquerading as Grommash Hellscream, legendary leader of the Warsong clan is now available. Players eligible to receive this pet will find it in their in-game mailbox. An Achievement for obtaining this battle pet will be added in a future patch.
- Darkmoon Top Hat can now only be used while the Darkmoon Faire is active.
- Dwarven Stoneform ability should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Death Knight
- General
- Outbreak modified by Glyph of Outbreak should no longer incorrectly consume Runic Power if the attack misses.
- General
- Hunter
- General
- Explosive Trap modified by Glyph of Explosive Trap should now correctly knock enemies away from the trap instead of away from the Hunter.
- Freezing Trap should now trigger correctly when a stealthed character walks over it.
- General
- Survival
- Serpent Sting should now be correctly applied to targets even if they move more than 40 yards away when struck by Arcane Shot.
- Hunter Pets
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Blood of the Rhino now reduces the pet's physical damage taken by 15% instead of increasing armor by 20%.
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Great Stamina now increases the pet's health by 60% (up from 12%).
- Carrion Bird: Bloody Screech can now be set to autocast.
- Discipline
- Divine Aegis should now correctly factor in the increase from Might of the Mountain racial passive.
- Holy Nova's healing has been decreased by 15%.
- Divine Star's healing or damage (depending on Specialization) has been increased by 15%.
- General
- Doomguards should no longer run out of energy from casting Doom Bolts.
- Talents
- Sudden Death is now 2.5 RPPM (real procs per minute increased by Haste) instead of a 10% chance to activate from autoattacks.
- Just Around the Corner: Characters should now be able to interact with Sparksocket's Tools.
- The Brothers Bronzebeard: Brann's Flying Machine has been made to be more sturdy and should no longer be destroyed too quickly.
- The Fall of Neferset City: Dark Pharaoh Tekahn should now spawn in correctly, allowing players to complete the quest.
- The Strength of Tortolla: The quest can now be completed by characters with the PvP flag enabled.
- Truce?: Characters should now be able to interact with Dull Carving Knife.
World Environment
- Fixed an issue where Zidormi may send players to an incorrect phase in the Blasted Lands.
- Timeless Isle
- Resolved an issue where Mist-Covered Treasure Chest could sometimes be empty.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Protectors of the Endless: Protector Kaolan's Defiled Ground ability now deals less damage.
- Heart of Fear
- [Requires a realm restart.] Garalon: Destroying Garalon's Legs should now correctly damage Garalon and resolved a situation where players facing one of the legs may incorrectly receive an error message that they're not.
- Dungeons
- Siege of Niuzao Temple: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, Where's My Air Support?
- Well of Eternity: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, That's Not Canon!
- Once a Challenge Mode has started, characters can no longer change specializations, talents, or glyphs.
- Resolved an issue where some eligible characters did not receive a Prideful Gladiator's Cloud Serpent.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battlegrounds
- [Requires a realm restart.] Characters should now receive a popup notifying them with the amount of bonus Honor that was awarded at the end of a Random Battleground match.
- Arenas
- Priests entering an Arena match while in Spirit of Redemption form should no longer die during the Arena Preparation phase.
- Mixology should be working correctly doubles the duration of flasks and elixirs once more.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Adjusted a number of item enhancements from earlier expansions that were providing a larger than intended bonus.
- Adjusted a number of potions from the Cataclysm expansion that were providing a larger than intended bonus.
- Crocolisk Au Gratin should now correctly provide a buff to Haste and Stamina instead of Expertise and Stamina.
- Fisherman's Feast now provides a more reasonable buff to Stamina.
- Formula: Enchant Ring - Striking no longer has a use effect as the formula it teaches no longer exists.
- Haunted Memento's Haunted effect is now a buff that can be removed by the character.
- Resolved an issue where items transmogrified into The Horseman's Horrific Hood or The Horseman's Sinister Slicer could revert back to their original state.
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters could cause them to forget spells that have been taught by items.
Darkmoon Faire
- Reduced the levels of Moonfang, Moonfang Packmate, Moonfang Dreadhowl, Moonfang Snarler, and Darkmoon Rabbit back to pre-Warlords expansion levels. The creatures needs to respawn for the changes to take effect.
- Heirloom items sold at the Darkmoon Faire should no longer have a gold cost associated with them.
- Firebird's Challenge: Blazing Rings are no longer shared with other players.
- It's Hammer Time: Characters that have been flagged as PvP enabled should now be able to complete the quest.
- Hunter
- Talents
- Damage from A Murder of Crows can no longer be dodged.
- Talents
- Priest
- Talents
- Discipline: Spirit Shell's damage absorption shield should no longer be weaker than intended.
- Talents
- Rogue
- Talents
- Burst of Speed should now be usable even if the Rogue is under the effects of other movement speed buffs.
- Talents
- Shaman
- Elemental
- Earthquake's knock down effect is no longer affected by diminishing returns, but the knock down effect now only has a duration of 1.5 seconds.
- Elemental
- Blood of the Betrayer: Rogues should now be able to remove Arcane Infused Armor from Nalice, and be able to complete the quest.
- Dah, Nunt... Dah, Nunt...: Players should no longer remain stunned indefinitely and be able to complete the quest.
- Get Kraken!: Increased the health for North Sea Kraken by 1000%.
- Raids
- Throne of Thunder
- [Requires a realm restart.] Dark Winds debuff should no longer incorrectly persist on the character, preventing them from being able to use mounts.
- Ulduar
- XT-002 Deconstructor's Searing Light ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- The Obsidian Sanctum
- Defeating Sartharion too quickly should no longer cause him to not drop a mount.
- Black Temple
- Illidan Stormrage: Fixed an issue where defeating Flames of Azzinoth too quickly in phase 2 may cause Illidan to not land.
- Throne of Thunder
- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom: Resolved an issue where players defeating multiple packs of creatures in the room too quickly could cause Jedoga Shadowseeker to remain not attackable.
- Hellfire Ramparts: Players should now be able to loot the Reinforced Fel Iron Chest after defeating Vazruden the Herald.
- Razorfen Downs: Resolved an issue where Amnennar the Coldbringer may sometimes fail to be summoned when Death Speaker Blackthorn is defeated.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battlegrounds
- Increased Honor gains for Arathi Basin, Deepwind Gorge, Eye of the Storm, and The Battle for Gilneas. Honor is now awarded for every 150 resources gathered (up from Honor being awarded for every 250 resources gathered).
- Returning a flag in Battlegrounds should correctly play an appropriate sound once more.
- Made a number of adjustments where lower level food items were providing a larger than intended buff.
- Timeless Isle Tokens and legendary weapons looted during the fight with Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep are no longer included in the guild news panel.
- Bags set to "Ignore this bag" should now be saving the setting correctly when the character logs out or zones into a new area.
- /console colorblindshader [0-8] has been re-enabled and replaced with /console colorblindsimulator [0-8].
Bug Fixes
- Resolved a frame rate stuttering issue that was affecting some Mac OS clients.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Mobile Armory's guild chat should be working once more.
Hallow's End
- Exquisite Costume Set: "The Lich King" now allows the user to ride on a mount while transformed.
- Resolved an issue where durations for periodic effects were not always being extended for the full amount when refreshed by another ability.
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- Necrosis’ damage has been increased by 67%.
- Scourge Strike’s damage has been increased by 50%.
- Unholy Might now increases Strength by 5% (down from 10%).
- Unholy
- Defile should no longer be growing in radius and damage by more than the intended amount.
- General
- Druids are no longer able to switch specializations while in Flight Form.
- Druid shapeshift forms should now override the transformation from Fire-Watcher's Oath.
- Wrath’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Starfall’s damage has been increased by 75%.
- Starfire’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Starsurge’s damage has been increased by 25%. Additionally, resolved an issue where Starsurge may sometimes provide an incorrect Lunar or Solar Empowerment.
- Nature's Swiftness should no longer incorrectly allow Cyclone to be cast while in any shapeshift form.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Nature's Vigil now heals nearby targets for 20% of the healing done (down from 30%), but can now trigger from Multistrikes.
- General
- Adaptation now increases Combat Experience’s damage increase to 70% (down from 85%).
- Beast Mastery
- Kill Command’s damage has been increased by 20%.
- Marksmanship
- Chimaera Shot’s damage has been reduced by 13%.
- Talents
- Focusing Shot now has a 2.5 second cast time (down from 3 seconds), and its damage has been increased by 25%.
- General
- Conjured food no longer has a level requirement to use.
- Arcane
- Resolved an issue where notifications for Arcane Missiles charges may sometimes not display properly.
- Frost
- Frostbolt’s damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Talents
- Cauterize should no longer be dealing more damage than intended to the Mage.
- Alter Time should now work correctly for characters below level 77.
- General
- Resolved an issue where Stance of the Fierce Tiger's movement speed increase was not working correctly for newly created Monks.
- Brewmaster
- Black Ox Statue should no longer be attacking targets.
- Talents
- Chi Explosion now deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Damage to the primary target remains unchanged.
- Discipline
- Smite critical hits should no longer incorrectly cause the target to be healed for a greater than intended amount through Atonement while also receiving a larger than intended damage shield that's granted through Divine Aegis.
- Shadow
- Mastery: Mental Anguish now increases damage by 3.125% per point (up from 2.5%).
- Glyphs
- [Requires a realm restart.] Glyph of Inner Fire and Glyph of Inner Sanctum should now be correctly removed as those glyphs no longner exist.
- Combat
- Killing Spree should no longer cancel or end prematurely if one of their targets is immune to damage.
- General
- Lava Burst's visuals should no longer be excessively large.
- Elemental
- Earthquake's visuals are no longer visible for friendly players.
- Shamanism now increases Lightning Bolt's damage by 70% (up from 36%).
- Fire Nova now has a maximum of 7 novas that can be triggered if more than 7 targets are affected by Flame Shock.
- Maelstrom Weapon should no longer incorrectly persist after the Shaman has switched to a different specialization.
- Echo of the Elements effect should now be correctly consumed during Ascendance.
- Elemental Blast's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Demonology
- Molten Core should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect based on the casting Warlock's health
- Resolved an issue where Soul Fire's damage was reduced by a greater than intended amount.
- Resolved a situation where interactions between Immolate, Fire and Brimstone, and Cataclysm could cause Immolate to deal less damage than intended.
- Cataclysm now has a slight visual which can be seen by the Warlock's allies when it's being cast.
- General
- Heroic Leap should no longer allow the Warrior to ignore vertical terrain restrictions while in a Dungeon, Raid, or Battleground.
- Whirlwind’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Ravager’s damage has been reduced by 25%.
- Slam’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Breaking the Emperor's Shield: Nakk'rakas should no longer despawn, allowing players to complete the quest.
- Damp Shambler's Renewing Mists now heals for less.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Siege of Orgrimmar
- [Requires a realm restart.] Paragons of the Klaxxi: Resolved an issue where Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver could not be looted.
- Downfall Wing 4: Resolved an issue where Gnomish Gyrocopters may not be destroying Thresher Turrets for Alliance players.
- Jin'rokh the Breaker's Ionization effect should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Lich King's Harvest Soul ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Anub'arak's Leeching Swarm should no longer be healing Anub'arak for an excessive amount.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Blackrock Caverns: Angered Earth should now spawn in when Rom'ogg Bonecrusher hits a player with Quake.
- Razorfen Kraul: Groyat, the Blind Hunter's Drain Life ability should no longer damage or heal for an excessive amount.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Arenas
- Tol'viron Arena should now correctly have Dampening.
- Battlegrounds
- Deepwind Gorge: Status of the mine cart should now be updating correctly.
- Isle of Conquest: Huge Seaforium Bombs no longer have a level requirement to interact with them.
- Elixirs from the Cataclysm expansion should no longer be more powerful than their counterparts from Mists of Pandaria.
- Boiled Silkworm Pupa now provides a buff to Critical Strike instead of Hit.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Claws of Agony and Claws of Torment's 2-piece set bonus now gives a more reasonable amount of Haste.
- Manual Crowd Pummeler's on-use effect now grants a more reasonable increase to Haste.
- Technique: Glyph of the Executor no longer has an effect as the Glyph it teaches no longer exists.
- Zandalarian Hero Badge now provides a more reasonable amount of Armor.
- Settings for SET ffxGlow should no longer be resetting when exiting the game client.
- Roll Club: Serpent's Spine should no longer cause players to float and allow them to complete the quest.
- Zarhym Altogether: Spirit Chests looted during the weekly quest no longer contains gold.
World Environment
- World Defense chat channel should be joinable once again.
- Alliance characters taking a flight path to Shattered Beachhead should now arrive safely at their destination (rather than falling through the world).
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Bonus Honor for winning a Battleground is now only awarded when queuing for a Random Battleground (it was incorrectly awarding the bonus Honor for any Battleground win).
WoW's 10th Anniversary
- [Requires a realm restart] WoW's 10th Anniversary event has received an extension! The event will begin again at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 6 and ends at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 13.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Garrison Buildings
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Players can now accrue as many Iron Horde Scraps as they want.
- Lumber Mill: Players can now accrue as much Timber as they want.
- Death Knight
- Talent
- Conversion now costs 15 Runic Power per second for Frost Death Knights (up from 10 Runic Power).
- Talent
- Hunter
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Hunters should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect when Freezing Trap activates on a target that is immune.
- Armor Sets
- Paladin
- Talents
- Empowered Seals (Protection, Retribution) should no longer incorrectly be providing a 30% increase to attack speed on top of its intended benefits.
- Armor Sets
- [Currently in testing] PvP 4-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now increases damage and healing by 2% per Holy Power spent (down from 3%) for 4 seconds (down from 8 seconds).
- Talents
- Assassination
- Assassination Rogues now deal 6% more damage.
- Combat
- Vitality now grants 50% additional Attack Power (up from 40%).
- Subtlety
- Sanguinary Vein now increases damage dealt by 25% (up from 20%).
World Environment
- Nagrand
- Resolved an issue where players that die in the areas around Highmaul may be unable to resurrect at their corpse.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Grimrail Depot
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Assault Cannon's Suppressive Fire now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Grom'kar Gunner's Shrapnel Blast now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Iron Infantry now has less health.
- Grimrail Depot
- Ashran
- [Requires a realm restart] Players now have 60 seconds to accept the prompt to enter Ashran (up from 20 seconds).
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that could cause Quest achievements for Draenor zones to not be awarded correctly to characters below level 100.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Resolved a situation that could cause players to be unable to receive new Nemesis quests.
- Frostfire Ridge
- The Cure: Frostwolf Gladiators can no longer be killed by Alliance players.
- Guild Bank Money Logs should now be able to correctly display records of transactions greater than 215,000 gold.
- Outposts
- [Requires a realm restart.] Completing a quest for a newly swapped Outpost building should no longer cause it to incorrectly revert back to a pre-swapped state.
- Hunter
- Talents
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now work correctly with the Glyph of Mirrored Blades.
- Talents
- Priest
- Talents
- Clarity of Will's (Discipline) protective ward on a critical effect should now be correctly reduced by Battle Fatigue in PvP combat.
- Glyphs
- Glyph of the Inquisitor should now correctly be dealing self-damage against the Priest (with a chance to break crowd control effects) in PvP combat against enemy players with glyphed crowd control abilities that removes damage over time effects on the target.
- Talents
- Assassination
- Envenom should no longer incorrectly consume all of the Rogue's combo points if the ability misses or was dodged.
- Subtlety
- Hemorrhage's periodic effect should now be able to critically strike.
- Talador
- [Requires a realm restart.] Socrethar's Demise: Resolved an issue that could cause Socrethar to become unattackable.
- Legacy
- Report to the King: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains! and My Son, the Prince to become unavailable
- Warning the Warchief: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Machines of War and Enemies Below to become unavailable.
Creatures and NPCs
- Frostfire Ridge
- Iron Cannoneers no longer drop Iron Horde Scraps.
- Gorgrond
- Iron Banshee should now correctly award credit towards completing Assault on the Pit.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- The Everbloom
- Xeri'tac: Resolved an issue that could cause Venom-Crazed Pale One to not spawn in correctly.
- The Everbloom
- Ashran
- Fangraal and Kronus now costs 3000 Artifact Fragments to summon (up from 1000).
- Primal Spirits should now be dropping more frequently while harvesting mineral and herb nodes outside of the Garrison, from Skinning, and in a satchel obtained by completing the daily Fishing quest from the Garrison Fishing Shack.
- Potions purchased from the Brawler's Guild are now bind on pickup.
- Guide: Sharpshooting should now correctly have a chance to drop for Hunters from rare Draenor NPCs and creatures.
- Kowalski's Music Box should now correctly apply its soothing effect to targets that are not in combat.
- World Shrinker's effect is now removed when mounting up.
- Premade Groups should no longer display a Scenarios category for characters that are above level 90.
- Garrison Buildings
- Frostwall Mines: Mine Guards should now scale with the player's character level.
- Frostwall Mines Level 3: Mine Guards now have significantly more health and damage.
- Mage
- Talents
- Prismatic Crystal used in PvP combat, now transfers only 75% of total damage on Critical Hits, and only 50% of total damage on Multistrikes. There's no change to the ability in PvE combat.
- Talents
- Warlock
- Destruction
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Havoc now has a base cooldown of 20 seconds (down from 25 seconds).
- Destruction
Creatures and NPCs
- Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh should now correctly send players back in time to visit old Theramore.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now has a guaranteed chance to award a piece of Heroic Dungeon loot (item level 630 rare) appropriate for the character's loot specialization.
- Developer Commentary: We’re aware of excessive queue times for Heroic Dungeons. To help players have a better experience in Dungeon Finder, we’re expanding the rewards for Satchel of Savage Mysteries to award Heroic Dungeon loot in addition to the guaranteed Augment Rune, and a chance to contain a mount, Follower enhancement token, Battle Pet, or Battle-Stone. The satchel will remain Bind on Account and we'll continue to monitor Dungeon Finder queues and iterate as needed to ensure a great experience for everyone.
- Raids
- Highmaul
- The Butcher now has a chance to drop a Green Winter Hat.
- Brackenspore: Elements of the fight, such as hostile fungus and beneficial mushrooms should now be visible from further away during the encounter on Mythic difficulty.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved a situation where pulling Twin Ogron and having them despawn could cause the Imperator Mar'gok encounter to not work correctly on Mythic difficulty.
- Highmaul
- Garrison Buildings
- A hotfix in testing from December 11 for the Inn has been implemented. The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Yggdrel now deals less damage with the Entangling Vine ability.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Messages for obtaining an Augment Rune are no longer broadcasting to the party or raid group.
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus' health has been reduced by about 15% when the raid is scaled to 10 players on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. As the raid scales up to a maximum of 30 players, Tectus' health for 30 players remains roughly unchanged from before this hotfix.
- Highmaul
- Enchanting
- [Hotfix currently in-testing] Mark of Blackrock can no longer trigger its effect for the first 40 seconds after equipping the weapon.
- Resolved an issue where having a player join the Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group just as another player was leaving could cause the button to queue up for additional players to remain greyed out for the rest of the group.
- Resolved an issue where the Darkmoon Faire was not showing up in the in-game calendar past December 2014.
Class Tuning Changes
- Please note, the following class tuning changes are still undergoing testing and will be implemented as soon as possible.
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- Improved Focus Fire now grants a 5% increase (up from 2%) to attack power for every stack of Frenzy that had been consumed.
- Survival
- Serpent Sting's damage has increased by 60%.
- Beast Mastery
- General
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now increases all damage dealt by 5% (down from 10%).
- Assassination
- Venomous Wounds' damage has increased by 20%.
- Combat
- Blade Flurry now also strikes up to 4 additional nearby opponents for 35% of normal damage (up from 30%).
- Subtlety
- Backstab's damage has increased by 20%.
- Hemorrhage's damage has increased by 30%.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Map Icon for the Garrison should now appear correctly for characters that had undergone a faction change.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Alliance Tier 3 Garrison: Dungeoneer's Training Dummy for healing and damage have swapped places so melee classes are less likely to trigger the tanking dummy by accident.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Captured beasts can now stack to 20 (up from not being stackable).
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Armor transmogrification items obtained from the Dwarven Bunker/War Mill are now truly account-bound and can be sent to other characters on the same Battle.net account.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Corrected an issue that allowed a losing player to claim loot from victor's chest when multiple players died near-simultaneously.
- Stables: Corrected an issue where players could complete The Stable Master achievement without owning a Level 3 Stable.
- Druid
- Balance
- Sunfall (Starfall modified by Glyph of the Solstice) should now also be dealing 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Sunfall should no longer incorrectly have a chance to trigger Nature's Vigil.
- Balance
- Talents
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now interact correctly with Glyph of Deterrence.
- Talents
- Greater Invisibility should now correctly be counting as dispelling two damage over time effects instead of canceling them.
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Mages should now be correctly consuming stacks of the buff while casting Frostfire Bolt.
- Talents
- Hand of Purity should no longer incorrectly affect damage over time abilities that are immune from this damage reduction effect.
- Selfless Healer should now be correctly dispelled instead of having only 1 stack dispelled at a time.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins, Righteous Determination should now be dispellable.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Assault on Magnarok: Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs for the quest.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Flames of the Earth: Players are now able to free Magma Elementals without tap credit and completion credit for the quest is now shared amongst all characters in the party.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Removing the Reinforcements: Resolved an issue where the quest could not be completed if the character had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
- THAELIN!: Resolved an issue where players may not be able to complete the quest if they had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
World Environment
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Resolved an issue that could cause The August Celestials daily quests to not match up in a cross-realm zone.
Creatures and NPCs
- A large number of rare creatures and NPCs on Draenor can now be tapped by players on both factions.
- Gorgrond
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Poundfist now has 40% more health and increased the upper limit on the number of players his health can scale to.
- Spires of Arak
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Befuddled Relic-Seeker, Highmaul Relic-Seeker, and Highmaul Skullcrusher should no longer drop dead after being pickpocketed.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Raid Finder difficulty Highmaul should now be creating raid groups comprised of 2 tanks, 5 healers, and 18 damage dealers (instead of forming raid groups with 6 healers).
- Kargath Bladefist: Players should no longer be getting trapped in the tiger pit after defeating Kargath Bladefist.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] Brackenspore: Creeping Moss' healing dealt to fungal spawn will now show up in the Combat Log.
- Brackenspore: Burning Infusion now increases damage and healing dealt by 13% per stack (up from 10% per stack) and decays more slowly at a rate of 1 stack every 4 seconds (up from 1 stack every 2 seconds).
- Ko'ragh: DPS caster trinkets should now correctly have a chance to trigger its effects on attacks that have been completely absorbed by Ko'ragh's Nullification Barrier.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Mark of Chaos abilities should now be correctly applied to all characters regardless of range.
- Highmaul
- Ashran
- PvP vendors in Stormshield and Warspear now have Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles for sale to Pandaren characters.
- Conquest Primal Gladiator trinkets have had their values adjusted proportionally to the Honor Primal Combatant trinkets.
- Players are now removed from a Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group upon accepting the queue to enter Ashran.
- Addressed an additional issue that could cause faction Captains to stop spawning.
- Events in Ashran should now be occurring more frequently.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing] A Few Artifact Fragments should no longer be awarding more reputation than intended.
- Everbloom Seed Pouch no longer affects other players.
- Tome of the Clear Mind now stacks to 200 (up from 20).
- Garrison Buildings
- [Still in testing.] Inn: Inn quests can now be completed on the spot without returning back to the Garrison.
- [Still in testing.] Inn: The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
- Note: The following changes to Outposts will take effect with next week's scheduled maintenance.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Nagrand to 500 gold.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Gorgrond, Talador, and Spires of Arak to 5,000 gold.
- Changing Garrison Outpost buildings should now grant access to the building-specific questline for that zone, including building-specific follower(s).
- Additional information on changes to Outposts can be found in the forum thread titled: Upcoming Garrison Outpost Hotfixes.
- It is now possible to continue to receive Level 95-99 missions even when all Followers are level 100.
- Death Knight
- Armor Sets
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Blood Death Knights should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Armor Sets
- Druid
- Balance
- Starfall now deals 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Feral Druids.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Guardian Druids should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Balance
- Armor Sets
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks should now correctly reduce the Energy cost of Jab.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Mistweaver Monks should no longer incorrectly apply its effect to both the casting Monk and target at the same time.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Brewmaster Monks should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Paladins.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Protection Paladins should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- General
- Silence (Discipline) now prevents the target from casting spells for 2 seconds (down from 5 seconds). There is no change to the ability for Shadow Priests.
- Armor Sets
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Priests.
- Talents
- Resolved an issue where Death from Above could sometimes incorrectly be granting multiple combo points in conjunction with Ruthlessness.
- General
- Ghost Wolf modified by Glyph of Ghostly Speed no longer provides a movement speed increase while indoors.
- [Still in testing.] Lava Burst (Elemental, Restoration) now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Enhancement Shaman now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- Affliction
- Nightfall should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Corruption dies.
- Destruction
- [Still in testing.] Chaos Bolt now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- Protection
- Shield Slam modified by Glyph of Shield Slam now only dispels 1 magical effect while the Warrior is in Defensive Stance.
- Armor Sets
- PvP 4-piece set bonus now generates 3 Rage for every 1% health lost (up from 1 Rage per 1%).
- Frostfire Ridge
- A Song of Frost and Fire: Players can no longer accept this quest if The Home of the Frostwolves is already in their quest log.
- Winds of Change: Olin Umberhide should now return if he despawns for any reason.
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Shadowspeaker Niir should now always be attackable.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Brackenspore: Elements of the encounter should now still be visible from further away.
- Twin Ogron: Pol's Arcane Ogron forms should now correctly use Arcane Charge based on the direction they're facing.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now use their abilities more consistently, using Crush Armor every 6 seconds (instead of 5-8 seconds), and Kick to the Face every 20 seconds (instead of 15-30 seconds).
- [Still in testing.] Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now deal 15% less damage on all difficulty modes.
- Highmaul
- Grimrail Depot
- Core of Iron should now correctly only be available on Heroic difficulty.
- Railmaster Rocketspark: Characters should no longer be taken out of stealth effects at the start of the encounter.
- Ragewing the Untamed: Blackhand Doomcutter should no longer be incorrectly dropping for characters that use Strength in Personal loot mode.
- Ashran
- Fangraal and Kronus no longer scales their health based the number of players they're fighting. Each faction guardian's health now scales based on the number of enemy players active at the time when they're summoned.
- Alchemy
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Alchemy recipes. Combat potion recipes no longer requires Crescent Oil and meat/fish, and will require herbs instead. Flask recipes now use more herbs, increasing the number of herbs needed from one type of herb to two.
- Draenic Agility Potion now requires 3 Fireweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Armor Potion now requires 3 Frostweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Channeled Mana Potion now requires 3 Starflower and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Potion now requires 3 Talador Orchid and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Mana Potion now requires 3 Gorgrond Flytrap and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Potion now requires 3 Nagrand Arrowbloom and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Agility Flask now requires 4 Fireweed, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Stamina Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Flask now requires 4 Gorgrond Flytrap, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Enchant Boots - Mastery now increases Mastery by 9 (down from 11).
- [Still in testing.] Mark of Blackrock now triggers its effect more frequently, and can occur when the character is below 60% health (up from being below 50% health), and can also trigger from blocking an attack or absorbing damage.
- [Still in testing.] Mark of the Shattered Hand now triggers its bleed effect less frequently.
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Jewelcrafting recipes. Tier 1 gem recipes now requires more ore and less herbs. Tier 2 gem recipes will no longer requires herbs and instead require a tier 1 gem.
- Critical Strike Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Fireweed.
- Haste Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Frostweed.
- Mastery Taladite take 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Starflower.
- Multistrike Taladite take 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Nagrand Arrowbloom.
- Stamina Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Talador Orchid.
- Versatility Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Gorgrond Flytrap.
- All Tier 2 gems now requires 50 Taladite Crystal, 10 Sorcerous Air, and one Tier 1 gem.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where Druids that performed a Character Boost would be unable to learn the Incarnation talent until they have completed Tanaan Jungle.
- Resolved a situation that could cause ore and mining carts in a player's Garrison to despawn.
- Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not correctly accrue rested experience when entering their Garrisons.
- Garrison Invasions
- Players defeating the final boss that pushes their invasion score to over 1000 should now correctly be able to receive credit for obtaining a gold rating.
- Druid
- Balance
- Shooting Stars should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Moonfire or Sunfire dies.
- Balance
- Hunter
- General
- Resolved a number of additional situations that could cause Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) to not correctly reset its cooldown.
- General
- Monk
- General
- Transcendence: Transfer should now continue to correctly reference new transfer locations after multiple uses.
- General
- Priest
- Talents
- Insanity's (Shadow) snare should now be correctly affected by abilities that remove or reduces the duration of snare effects.
- Talents
- Rogue
- Subtlety
- Honor Among Thieves should no longer cause Rogues with the Anticipation talent to stand up after receiving a Critical heal.
- Subtlety
Creatures and NPCs
- Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Rhonin, Leader of the Kirin Tor, should now be reciting their spoken lines to characters within a much smaller radius in the streets of the city of Dalaran. Note that his text... his text are still worth reading and continue to still be visible to those within the city.
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Enslave Demon and Control Undead effect.
- Goren Protector, Orc Ancestor, Ancient Ogre, and Ghostly Arakkoa should now correctly scale to level 100.
- World Bosses
- The world bosses Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless in Gorgrond now share a single loot eligibility lockout.
- Both Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless should no longer be available at the same time.
- Cordana Felsong should now be visible to characters that are at or above level 98.
- May Tirta and James Lamone located in Zangarra can no longer be attacked by characters.
- Solar Magnifier should no longer become untargetable if they are leashed while using the Excavation ability.
- Gordawg no longer uses Tectonic Slam.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Credit for defeating bosses on Raid Finder difficulty should no longer incorrectly have a daily reset instead of a weekly one.
- Highmaul
- Tectus: Motes of Tectus should now be properly tracked in the boss frames as intended.
- Twin Ogron: Phemos' thrown weapons now persist for 16 seconds after Quake has finished casting.
- Ko'ragh should no longer benefit from Critical Strike auras from players that are under the effects of Dominating Power.
- Ko'ragh: Resolved an issue where players may be unable to use execute abilities against Ko'ragh when his health is low.
- Bloodmaul Slag Mines
- Slave Watcher Crushto: After being defeated, the miners should no longer be attackable, and no longer cause Croman to chase them out of range.
- Grimrail Depot
- Nitrogg Thundertower should no longer be able to get thrown off the train and wind up being stuck in evade mode.
- Added a second location for Iron Autocannon, Iron Limbcleaver, and Huge Crate of Weapons to the Grimrail Crash Site.
- Ashran
- Bonus objectives in Ashran now have a daily reset timer.
- Fortune Favors the Bold no longer provides a bonus to Honor Point gains.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Healers leaving an Arena match should no longer sometimes cause Dampening to reset.
- Resolved an additional number of situations where players could incorrectly obtain items that require Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip from a Rated Battleground or The Coliseum.
- Healing effects from healing potions should no longer incorrectly be able to critically heal or Multistrike.
- Raid buffs to Mastery no longer counts for food that provides a well fed buff to the highest secondary stat.
- Personal Hologram's temporary hologram of yourself should now be easier to see.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where dispelling Prayer of Mending was incorrectly only removing a single charge instead of the entire effect.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Increased the drop rates for Savage Blood from work orders.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill: Work orders now award more Iron Horde Scraps and increased the drop rates for Follower Enhancements.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Characters can now accumulate up to a maximum of 5000 Broken Bones at a time.
- Salvage Yard: Salvage recovered from a Garrison Mission should now always contain an item.
- Trading Post: The Savage Friends achievement now only requires the character to become Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation (down from 3).
- Trading Post (Alliance): The Sha'tari Defense quartermaster now correctly offers the Sky Fry Battle Pet for sale at Revered reputation.
- Druid
- General
- Resolved an issue where Druids may sometimes lose Flight Form (and fall) when logging in or exiting from a Battleground or Arena match.
- General
- Hunter
- General
- Kill Shot should now correctly reset its cooldown when it fails to kill the target due to Cauterize (Mage) or Guardian Spirit (Priest).
- General
- Mage
- Armor Sets
- Mage Tier-16's 4-piece set bonus is no longer guaranteed to trigger for characters above level 90.
- Armor Sets
- Warlock
- General
- Dark Soul's cooldown should now work correctly when used in conjunction with the talent Archimonde's Darkness and Glyph of Dark Soul.
- General
- Spires of Arak
- Orders, Commander?: Resolved an issue where characters that have performed a faction change may be unable to complete the quest.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Iron Flame Technicians should no longer be incorrectly dropping Normal difficulty loot on Raid Finder difficulty.
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed attack should now be correctly counted as an attack for abilities that require an attack to trigger its effects.
- The Butcher should no longer become unresponsive if a Rogue in stealth gets too close.
- Brackenspore: Unit frames for Living Mushrooms and Rejuvenating Mushrooms should now display properly.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Arcane Aberrations that have been Banished should now continue to use Collapsing Entity.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Added a portal transporting players back to The Coliseum from Throne of the Imperator after Imperator Mar'gok has been defeated.
- Highmaul
- Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
- The portal that appears after Ner'zhul has been defeated should now transport players back to the beginning of the Dungeon.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- The level 90 bracket has been merged into the level 91-99 bracket.
- Priests should no longer be able to continue to hold onto the flag while in Spirit of Redemption form.
- Rated Battleground flag carriers in a tanking specialization should no longer be taking more damage than flag carriers in a non-tanking specialization. Previously, flag carrying tanks took 50% more damage and that stacked with an additional 25% damage received while in RBGs (additional 75% damage received total). This change removes the 50% additional damage taken while carrying a flag in an RBG.
- Enchanting
- Resolved an issue that could cause Enchanter's Illusions to be reverted from an item.
- General goods vendors across Draenor now offer Crystal Vials and Enchanting Vellums for sale.
- Consumable items that summons a fast mount can no longer be used while in a Challenge Mode.
- Elixir of Deep Earth now increases armor by 67 (down from 268).
- Primal Spirit is now only eligible for Greed rolls in Need Before Greed loot mode.
Class Tuning Changes
- Death Knight
- Frost
- Frost Strike's damage has increased by 7%.
- Howling Blast's damage has increased by 7%.
- Obliterate's damage has increased by 7%.
- Frost
- General
- Kill Shot's (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Marksmanship
- Aimed Shot's damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Arcane
- Arcane Barrage's damage has increased by 16%.
- Arcane Blast's damage has increased by 16%.
- Arcane Explosion's damage has increased by 10%.
- Arcane Missiles' damage has increased by 16%.
- Enhanced Pyrotechnics now causes a stacking 10% increased critical strike chance (up from 5% per stack).
- Molten Armor now increases spell critical strike chance by 15% (up from 5%).
- Frostbolt's damage has increased by 25%.
- Arcane Orb's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Comet Storm's (Frost) damage has increased by 25%.
- Meteor’s (Fire) damage-over-time effect has increased by 25%.
- Nether Tempest's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Supernova's (Arcane) damage has increased by 12%.
- General
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from the Monk's abilities (down from 15% increased damage).
- General
- Chain Lightning's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has increased by 10%.
- Lightning Bolt's damage has increased by 10%.
- Earthquake's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Beam's damage has increased by 10%.
- Lava Lash's damage has increased by 20%.
- Stormstrike's damage has increased by 20%.
- Restorative Waves now increases all healing done by 30% (up from 25%).
- Elemental Blast's damage has increased by 10%.
- Fury
- Bloodthirst's damage has increased by 20%, and has an additional 40% chance to be a critical strike (up from 30%).
- Execute's (Fury) damage has increased by 10%.
- Raging Blow's damage has increased by 33%.
- Wild Strike's damage has increased by 32%.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Ashran has been re-enabled as a potential daily strategic assault choice. This reverts a change from November 21.
- Garrison Buildings
- [Requires a realm restart.] Work orders for the following Horde buildings (Mine, Herb Garden, Goblin Workshop, War Mill, and Trading Post) and Alliance buildings (Dwarven Bunker, Gnomish Gearworks, Trading Post) should now correctly contribute credit towards the achievements for Working Some Orders and Working More Orders.
- Gem Boutique: Followers assigned to the building should now always offer a daily quest.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Highmaul Coliseum gladiator tournament should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Work orders were awarding much more gold and items than intended. The amount of items and gold awarded has been reduced to be more comparable to other buildings.
- Herb Garden: Visitors can no longer harvest the player's Frostweed.
- Salvage Yard: Awards for salvage have been split into 3 tiers based on the level of the Garrison Mission (Levels 90-94, Levels 95-99, and Level 100). Additionally, the mission needs to be successful for a chance to receive salvage with Level 100 missions having a guaranteed chance on success.
- Shadow Council Invasion: Concubine of Sin no longer awards points when defeated.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- The Fate of Karabor: Yrel should now always assist the player with Krull. Additionally, Krull's Brutal Smash now has a reduced range of 6 yards.
- Talador
- Not In Your House: Fort Wrynn Laborers should now always flee after defeating Ripgut.
- Send Them Running: Peons should now always flee after defeating Vicegnaw.
Creatures and NPCs
- Grom'kar NPCs in the Frostfire Iron Siegeworks and Gorgrond Blackrock Foundry areas should now correctly have a chance to drop Iron Horde scraps for characters with a Dwarven Bunker / War Mill in their Garrisons.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Shinri should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus: Visual markers for Earthen Pillar, Fracture, Meteoric Earthspire, and Radiating Poison should now be easier to see.
- Tectus: Meteoric Earthspire now deals less damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Tectus' targeting circle for Crystalline Barrage should now still be visible for users with projected textures disabled.
- Twin Ogron's Fierce Disposition, Savage Disposition, and Aggressive Disposition should now be showing up in combat logs.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane mines for Destructive Resonance should now be easier to see for users with projected textures disabled.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Visuals for Destructive Resonance should now be visible from anywhere in the Throne of the Imperator area.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane Wrath ability should no longer incorrectly jump to a player that has been Branded during Phase 4 with the Power of Replication.
- Highmaul
- Auchindoun
- Disabled the cutscene for Teron'gor that plays after defeating Azzakel on Challenge Mode.
- Skyreach
- Ranjit should no longer occasionally target the tank with Lens Flare and Windwall.
- Ashran
- Honor and reputation increases for turning in Artifact Fragments first noted on December 3, are now out of testing and have been implemented.
- Disabled health regeneration for Kronus, Fangraal, Grand Marshal Tremblade, and High Warlord Volrath when they leash or drop out of combat.
- Creatures outside of Ashran should no longer incorrectly have a chance to drop Artifact Fragments.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Rated Battlegrounds should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Archeology
- Pristine Ancestral Talisman and Pristine Cracked Ivory Idol should no longer be incorrectly awarded again if the character has already obtained the item.
- Follower Weapon and Armor enhancements can now stack up to 20.
- Temporary buffs that increase Critical Strike should now correctly increase Parry through Riposte for tanking specializations.
- Cracked Potion Vials should no longer drop for non-Alchemists.
- Everburning Candle was buffed much more than intended. The amount of mana granted has been reduced to 10,456 (down from 20,916). Additional information on the reasoning for this change can be found in the forum thread: Everburning Candle Changes.
- Gently Squeezed Toad is no longer usable while in a Challenge Mode Dungeon.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Got My Mind On My Draenor Money now only requires looting 2,500 gold in Draenor (down from 10,000).
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Garrison Buildings
- Fishing Shack: Completing a daily Fishing quest now awards 15 skill points to Fishing (up from 1).
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: Overcharged Demolisher should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: "Skyterror" Personal Delivery System should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Corrected an issue that could cause Bloodmaul Stronghold, Shattrath City, and the Pit to sometimes not drop Apexis Crystals despite being an active quest area for the day.
Creatures and NPCs
- Fate-Twister Tiklal has relocated to a more prominent location closer to the Apexis Traders in Warspear.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Butcher: The boars Krush and Smash now deals less damage with their Boar's Rush ability and should no longer kill players in one hit.
- Tectus: Players should no longer be able to use their bonus rolls twice after defeating Tectus.
- Highmaul
- Ashran
- To address a potential pathing issue, Fangraal, Kronus, and faction Captains now continuously push towards the enemy faction's base.
- Players entering Ashran from a PvE realm should now be correctly flagged for PvP.
- Characters should no longer be able to resurrect at the King's Road graveyard if their faction isn't in control of that point.
- Resolved an issue where faction Captains may not be spawning correctly.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Resolved an issue where if a Flag Carrier was standing in the area where their team's flag would be when it is returned, they'd be unable to capture the flag until they leave and return to the area again.
- Arathi Basin: Characters on the Alliance team in a Rated Battleground should now be able to be resurrected by their Spirit Healer at the Blacksmith graveyard if their team is in control of it.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Eye of the Storm: Characters in a Rated Battleground will now return to their team's starting position when releasing, regardless of what bases their team controls.
- The Battle for Gilneas: Resolved issues where Spirit Healers may sometimes not spawn in correctly when a point has been captured.
- First Aid
- Antiseptic Bandage no longer requires Sea Scorpion Segments to craft.
- Jewelcrafting
- Critical Strike Taladite should no longer incorrectly require a Taladite Crystal to craft.
- Consuming a Draenor potion, elixir, or flask should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Mantid Elixir now provides a more reasonable increase to armor.
- Primal Combatant's Drape of Contemplation now provide a bonus to Multistrike instead of Critical Strike to differentiate it from the Drape of Meditation.
- Primal Gladiator's Drape of Contemplation now provide a bonus to Multistrike instead of Critical Strike to differentiate it from the Drape of Meditation.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Resolved an issue where players may become stuck or be disconnected while attempting to visit other Garrisons.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The Coliseum scenario now requires 15 players to start (up from 10).
- Herb Garden Level 3: The Draenor fruit tree should now always bear fruit even if no Followers are assigned to work there.
- Player pets should now correctly rejoin the player after taking a flight path or using a vehicle.
- Paladin
- General
- Eternal Flame's initial healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Flash of Light's healing has been reduced by 20% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Word of Glory's healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- General
- General
- Mass Dispel should no longer be incorrectly dispelling Cyclone without a Glyph of Mass Dispel equipped.
- Power Word: Shield critical hits should now correctly absorb only 150% of normal in PvP.
- Divine Aegis' should now correctly absorb only 50% as much in PvP.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Highmaul
- Tectus: If Tectus enters Berserk mode while in the process of shattering, the resulting Shards of Tectus and Motes of Tectus should now correctly enter Beserk mode as well.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where Tectus could have no loot if the entire raid dies before his death event was complete.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved an issue where credit for completing the achievement Brothers in Arms was being incorrectly awarded.
- Highmaul
- Critical Heals should now correctly heal for 150% of normal in PvP (they were incorrectly healing for 175% of normal).
- Gladiator's Distinction, the 2-piece set bonus now reduces damage taken from players by 15% (up from 10%).
- Being attacked in PvP combat and triggering the secondary item level on PvP gear should no longer cause the player's health to decrease by more than intended.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battleground Flag Carriers should now correctly have a 45-second delay before their location is revealed to the enemy team (was incorrectly revealing their location immediately).
- Resurrection times in Rated Battlegrounds has been corrected to be 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Guild news should no longer be displaying (and getting spammed with) entries for characters looting items for the Legendary Ring Quest Line.
Bug Fixes
- Recruit-a-Friend characters should now be correctly receiving a 300% bonus to the experience awarded for completing a Dungeon (was incorrectly awarding 900% instead).
- New Pandaren Hunters that use the Level 90 Character Boost should now start with a turtle pet.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3, Build 19243
Released: 12-03-2014
Bug Fixes- Resolved an issue where the experience reward for a quest may display incorrectly.
- Resolved a display issue for quest objectives that have received a hotfix to sometimes not update properly.
- Resolved an issue where players may be unable to connect to another realm if they attempt to switch to a different realm after being in a server queue.
- Resolved an issue where the Mac OS game client may sometimes crash on launch or close improperly.
- Resolved an issue where adding or removing a friend may cause the player to be unable to whisper to any BattleTag friends.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Book of Garrison Blueprints should now be consumed when learned and can also be destroyed.
- Resolved a number of issues where players may sometimes be unable to enter their Garrisons.
- Garrison Buildings
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The building should now correctly provide the benefits from earlier levels 1 and 2.
- Inn: To encourage players to not leave in the middle of a run with a Dungeon Finder group, quests received from the Garrison Inn now requires the final boss of the Dungeon to be defeated.
- Inn: Millhouse Manastorm can now always be found on the second floor.
- Mage Tower/Spirit Lodge: Greatly increased the drop rates for Ogre Waystones.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Salvage Yard: Special transmogrification items obtained from crates of salvage are now Rare (blue) quality to help distinguish them. Additionally, these items are now able to be disenchanted.
- Tannery Level 2: Rorok Ironhide (Horde) should no longer incorrectly be selling tents.
- The Forge Level 2: Followers assigned to work at the building should now be able to correctly grant Solace of the Forge and Song of the Anvil buff.
- Botani Invasion: The Gnarled Ancient should no longer get stuck and be able to enter a Horde Garrison.
- Iron Horde Invasion: Made a number of adjustments to make Gold Victory more obtainable.
- Magister Krelas should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Elvenkind trait.
- Magister Serena should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Humanist trait.
- Death Knight
- Glyphs
- Glyph of Death and Decay should now also apply its effect for Death Knights with the Defile talent.
- Glyphs
- Druid
- Restoration
- Nature's Swiftness should now correctly increase the healing over time effect and duration of Regrowth.
- Talents
- Soul of the Forest (Restoration) should now interact and correctly apply its healing bonus while Nature's Swiftness is active.
- Restoration
- General
- Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) should now correctly reset its cooldown if the target becomes immune, have abilities, or talents that trigger to prevent the target from dying.
- Mistweaver
- Life Cocoon's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Talents
- Chi Wave should now correctly bounce up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.
- General
- Hand of Freedom modified by Glyph of Hand of Freedom should now correctly reduce the remaining duration of all loss of control effects when used on other players.
- General
- Mass Dispel modified by Glyph of Mass Dispel should no longer incorrectly dispel Cyclones cast by a friendly player.
- General
- Shaman totems should no longer be damaged by the Death Knight talent, Defile.
- Enhancement
- Maelstrom Weapon will no longer increase the damage or healing effects of spells that consume the Ancestral Swiftness buff.
- Restoration
- Riptide modified by Glyph of Riptide should no longer incorrectly consume Echo of the Elements when cast.
- Armor Sets
- Tier-15 2-piece set bonus should no longer be retained incorrectly when the set pieces are no longer equipped.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Karg Unchained: Players should now be able to complete or re-accept this quest after completing Return to the Pack.
- Gorgrond
- Assault on the Pit: Defeating Iron Horde NPCs in the middle of the pit should now correctly grant credit towards completion of the quest.
- Spires of Arak
- Hot Seat: The Apexis Turret should no longer be able to accidentally damage players.
World Environment
- Resolved issues that can occur for characters that retain the Time Travelling effect outside of Blasted Lands and Theramore.
- Players should no longer be unable to leave the tower after obtaining Steamwheedle Supplies in the Ring of Trials area in Nagrand.
Creatures and NPCs
- Frostfire Ridge
- Borrok the Devourer should now drop a Devourer's Gutstone that allows more than one player to loot it.
- Fernus is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Krosnis is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Tarlna the Ageless' Genesis ability now summons a maximum of 15 Giant Lashers and has a increased duration of 12 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
- Objects in the Mok'gul Watchpost area should no longer incorrectly cause the player to remain in combat and be unable to interact with those objects.
- Warsong Marauders should no longer attack Rogues that pickpocket them.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now have a chance to contain a mount, pet, pet consumable, Draenor consumable, or Follower upgrade token in addition to an Augment Rune.
- Raids
- The entire raid is no longer notified when a player loots an Elemental Rune or Abrogator Stone.
- Highmaul
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed ability now deals less damage if it's triggered by their off-hand weapon.
- Brackenspore should now correctly heal back up to full health at the start of the encounter.
- Tectus' Berserk timer is now 10 minutes on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where defeating Tectus just as he was going into Berserk mode could result in no loot.
- Tectus: It should now be possible to obtain the achievement, More Like Wrecked-us.
- Grimrail Depot
- Borka the Brute is now immune to taunts from player pets.
- Grom'kar Cinderseer's Lava Wreath ability should no longer hit pets.
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability should no longer incorrectly disorient Rogues with Cloak of Shadows active.
- Emberscale Adolescents and Emberscale Whelplings should now always be targetable while in combat.
- [Requires a realm restart.] New Honor and Conquest vendors have been added to Stormshield and Warspear.
- In Stormshield, Alliance players can find Bregg Coppercast (Honor) and Ingrid Blackingot (Conquest) standing in front of the Siege Tank near the exit to Ashran, across from the training dummies.
- In Warspear, Horde players can find Lieutenant Brokefist (Honor) and Lieutenant Axelash (Conquest) on the hill next to the exit to Ashran, just down the path from the inn.
- Faction balancing is now in effect if there are more than 5 players from each faction in Ashran.
- Fortune Favors the Bold has been increased to 100% additional Honor Points and Artifact Fragments (up from 25%).
- Artifact Fragment rewards from Ring of Conquest Ogre guards, or Ashran rares should no longer decrease based on the number of players engaging them.
- [Still in testing.] Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 3 Honor Points per fragment (up from 1 Honor Point).
- [Still in testing.] Increased reputation gains with Wrynn's Vanguard and Vol'jin's Spear.
- Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 5 reputation points per fragment (up from 1 reputation point).
- Turning in tokens recovered from a defeated player now awards 2500 reputation points when turned in (up from 350 reputation points).
- Completing a bonus objective now awards 500 reputation points.
- Defeating Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath now awards 2500 reputation points.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Warsong Gulch: Players in a Wargame or Rated Battleground should no longer be sent to the wrong graveyard.
- Draenor Treasure Maps are now bind on pickup.
- Bonemaw's Big Toe can now be Needed by Warriors.
- Ironmender's Totem can now also trigger its effect from healing spells.
- Moonfang’s Paw is no longer unique.
- Moonfang’s Shroud is no longer unique.
- Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao's Endurance of Niuzao effect should now trigger first if the ability is not on cooldown before triggering the Purgatory talent for Death Knights.
- Raw Riverbeast Meat should now correctly drop from Riverbeasts and no longer be incorrectly dropping from Basilisks.
- Tormented Armament, Munificent Armament, and Grandiose Armament tokens obtained from completing a Garrison Mission should no longer incorrectly create one-handed warmaces for Assassination and Subtlety Rogues.
- Resolved an issue where Draenor PvP gear may display incorrect item levels and stats.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors that spawns inside of the Garrison should now be lootable if they're killed by an NPC (like a Bodyguard). An additional hotfix is being worked on that will also apply this while encountering Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors outside of the Garrison as well.
- Garrison Buildings
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap should no longer be incorrectly triggering when other players run over it.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill Level 2: Added a 2 hour grace period for cosmetic gear purchases from this building, allowing characters to sell the item back for a full refund. Note that utilizing the item for transmogrification will remove this grace period.
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: Fight, Kill, Salute! now awards 500 Conquest Points (down from 1500).
- Menagerie Level 3: Reduced the number of pet battle wins needed for the Draenic Pet Battler achievement from 500 to 150.
- Stables Level 3: Completing The Stable Master achievement should now correctly award the Stable Master title.
- Players should now be eligible to receive an Invader's Forgotten Treasure once a week if they complete the invasion with a Gold Victory.
- Corrected an issue that was causing progress towards a Garrison invasion to reset each week.
- Conquest Garrison Missions have been disabled temporarily from the pool of available missions for players that are eligible to receive them.
- Death Knight
- Armor Sets
- Death Knight PvP 2-piece set bonus from previous PvP Seasons should now grant 1 Runic Power when Chains of Ice is used (down from 10 Runic Power).
- Armor Sets
- Mage
- Armor Sets
- Mage Tier-12 2-piece set bonus' summoned Mirror Images should no longer be dealing an excessive amount of damage.
- Armor Sets
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Enveloping Mist's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- General
- Seal of Insight's healing effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- General
- Priest
- Holy
- Lightwell's heal over time effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- Binding Heal should now correctly heal both the Priest and friendly target.
- Holy
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Downsizing the Darktide: Ra'ka Bloodspear should now correctly allow multiple players to receive tap credit.
- Shattering the Enemy: Increased the spawn rates for Felstorm Crystal.
- A Centurion Without a Cause: Defeating Woodfist far away from High Centurion Tormmok should no longer cause him to remain hostile to the character and allow players to complete the quest.
- Assault on the Pit: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs for this quest.
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Strike While the Iron is Hot: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- My Precious!: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive completion credit for the quest. Additionally, players that have adandoned the quest should now be able to see Bazwix to reobtain the quest.
- Ring of Trials quests can no longer be completed while in a Siege Tank or Demolisher. Seriously, that's not even a fair fight.
- Goldmane the Skinner: Taking the cage key without opening the cage to let Goldmane out no longer prevents Bolkar the Cruel from respawning.
- Upgrading the ring should now correctly remove the old ring from the player's inventory.
World Environment, Creatures, and NPCs
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Dominate Mind ability.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Time-Warped Tower can now be looted by Alliance characters.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Darktide Rylakinator-3000's attacks now deal more damage.
- Talador
- NPCs in the Aruuna area should no longer cause Horde characters to become stuck in combat.
- Burning Eye's Eye of the Legion ability now has a reduced range of 30 yards (down from 100).
- Daggerjaw Pridelord, Daggerjaw Raider, and Daggerjaw Hoarder now deal less damage.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Raids
- Molten Core
- Trash mobs like Ancient Core Hounds and Lava Surgers no longer respawn.
- Molten Core
- Dungeons
- Cloth chest pieces should now correctly have a chance of dropping on Personal loot mode.
- Bloodmaul Slagmines
- Slave Watcher Crushto's Ferocious Yell now deals 10% less damage.
- Slave Watcher Crushto: Captured Miner's Traumatic Strike now has a recast time of 6 seconds.
- Achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live: Croman should now be more forviging with how far apart he can remain from the player he's following before despawning.
- Grimrail Enforcers: Makogg Emberblade's Lava Sweep should now always deal damage to players.
- Credit for completing the achievement I Saw Solis should now be correctly awarded.
- Kyrak's Rejuvenating Serum now has a duration of 9 seconds (down from 12 seconds). On Heroic difficulty and Challenge Mode, the ability now heals for the 8% (down from 10%).
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability can now hit players that are not in line-of-sight.
- Conquest Points have been converted into Honor Points before the start of the season.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Conquest Quartermasters Marshal Gabriel (Alliance) and General Aevd (Horde) have reinstated to sell Conquest gear. This reverts the hotfix from November 17.
- Cross-realm groups are now able to enter Ashran together.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Strand of the Ancients should now correctly award players with a Gold Strongbox for winning.
- Level-up items created by some professions no longer use reagents that required a daily cooldown to create and are no longer soulbound. To compensate for this change, basic reagent requirements have been increased and vendor buyback price for those items have been reduced now that they're less rare.
- Enchanting
- Mark of Blackrock now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Earth (down from 10).
- Mark of Shadowmoon now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Fire (down from 10).
- Blingtron 5000 should now correctly resume offering their daily quest after defeating another Blingtron.
- Ink Traders should now accept Warbinder's Ink in exchange for other inks.
- Many epic trinkets in Draenor received a buff to ensure a proper progression path through the Raid tier. This change affects world-drop BoE epic trinkets, Inscription-crafted epic trinkets, and trinkets that drop from Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Further information on this change could be found in the forum thread titled: Trinket Hotfixes.
- Note that Scabbard of Kyanos was unintentionally buffed much more than intended and its stats will be reverted to a more reasonable level.
- Missing Class Glyphs
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Glyph of the Solstice (Druid)
- Glyph of Flying Fists (Monk)
- Glyph of Cleanse (Paladin)
- Glyph of Purification (Priest)
- Glyph of Purify Spirit (Shaman)
- Glyph of Frostbrand Weapon (Shaman) will be automatically learned at level 75.
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Tooltips for players in Premade Groups should no longer incorrectly display their level 90 Proving Grounds achievements.
Update 2, Other Hotfixes: 6:00pm PST
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Item rewards received from a Garrison invasion now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap now have a 15-second cooldown (down from 30 seconds).
- Mine Levels 2-3: Mining Carts now contains more Primal Spirits and Archeology fragments. The amount of ore given by each mining node has been adjusted to a more appropriate level.
- Death Knight
- Talents
- Breath of Sindragosa should now work correctly with the Plaguebearer talent, extending the duration of diseases when used.
- Talents
- Monk
- Talents
- Chi Explosion's visuals should now be more visible and the ability's sound effects should no longer be too quiet.
- Talents
- Paladin
- Holy
- Beacon of Light's sound effects should no longer be excessively loud.
- Holy
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Assault on Socrethar's Rise: Sargerei Binders should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Talador
- Dreadpiston: Dreadpiston should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Nagrand
- Assault on the Gorian Proving Grounds: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the quest area.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Items obtained from Garrison Mission above level 615 now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Lumber Mill: Legacy of the Ancients has increased spawn rates of Medium Timber around the Botani Marsh area in Shadowmoon Valley.
Creatures and NPCs
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the Mok'gol Watchpost area.
- Talador
- Brutag Grimblade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Nagrand
- Hallvalor Blademaster should no longer be chasing players for excessively long distances.
- Katsuo should no longer be incorrectly using Wind Walk to target players that they're not in combat with.
- Fangraal and Kronus now have 25% less health.
- Grand Marshal Tremblade and High Warlord Volrath now scales their health based on the number of players in the zone.
- Alliance captains should now be retreating in the correct direction.
- Resolved an issue where multiple captains dying at the same time could cause an incorrect number of captains to respawn.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- After a lengthy discussion with the Postmaster regarding their mailing habits, the Postmaster should no longer be mailing back gray quality items and money that haven't been looted by characters.
- Resolved an issue where completing a Warlords of Draenor Dungeon was incorrectly being crediting progress towards the achievement, Queuing Spree.
- Grimrail Depot
- Fire effects for Slag Blast and Slag Tanker should now be visible across all graphics settings.
- Iron Docks
- Grimrail Enforcers: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Ahri'ok Dugru, Makogg Emberblade, and Neesa Nox are defeated in.
- Skulloc: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Skulloc, Koramar, and Zoggosh were defeated in.
- The Everbloom
- Mutagen can now stack up to 10 times (down from 20) and have a maximum duration of 1 minute.
- Ancient Protectors: Shaper's Fortitude has been removed on Heroic difficulty.
- Orebender Gor'ashan's visuals for his Electric Pulse should now correctly reflect the ability's area-of-effect.
- Items contained within the Challenger's Strongbox now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Ashran
- Class book abilities should now be correctly removed when leaving Ashran.
- [Still in testing] Crafted gear and weapons received an item level boost. Tooltips for the items will still display the incorrect (older) item level.
- Crafted Tier-2 weapons now have an item level of 645 (up from 640).
- Crafted Tier-3 weapons now have an item level of 660 (up from 655).
- Crafted Tier-3 gear now have an item level of 670 (up from 665).
- Rare (blue) quality items now have a greatly increased chance to disenchant into Draenic Dust instead of a Small Luminous Shard. Additionally, characters with the Enchanting profession should receive more Draenic Dust while disenchanting an item.
- [Still in testing] Mark of Blackrock now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Earth (down from 10).
- [Still in testing] Mark of Shadowmoon now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Fire (down from 10).
- Swapblaster's visual effect should no longer persist indefinitely.
Bug Fix
- Resolved an issue where buffs received from a Shamanstone was incorrectly causing the character to travel much more slowly while on a flight path.
Update 1, Class Tuning Changes: 12:00pm PST
Please note that some of the class tuning changes listed below are not yet live and are still in the process of being implemented.
- Orc
- Hardiness now reduces stun duration by 15% (up from 10%).
- Undead
- Will of the Forsaken has a 2-minute cooldown once more (down from 3 minutes).
- Death Knight
- General
- Blood Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Frost Fever, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- General
- Talents
- Necrotic Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Balance
- Moonfire, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Sunfire, when used in PvP combat may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Predatory Swiftness no longer increases the healing done by Healing Touch.
- Heart of the Wild's bonuses are now halved when used while in PvP combat.
- Pulverize (Guardian) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Arcane
- Arcane Blast's damage has been increased by 10%.
- Fire
- Pyroblast's damage has been increased by 35%.
- General
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 15% increased damage (down from 20%).
- Tiger Palm (Brewmaster, Windwalker) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Guard's damage absorption shield now absorbs 100% more damage.
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now defers 30% of damage taken to be divided over 10 seconds (up from 20%).
- Glyph of Keg Smash should now correctly increase the range of Keg Smash.
- Protection
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases Shield of the Righteous' damage reduction by 0.5% per point, down from 0.75% per point.
- Grand Crusader now also has a 30% chance to trigger its effect from Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous.
- Shield of the Righteous now reduces physical damage taken by 25% (up from 20%).
- General
- Chain Lightning's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has been increased by 35%.
- Lava Burst now has a chance equal to the character's Critical Strike chance to trigger an additional Multistrike. This is separate from the standard two chances for Lava Burst to Multistrike; one Lava Burst could trigger up to three Multistrikes (two standard Multistrikes, plus one more from Critical Strike chance).
- Lava Lash's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Stormstrike's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Affliction
- Agony's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Unstable Affliction's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Shadow Bolt's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Soul Fire's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Touch of Chaos' damage has been increased by 25%.
- Chaos Bolt's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Conflagrate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Immolate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Incinerate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Rain of Fire's damage has been reduced by 60% and no longer generates Burning Embers.
- Shadowburn's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Demonbolt's (Demonology) damage has been increased by 10%.
- Soulburn: Haunt (Affliction) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Protection
- Revenge's damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Shield Slam's damage has been reduced by 20%.
World Environment
- [Requires a realm restart.] The time that corpses persist in the world has been restored back to their former durations.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- [Requires a realm restart.] Resolved an issue where players were unable to queue through Dungeon Finder while in Warspear or Stormshield.
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, Black Iron Guards no longer join in the fight when he is at 10% health.
- Commander Tharbek should no longer be using Iron Axe, Imbued Iron Axe, and Iron Reaver within 4 seconds of each other.
- Orebender Gor'ashan's Electric Pulse should now correctly hit players that are standing on a Rune Conduit.
- Son of the Beast's Fiery Trail should no longer persist and continue to damaging pets after being defeated.
- Miner’s Coffee should no longer be incorrectly applying its speed buff outside of the Garrison's mine.
- Swapblaster should no longer be incorrectly swapping locations with targets other than another party member.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Characters are now guaranteed to have level 90-94 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 90-94 range and level 95-99 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 95-99 range.
- Work Orders should now also work with materials and reagents that are in the character's bank and reagent bank.
- Temporarily disabled Ashran as a daily quest choice while we continue to troubleshoot issues with some of the daily quests being offered.
- Followers
- Leeroy Jenkins: Resolved an issue where characters that were dead or in Spirit of Redemption form when completing the achievement Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy...? may sometimes not receive Leeroy Jenkins as a follower.
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Assault on Darktide Roost: Increased the respawn rates of creatures and NPCs needed for the quest.
- Gorgrond
- Assault on the Pit: Blackrock Foundry Assaulted credit is no longer being awarded when using the Iron Troop Launcher.
- Shredder vs. Saberon: Resolved an issue where characters that leave the quest area immediately after receiving credit may be unable to turn-in the quest.
- Assault on Skettis: The debuff Infected Talons placed by various creatures in the area for this quest no longer stacks.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Defeating the ritualists Vile Siphonmaster, Crazed Obliterator, and Insane Nullifier now contributes credit towards completing the Pale Orcs Slain objective.
- Tarnished Bronze: Spirit of Kairozdormu's Time Bomb ability should no longer be hitting players that aren't in combat with him in a different phase.
World Environment
- [Requires a realm restart.] Portals leading to the Dark Portal in Blasted Lands have been added next to Archmage Khadgar in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
- Removed an erroneous treasure marker displayed by using the Spires of Arak Treasure Map for a Reagent Pouch that did not actually exist.
Creatures and NPCs
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs across a number of questing areas for level 100 daily quests.
- Reduced the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs laying siege in the areas around Shattrath City.
- Gruuk has moved to a new location where they can be seen by both Horde and Alliance players.
- High Warlord Volrath and Grand Marshal Tremblade now only award 50 Honor for defeating them (down from 500).
- Nagrand Prowler 's Leap for the Kill ability now has a shorter stun duration and smaller damage radius.
- Nok-Karosh's drop, Garn Nighthowl now only allows players in a party or Raid to roll greed.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Reverted the change to the default loot mode for random matchmade groups in Dungeon Finder back to Personal loot.
- In Personal loot, each player in the group will now always receive an item from the final dungeon boss.
- In Need Before Greed, the dungeon boss will now drop 3 items to be shared among the group as desired, up from 2 previously.
- Full premade groups queuing in Dungeon Finder now defaults to Need Before Greed and they can change the loot mode if they want.
- Reverted the change to the default loot mode for random matchmade groups in Dungeon Finder back to Personal loot.
- Railmaster Rocketspark's X21-01A Missile Barrage now deals 20% less damage.
- Araknath: Rogues using Vanish should no longer cause Araknath to become non-interactive.
- High Sage Viryx's Cast Down ability should no longer cause Druids to drop out of their shapeshifted form.
- Solar Flares are now able to correctly Fixate on a target even while stunned.
- Putrid Pyromancer should no longer continue to track the player when using their Dragon's Breath ability.
- Kyrak's Debilitating Fixation ability can now target players up to 50 yards away (up from 30 yards).
- Ragewing the Untamed's indicator for Fire Storm should now correctly display the ability's area of effect.
- Black Iron Leadbelcher should no longer incorrectly activate a Sentry Cannon while polymorphed or hexed.
- Players should no longer be incorrectly placed into a Molten Core where Ragnaros has already been defeated.
- Shazzrah's area of effect damage has been reduced.
- Firelord now uses the Lava Spawn ability less frequently.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, and Molten Giant's area-of-effect attacks now deals 50% less damage.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, Molten Giant, Lava Annihilator, and Lava Surger now have 30% less health.
- In a departure from the original Molten Core, reduced the aggro radius for most non-boss creatures from their original aggro radius from back in the day.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Tarren Mill vs Southshore
- Victory conditions are now for the first side to reach 300 points or the match results in a tie after 30 minutes.
- Tarren Mill Deathguards and Alliance Guards now have more health.
- Archeology
- Moved some Archeology nodes in the area around Icewind Drifts in Frostfire Ridge to no longer be in inaccessible locations.
- Epic quality Bind on Equip world drops are no longer eligible for a Need roll.
- Many Warlords of Draenor trinkets received an adjustment to their stats to provide a bonus that's more appropriate for the trinket's item level.
- Turbulent Cloak contained in Satchel of Helpful Goods should no longer result in creating an invalid item for Guardian Druids.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that could cause characters to become stuck on a flight path.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Stables Level 2: Characters should now be immune to being dazed while riding their mounts.
- The Forge Level 2: Solace of the Forge should now correctly only be usable while outdoors in Draenor.
- Trading Post Level 2: Players should now be able to gain reputation with the Sha'tari Defense or Laughing Skull Orcs.
- Outposts
- Nagrand Tankworks: Wor'var Demolisher and Telaari Siege Engine now deals less damage against other players.
- Hunter
- General
- Camouflage's stealth effect should now be reapplying correctly when the Hunter and their pet are stationary.
- General
- Mage
- Talents
- Prismatic Crystal when conjured, should now correctly last for its full duration.
- Talents
- Shaman
- General
- Totemic Recall should now correctly refund the mana cost back when used.
- Elemental
- Earthquake can now only Stun a target once per cast.
- General
- General
- Resolved an issue where Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg was incorrectly allowing Eye of Kilrogg to fly while on Draenor.
- Frostfire Ridge
- [Requires a realm restart.] Tricks of the Trade: Characters that have undergone a faction change can now complete this quest if they had already completed it on the opposite faction.
- Spires of Arak
- Assault on Skettis: Increased the drop rates for Talon Key. Additionally, Apexis Sol-Mender, Glowing Energizer and, Stalwart Warden should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Bonus Objective: Bladefist Hold: Increased the spawn rates for Brood Mother Xylax, Bagdoth Goredrinker, and Val'dune Fleshcrafter.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Veoryx should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Characters visiting someone else's Garrison should no longer be incorrectly seeing another player's daily quests.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Nemesis quests should no longer be incorrectly removed from the player's quest log if they log out while the building is under construction.
- Goren Invasion!: Adjusted a number of spawn points so the invaders should no longer get stuck in Garrison buildings.
- Scraps of Iron (Dwarven Bunker/War Mill): Completing the quest should no longer remove more Iron Horde Scraps than needed.
World Environment
- Increased the number of situations where items and abilities slowing the player's falling speed could be used while in outdoor environments.
Creatures and NPCs
- Graveltooth should now be using their inside voice to shout at players in the area instead of shouting at the entirety of Nagrand.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Reduced the item level requirement to queue for Normal difficulty Grimrail Depot, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, The Everbloom, and Upper Blackrock Spire to 595 (down from 600).
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- Orebender Gor'ashan: Mobs from other parts of the Dungeon should no longer be joining the fight during the encounter.
- Challenge Mode
- Aviana's Feather should no longer be usable while in a Challenge Mode dungeon.
- Proving Grounds
- Statistics for Basic Healer (Endless) should no longer be incorrectly displaying under Basic Tank (Endless).
- Increased the amount of players that can be in Ashran to 150.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Primal Combatant PvP trinkets awarded from Gold Strongboxes should now contain stats that are more appropriate for the character's specialization.
- Primal PvP trinkets should now be eligible to grant players the Gladiator's Distinction set bonus.
- Primal Honor PvP gear should now correctly have a set bonus.
- Gnomish Net Launcher now has a level 91 requirement to equip and provides a more appropriate bonus to Versatility.
- Invisibility Field's effect is now on a shared cooldown with other invisibility effects.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where Draenor Perks for characters may sometimes not be saving correctly.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Fishing Shack: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Frostwall Mine: Fixed a number of True Iron Deposits that were spawning inside of pillars and terrain.
- Mage Tower/Spirit Lodge: Characters under a shapeshifting effect should now be able to use an Ogre Waygate to return to their Garrisons.
- Salvage Yard: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Outposts
- Nagrand: The building bonus for having a Corral should no longer incorrectly dismount Herbalists while harvesting resource nodes.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Spires of Arak: Bonus for the building should now switch correctly when changing buildings for the outpost.
- Followers that are 3 or more levels below the mission level now receive 10% of the mission XP and bonus XP (up from 0%). Additional information on how Followers and mission level affects their XP gain can be found in a forum thread titled Followers and Garrison Missions XP.
- Druid
- Balance
- Empowered Moonkin's clearcasting effect should no longer be incorrectly consumed if it's triggered while the Moonkin is in the middle of casting a spell.
- Balance
- Mage
- Talents
- Comet Storm should now correctly belong to the Frost school and is no longer usable if that school is locked.
- Talents
- Paladin
- Talents
- [Requires a realm restart.] Holy Shield should now correctly deal damage when blocking normal attacks as well.
- Talents
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Further increased the spawn rates of Pale Orcs and Rylak Eggs.
- For the Children!: Manastorm's Duplicator should now be correctly awarded to characters that complete the quest.
- Moving In: Characters that abandon the quest should now have an easier time reacquiring the quest and resume their progress on the main quest line.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Players that have completed Into the Heart of Madness should no longer sometimes be placed into an incorrect phase and be unable to complete the quest.
- Safety Measures: Increased the spawn rate of bog denizens.
- Shadowmoon Invasion! is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
- Skimming Off The Top: Increased the drop rates for Volatile Oil.
- Strike While the Iron is Hot: Blocked off the entrance to the Iron Docks so players won't accidentally wander out of the quest area and wind up getting lost.
- The Defense of Karabor: Players resurrecting at a graveyard during this quest should no longer be immediately attacked by Iron Horde NPCs.
- The Iron Wolf: Players should now be able to receive completion credit if they've died and released during the quest.
- Thunderlord Invasion!: The quest is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
Creatures and NPCs
- Apexis Traders Dawn-Seeker Krek (Alliance) and Dawn-Seeker Alkset (Horde) are now offering Exceptional gear (item level 645) for sale.
- Developer Commentary: The vendors' offerings were previously tied to the Highmaul raid unlock, but we wanted to make sure that players have useful items to spend their Apexis Crystals on, rather than positioning them exclusively as a catch-up item vendor. The final tier of Flawless gear (item level 655) will now unlock when the Highmaul raid becomes available, rather than when Blackrock Foundry becomes available.
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs in the Skettis Ruins area in Spires of Arak. [Requires a realm restart.] Additionally, resolved an issue where some creatures were incorrectly sharing loot with other players.
- Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Rangari Jonaa now has a cooldown on their Scatter Shot ability.
- Rotcap's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Typhon's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Characters with Warlords PvP gear that had its secondary item level activated due to being in PvP combat temporarily disqualifies them from queuing for Dungeons and Raid Finder. It can take up to 20 seconds after ending PvP combat before the character will be eligible to queue up normally.
- Upper Blackrock Spire
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, players should no longer be kept in a constant state of combat between waves.
- Reverted a hotfix from October 15 that reduced all PvP damage by 25%.
- Gnomes are now able to increase their reputation with Wrynn's Vanguard.
- Coil of Sturdy Rope, a Horde quest item should no longer be incorrectly dropping for Alliance characters.
- Miner's Coffee movement speed buff should now stack correctly with other movement speed buffs.
- Solium Band rings can now be equipped at level 98 (down from level 100).
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Barracks: Training dummies have been temporarily removed from the Garrison.
- Barracks Level 2: Bodyguard followers accompanying the player are now more likely to assist with the player's current target.
- Mine Level 2: Preserved Mining Picks obtained from mining carts should now work correctly.
- Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on a flight path while attempting to fly into their Garrisons.
- Followers
- [Requires a realm restart.] Hulda Shadowblade should now be correctly awarded to players that have completed the quest, Standing United.
- Warlock
- Talents
- Grimoire of Supremacy's summoned Terrorguards and Abyssals should now correctly have the Avoidance ability.
- Talents
- Articles of the Fallen: Players that have already completed To the Garrison should now be able to see Kal'gor the Honorable to complete the quest.
- Battle in Ashran: The quest now requires players to obtain 100 Artifact Fragments and go to Shadow Hunter Ukambe (Horde) or Scout Valdez (Alliance) to complete the quest.
- Battle of Thunder Pass: Dying or leaving the area during the middle of the Battle of Thunder Pass event should no longer prevent players from completing the event.
- Bled Dry: Cages can now be opened by multiple players simultaneously.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Bushwhacker: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Draenor's Secret Power: Completion of this quest is now required before being able to move onto the next step of the Legendary quest chain. For characters that skipped this quest, completion of this quest has also been made into a requirement before being eligible for the next upgrade.
- Fate of Karabor: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: Resolved an issue where Farseer Drek'Thar may sometimes not accept quest turn-ins.
- Last Steps: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Krashyx should no longer get stuck in evade mode.
- The Battle for Shattrath: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- The Debt We Share: Players that are mounted should now be able to receive completion credit for this quest.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Infested: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- The Iron Wolf: Added another way for characters to obtain The Iron Wolf invasion quest for characters that upgraded to a Tier 3 Garrison before completing the main Frostfire questline.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Razorbloom: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Voice of Iyu: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
Creatures and NPCs
- Grand Marshal Tremblade should now drop a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox for Horde characters when they're defeated.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Increased the amount of experience awarded for completing a Draenor level-up dungeon (Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, Auchindoun, and Skyreach) to be more rewarding.
- Items looted from normal Level-100 dungeons now have a level requirement of 100 instead of 97.
- Iron Docks
- Players should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for completing the Take Cover! achievement without actually completing the achievement.
- Attempted to resolve an issue where Skulloc may sometimes not grant loot.
- Slag Mines
- Players that are dead should now correctly still receive credit for completing the achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live.
- The Everbloom
- Coagulated Genesaur Blood is now correctly flagged as a damage dealer trinket.
- Salyin Battle Banner is no longer eligible to be used during Challenge Modes.
- Resolved an issue where a realm may sometimes not have a Challenge Mode daily quest available.
- Auchindoun: Reduced the amount of enemies to kill to 48 (down from 50).
- Skyreach: Time needed to achieve a gold rating has been increased to 17 minutes (up from 15 minutes). Times for silver and bronze rating have been adjusted accordingly.
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Players receiving credit for Challenge Master: Upper Blackrock Spire achievement should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for Challenge Master: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds as well.
- Honor Quartermasters have been added to Ashran. Austin Feeney (Alliance) and Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (Horde) now sell Honor gear.
- Conquest Quartermasters Marshal Gabriel (Alliance) and General Aevd (Horde) have temporarily stopped selling Conquest gear.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- An item now needs to be at least item level 560 or above before being eligible to be scaled up to 650 in level 100 Battlegrounds and Arenas.
- The following items are now uncommon quality (green) so there's less award pop-ups when retrieving the them from Garrison work orders. There's been no change to the item's functionality or availability.
- Primal Spirit
- Savage Blood
- Burnished Leather
- Gearspring Parts
- Hexweave Cloth
- Metamorphic Crystal
- Taladite Crystal
- Truesteel Ingot
- War Paints
Bug Fix
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters that have XP disabled could wind up being unable to level.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Lunar Fall Inn/Frostwall Tavern: Improved the rewards for completing Budd's Gambit, Go Fetch, Ogre Ancestry, and Sky Dancers.
- Stables Level 2: Resolved an issue where characters were not remaining mounted while interacting with herb nodes.
- Trading Post Level 2: Multiple items for Auctioning for Parts should no longer be dropping at the same time.
- A Collection of Coils: Increased the drop rates for Coil of Sturdy Rope.
- A Feast of Shadows: Increased the spawn rate for Face-Stealers.
- Bonus Objective: Kill Warspear Priests no longer awards a Gleaming Ashmaul Strongbox.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Increased the number and rate of Rylak Egg spawns.
- Core of Iron: Core of Iron should now only be found on Heroic difficulty Grimrail Depot.
- In Need Of A Hero: Completion credit for the quest is no longer shared amongst party members. This was causing other party members to be placed into an incorrect phase.
- Icespine Stinger: Increased the number of Icespine Stinger spawns.
- Legacy of the Apexis: Increased the drop rates for Apexis Core.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rate for Ango'rosh ogres.
- Strike While the Iron Is Hot: Resolved a situation where the Activate Primal Device button doesn't go away after completing the quest.
- The Battle of Thunder Pass: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Eldest: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Master Siegesmith: Master Siegesmith Uratok now scales his health based on the number of players engaging him.
- The Traitor's True Name: Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the quest.
- Wanted: Maa'run's Hoof should no longer incorrectly reward the exact same rings as Engorged Goren.
Creatures and NPCs
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures in the Shivering Trench area in Frostfire Ridge.
- Felwrought Annihilator is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- Mandragora now spawns more frequently and can be tapped by multiple players.
- Mor the Dominator can now be tapped by multiple players.
- Xanatos the Defiler will never be a slave and is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- Resolved an issue where Thaelin Darkanvil may not be visible as a quest giver to players that have rescued him.
- Resolved an issue where Warriors using Charge against some Grimfrost Lavaslingers could become stuck in the world geometry.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Dungeons
- Increased the frequency of loot awards for Normal difficulty Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Iron Docks, and Skyreach.
- Heroic Dungeons should correctly have a daily lockout once more.
- Auchindoun: Players should now be able to take a Soul Transporter to get back to Teron'gor if the entire party died after defeating him.
- Coliseum Champion's Spoils and Gleaming Ashmaul Strongboxes should no longer incorrectly have a chance to contain Epic quality PvP weapons.
- Characters with over 600 skill should no longer continue to find catch-up items for the respective profession.
- Excavated Highmaul Thingamabob, Fungus-Infected Hydra Lung, Pulsating Brain of No'losh, and Thornmother Eye can now trigger its effect from non-healing spells as well.
- Resolved an issue causing the Mists of Pandaria Legendary Cloaks and Metagems to remain effective for level 100 characters.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- Mine Level 2: Mining carts should now be easier to spot and should contain more than 1 piece of ore.
- Followers
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where characters were not receiving the quest.
- Druid
- Balance
- Resolved an issue where the balance cycle may incorrectly force the Druid to stand up.
- Balance
- Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where characters may not receive completion credit for the quest.
- I See Dead People: Resolved an issue where Bryan Finn may become unresponsive.
- Kaelynara Sunchaser: Resolved an issue where characters were unable to return to their bodies in Spirit Form if they die inside the Jorune Mines.
- Leave Nothing Behind!: Kur'ak the Binder now spawns more frequently.
- Mulverick's Plight: Increased the drop rate for Mulverick's Axe.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rates of the Ango'rosh Ogres.
- Save Wolf Home: Gronnstalker Korhol, Beastmaster Trokar, and Giantslayer Zhakta should now spawn more frequently. Additionally, resolved an issue where characters may be unable to complete profession quests while this quest is active.
- The Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where completing this quest may cause characters to be unable to progress if they're also on the quest for The Righteous March.
- Echo of Murmur now spawns more frequently.
- Made a pass on a number of rare creatures to allow multiple players to receive credit for personal loot if they helped defeat them.
- Reduced the density of Squirrels in Nagrand and, critters and Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge.
Update 3: 09:30pm PST
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- Resolved an issue where Keg Smash may sometimes not generate Chi when used.
- Brewmaster
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive this quest after completing the Embaari Defense Crystal event.
- Book Burning: Shadowborne Dementor should now always drop a Shadow Council Spellbook.
- Shivertail's Den: Made a change to make it easier to receive credit for "Find Shivertail's Mother".
- The Great Salvation: Draenei prisoners should spawn more frequently now.
- The Warlord's Guard: Increased the spawn rates for Thunk, Gullok, and Splorg.
- These Colors Don't Run: Characters now receive credit towards planting a Frostwolf Banner when they defeat or help in defeating a Bladespire Ogre with the exception of Bladespire Mauler, Chef, Boarbuster, Ogron, and Goresnout.
- Wrath of Gronn: Increased the spawn rate for Captive Gronns.
Creatures and NPCs
- Collision geometry has been added to Drek'Thar, Thrall, and Gazlowe in Frostfire Ridge.
- Gorg the Host should now allow multiple players to receive credit for defeating it.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Resolved an issue where item levels for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Skirmishes brackets below level 100 were not scaling correctly.
- Epic rings that are a part of the Legendary quest line can no longer be disenchanted.
Update 2: 6:00pm PST
- Adherents of the Sun God: Increased spawn rates for Adherent Bladewing.
- Dark Enemies: Increased spawn rates for Shadowmoon Voidmancer.
- Escape from Shaz'gul: Players can now receive completion credit for the quest by defeating Terrorfang at the end.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Gormaul Tower: (Temporary) Completion credit for the quest is automatically awarded once players reach the top of the hill.
- Great Balls of Fire!: To address an issue where some players were unable to destroy the barricade, players now receive quest completition credit once they get to the top of the ramp.
- Quakefist: Quakefist's health now scales based on the number of players fighting it.
- These Colors Don't Run: Multiple players can now place a banner on a Bladespire Ogre if they had tap rights.
- Various Kaliri in the Spires of Arak area should no longer be too high off the ground to be attacked.
- Various creatures should now correctly have a chance to drop fur that could be used for tailoring.
- Abberant's Paw, Gnarled Goren Jaw, and Redclaw's Gutripper now give a bonus to Spell Power.
- Toy Train Set has been temporarily disabled.
Update 1: 1:30pm PST
- Druid
- Balance
- Resolved an issue where the Eclipse indicator in the UI can sometimes not match the Druid's current Balance power.
- Balance
- Back to Work / Looking for Lumber: Greatly increased the number of trees available to mark for both Horde and Alliance versions of the quest. Additionally, Lunarfall Ravens respawn much more quickly now.
- Closing the Door: Resolved an issue where Void Portals may sometimes not close correctly.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: The Shamanstone no longer requires characters to interact with it and will grant its blessing to players that are nearby.
- Quakefist: Quakefist now spawns outside of the cave, making it easier to locate.
- Ship Salvage / What We Need: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
- The Clarity Elixir: Pristine Star Lily can now be looted by multiple players at the same time.
- These Colors Don't Run: Greatly increased the spawn rates for Bladespire Ogres and made them share tap credit.
- Vengeance for the Fallen: Bleeding Hollow orcs respawn much more quickly now.
- Durotan at Beastwatch in Gorgrond is now significantly tougher.
- Gorum can now be tapped by multiple characters. All players who contributed to defeating Gorum will now become eligible for loot.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Challenge Mode
- Characters can switch specializations once more after the Challenge Mode has started.
- Death Knight
- Talents
- Necrotic Plague now deals 20% more damage.
- Talents
- Druid
- Balance
- Lunar Peak should no longer incorrectly display as having 2 charges (it was always only 1 charge). Additionally, the tooltip will be updated in a future patch to clarify the damage increase only applies to Moonfire's initial damage.
- Balance
- Hunter
- General
- Explosive Trap now deals additional Fire damage over 10 seconds (down from 20 seconds). Total amount of damage dealt remains unchanged.
- Talents
- Binding Shot should now correctly stun targets affected by silence when they move more than 5 yards from the arrow. Additionally, targets should no longer incorrectly break out of stealth on entering Binding Shot's area of effect.
- Resolved an issue where Posthaste may sometimes not trigger correctly with Disengage.
- General
- Fire
- Combustion is now learned at level 80 (up from level 77).
- Brewmaster
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases armor by 75% (up from 50%), and reduces magic damage taken by 15% (up from 10%).
- General
- Power Word: Shield now absorbs 20% more damage.
- Discipline
- Holy Nova's healing has been reduced by 41%.
- Penance's damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
- Destruction
- Fire and Brimstone should now correctly hit all secondary targets within 10 yards, regardless of whether they're in combat with the Warlock.
- Talents
- Damage caused by Burning Rush while Soul Link is active should no longer incorrectly cause the Warlock to go into combat.
- Stacks of Demonbolt debuff should no longer be incorrectly removed by Hand of Protection.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- The Postmaster received a talking to and should no longer be mailing large amounts of unimportant items to players.
Pet Battle
- Grommloc, the delightfully dreadful baby murloc masquerading as Grommash Hellscream, legendary leader of the Warsong clan is now available. Players eligible to receive this pet will find it in their in-game mailbox. An Achievement for obtaining this battle pet will be added in a future patch.
- Darkmoon Top Hat can now only be used while the Darkmoon Faire is active.
- Dwarven Stoneform ability should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Death Knight
- General
- Outbreak modified by Glyph of Outbreak should no longer incorrectly consume Runic Power if the attack misses.
- General
- Hunter
- General
- Explosive Trap modified by Glyph of Explosive Trap should now correctly knock enemies away from the trap instead of away from the Hunter.
- Freezing Trap should now trigger correctly when a stealthed character walks over it.
- General
- Survival
- Serpent Sting should now be correctly applied to targets even if they move more than 40 yards away when struck by Arcane Shot.
- Hunter Pets
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Blood of the Rhino now reduces the pet's physical damage taken by 15% instead of increasing armor by 20%.
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Great Stamina now increases the pet's health by 60% (up from 12%).
- Carrion Bird: Bloody Screech can now be set to autocast.
- Discipline
- Divine Aegis should now correctly factor in the increase from Might of the Mountain racial passive.
- Holy Nova's healing has been decreased by 15%.
- Divine Star's healing or damage (depending on Specialization) has been increased by 15%.
- General
- Doomguards should no longer run out of energy from casting Doom Bolts.
- Talents
- Sudden Death is now 2.5 RPPM (real procs per minute increased by Haste) instead of a 10% chance to activate from autoattacks.
- Just Around the Corner: Characters should now be able to interact with Sparksocket's Tools.
- The Brothers Bronzebeard: Brann's Flying Machine has been made to be more sturdy and should no longer be destroyed too quickly.
- The Fall of Neferset City: Dark Pharaoh Tekahn should now spawn in correctly, allowing players to complete the quest.
- The Strength of Tortolla: The quest can now be completed by characters with the PvP flag enabled.
- Truce?: Characters should now be able to interact with Dull Carving Knife.
World Environment
- Fixed an issue where Zidormi may send players to an incorrect phase in the Blasted Lands.
- Timeless Isle
- Resolved an issue where Mist-Covered Treasure Chest could sometimes be empty.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Terrace of Endless Spring
- Protectors of the Endless: Protector Kaolan's Defiled Ground ability now deals less damage.
- Heart of Fear
- [Requires a realm restart.] Garalon: Destroying Garalon's Legs should now correctly damage Garalon and resolved a situation where players facing one of the legs may incorrectly receive an error message that they're not.
- Dungeons
- Siege of Niuzao Temple: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, Where's My Air Support?
- Well of Eternity: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, That's Not Canon!
- Once a Challenge Mode has started, characters can no longer change specializations, talents, or glyphs.
- Resolved an issue where some eligible characters did not receive a Prideful Gladiator's Cloud Serpent.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battlegrounds
- [Requires a realm restart.] Characters should now receive a popup notifying them with the amount of bonus Honor that was awarded at the end of a Random Battleground match.
- Arenas
- Priests entering an Arena match while in Spirit of Redemption form should no longer die during the Arena Preparation phase.
- Mixology should be working correctly doubles the duration of flasks and elixirs once more.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Adjusted a number of item enhancements from earlier expansions that were providing a larger than intended bonus.
- Adjusted a number of potions from the Cataclysm expansion that were providing a larger than intended bonus.
- Crocolisk Au Gratin should now correctly provide a buff to Haste and Stamina instead of Expertise and Stamina.
- Fisherman's Feast now provides a more reasonable buff to Stamina.
- Formula: Enchant Ring - Striking no longer has a use effect as the formula it teaches no longer exists.
- Haunted Memento's Haunted effect is now a buff that can be removed by the character.
- Resolved an issue where items transmogrified into The Horseman's Horrific Hood or The Horseman's Sinister Slicer could revert back to their original state.
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters could cause them to forget spells that have been taught by items.
Darkmoon Faire
- Reduced the levels of Moonfang, Moonfang Packmate, Moonfang Dreadhowl, Moonfang Snarler, and Darkmoon Rabbit back to pre-Warlords expansion levels. The creatures needs to respawn for the changes to take effect.
- Heirloom items sold at the Darkmoon Faire should no longer have a gold cost associated with them.
- Firebird's Challenge: Blazing Rings are no longer shared with other players.
- It's Hammer Time: Characters that have been flagged as PvP enabled should now be able to complete the quest.
- Hunter
- Talents
- Damage from A Murder of Crows can no longer be dodged.
- Talents
- Priest
- Talents
- Discipline: Spirit Shell's damage absorption shield should no longer be weaker than intended.
- Talents
- Rogue
- Talents
- Burst of Speed should now be usable even if the Rogue is under the effects of other movement speed buffs.
- Talents
- Shaman
- Elemental
- Earthquake's knock down effect is no longer affected by diminishing returns, but the knock down effect now only has a duration of 1.5 seconds.
- Elemental
- Blood of the Betrayer: Rogues should now be able to remove Arcane Infused Armor from Nalice, and be able to complete the quest.
- Dah, Nunt... Dah, Nunt...: Players should no longer remain stunned indefinitely and be able to complete the quest.
- Get Kraken!: Increased the health for North Sea Kraken by 1000%.
- Raids
- Throne of Thunder
- [Requires a realm restart.] Dark Winds debuff should no longer incorrectly persist on the character, preventing them from being able to use mounts.
- Ulduar
- XT-002 Deconstructor's Searing Light ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- The Obsidian Sanctum
- Defeating Sartharion too quickly should no longer cause him to not drop a mount.
- Black Temple
- Illidan Stormrage: Fixed an issue where defeating Flames of Azzinoth too quickly in phase 2 may cause Illidan to not land.
- Throne of Thunder
- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom: Resolved an issue where players defeating multiple packs of creatures in the room too quickly could cause Jedoga Shadowseeker to remain not attackable.
- Hellfire Ramparts: Players should now be able to loot the Reinforced Fel Iron Chest after defeating Vazruden the Herald.
- Razorfen Downs: Resolved an issue where Amnennar the Coldbringer may sometimes fail to be summoned when Death Speaker Blackthorn is defeated.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battlegrounds
- Increased Honor gains for Arathi Basin, Deepwind Gorge, Eye of the Storm, and The Battle for Gilneas. Honor is now awarded for every 150 resources gathered (up from Honor being awarded for every 250 resources gathered).
- Returning a flag in Battlegrounds should correctly play an appropriate sound once more.
- Made a number of adjustments where lower level food items were providing a larger than intended buff.
- Timeless Isle Tokens and legendary weapons looted during the fight with Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep are no longer included in the guild news panel.
- Bags set to "Ignore this bag" should now be saving the setting correctly when the character logs out or zones into a new area.
- /console colorblindshader [0-8] has been re-enabled and replaced with /console colorblindsimulator [0-8].
Bug Fixes
- Resolved a frame rate stuttering issue that was affecting some Mac OS clients.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Mobile Armory's guild chat should be working once more.
Hallow's End
- Exquisite Costume Set: "The Lich King" now allows the user to ride on a mount while transformed.
- Resolved an issue where durations for periodic effects were not always being extended for the full amount when refreshed by another ability.
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- Necrosis’ damage has been increased by 67%.
- Scourge Strike’s damage has been increased by 50%.
- Unholy Might now increases Strength by 5% (down from 10%).
- Unholy
- Defile should no longer be growing in radius and damage by more than the intended amount.
- General
- Druids are no longer able to switch specializations while in Flight Form.
- Druid shapeshift forms should now override the transformation from Fire-Watcher's Oath.
- Wrath’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Starfall’s damage has been increased by 75%.
- Starfire’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Starsurge’s damage has been increased by 25%. Additionally, resolved an issue where Starsurge may sometimes provide an incorrect Lunar or Solar Empowerment.
- Nature's Swiftness should no longer incorrectly allow Cyclone to be cast while in any shapeshift form.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Nature's Vigil now heals nearby targets for 20% of the healing done (down from 30%), but can now trigger from Multistrikes.
- General
- Adaptation now increases Combat Experience’s damage increase to 70% (down from 85%).
- Beast Mastery
- Kill Command’s damage has been increased by 20%.
- Marksmanship
- Chimaera Shot’s damage has been reduced by 13%.
- Talents
- Focusing Shot now has a 2.5 second cast time (down from 3 seconds), and its damage has been increased by 25%.
- General
- Conjured food no longer has a level requirement to use.
- Arcane
- Resolved an issue where notifications for Arcane Missiles charges may sometimes not display properly.
- Frost
- Frostbolt’s damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Talents
- Cauterize should no longer be dealing more damage than intended to the Mage.
- Alter Time should now work correctly for characters below level 77.
- General
- Resolved an issue where Stance of the Fierce Tiger's movement speed increase was not working correctly for newly created Monks.
- Brewmaster
- Black Ox Statue should no longer be attacking targets.
- Talents
- Chi Explosion now deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Damage to the primary target remains unchanged.
- Discipline
- Smite critical hits should no longer incorrectly cause the target to be healed for a greater than intended amount through Atonement while also receiving a larger than intended damage shield that's granted through Divine Aegis.
- Shadow
- Mastery: Mental Anguish now increases damage by 3.125% per point (up from 2.5%).
- Glyphs
- [Requires a realm restart.] Glyph of Inner Fire and Glyph of Inner Sanctum should now be correctly removed as those glyphs no longner exist.
- Combat
- Killing Spree should no longer cancel or end prematurely if one of their targets is immune to damage.
- General
- Lava Burst's visuals should no longer be excessively large.
- Elemental
- Earthquake's visuals are no longer visible for friendly players.
- Shamanism now increases Lightning Bolt's damage by 70% (up from 36%).
- Fire Nova now has a maximum of 7 novas that can be triggered if more than 7 targets are affected by Flame Shock.
- Maelstrom Weapon should no longer incorrectly persist after the Shaman has switched to a different specialization.
- Echo of the Elements effect should now be correctly consumed during Ascendance.
- Elemental Blast's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Demonology
- Molten Core should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect based on the casting Warlock's health
- Resolved an issue where Soul Fire's damage was reduced by a greater than intended amount.
- Resolved a situation where interactions between Immolate, Fire and Brimstone, and Cataclysm could cause Immolate to deal less damage than intended.
- Cataclysm now has a slight visual which can be seen by the Warlock's allies when it's being cast.
- General
- Heroic Leap should no longer allow the Warrior to ignore vertical terrain restrictions while in a Dungeon, Raid, or Battleground.
- Whirlwind’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Ravager’s damage has been reduced by 25%.
- Slam’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Breaking the Emperor's Shield: Nakk'rakas should no longer despawn, allowing players to complete the quest.
- Damp Shambler's Renewing Mists now heals for less.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Siege of Orgrimmar
- [Requires a realm restart.] Paragons of the Klaxxi: Resolved an issue where Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver could not be looted.
- Downfall Wing 4: Resolved an issue where Gnomish Gyrocopters may not be destroying Thresher Turrets for Alliance players.
- Jin'rokh the Breaker's Ionization effect should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- [Requires a realm restart.] The Lich King's Harvest Soul ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Anub'arak's Leeching Swarm should no longer be healing Anub'arak for an excessive amount.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Blackrock Caverns: Angered Earth should now spawn in when Rom'ogg Bonecrusher hits a player with Quake.
- Razorfen Kraul: Groyat, the Blind Hunter's Drain Life ability should no longer damage or heal for an excessive amount.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Arenas
- Tol'viron Arena should now correctly have Dampening.
- Battlegrounds
- Deepwind Gorge: Status of the mine cart should now be updating correctly.
- Isle of Conquest: Huge Seaforium Bombs no longer have a level requirement to interact with them.
- Elixirs from the Cataclysm expansion should no longer be more powerful than their counterparts from Mists of Pandaria.
- Boiled Silkworm Pupa now provides a buff to Critical Strike instead of Hit.
- [Requires a realm restart.] Claws of Agony and Claws of Torment's 2-piece set bonus now gives a more reasonable amount of Haste.
- Manual Crowd Pummeler's on-use effect now grants a more reasonable increase to Haste.
- Technique: Glyph of the Executor no longer has an effect as the Glyph it teaches no longer exists.
- Zandalarian Hero Badge now provides a more reasonable amount of Armor.
- Settings for SET ffxGlow should no longer be resetting when exiting the game client.
- Roll Club: Serpent's Spine should no longer cause players to float and allow them to complete the quest.
- Zarhym Altogether: Spirit Chests looted during the weekly quest no longer contains gold.
World Environment
- World Defense chat channel should be joinable once again.
- Alliance characters taking a flight path to Shattered Beachhead should now arrive safely at their destination (rather than falling through the world).
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Bonus Honor for winning a Battleground is now only awarded when queuing for a Random Battleground (it was incorrectly awarding the bonus Honor for any Battleground win).
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3: Hotfixes
For Patch 6.0.2 pre-Warlords expansion patch notes, please see: The Iron Tide: 6.0.2 Patch Notes.
For Patch 6.0.2 Hotfixes, please see: 6.0.2 Hotfixes.
WoW's 10th Anniversary
- [Requires a realm restart] WoW's 10th Anniversary event has received an extension! The event will begin again at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 6 and ends at 10AM PST on Tuesday, January 13.
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing.] Map Icon for the Garrison should now appear correctly for characters that had undergone a faction change.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing.] Alliance Tier 3 Garrison: Dungeoneer's Training Dummy for healing and damage have swapped places so melee classes are less likely to trigger the tanking dummy by accident.
- Resolved a situation that could cause ore and mining carts in a player's Garrison to despawn.
- Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not correctly accrue rested experience when entering their Garrisons.
- Resolved an issue where players may become stuck or be disconnected while attempting to visit other Garrisons.
- Book of Garrison Blueprints should now be consumed when learned and can also be destroyed.
- Resolved a number of issues where players may sometimes be unable to enter their Garrisons.
- Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors that spawns inside of the Garrison should now be lootable if they're killed by an NPC (like a Bodyguard). An additional hotfix is being worked on that will also apply this while encountering Disturbed Podlings and Goren Protectors outside of the Garrison as well.
- Ashran has been re-enabled as a potential daily strategic assault choice. This reverts a change from November 21.
Temporarily disabled Ashran as a daily quest choice while we continue to troubleshoot issues with some of the daily quests being offered.- Resolved an issue where players could get stuck on a flight path while attempting to fly into their Garrisons.
- Characters visiting someone else's Garrison should no longer be incorrectly seeing another player's daily quests.
- Garrison Buildings
- [Requires a realm restart.] Work orders for the following Horde buildings (Mine, Herb Garden, Goblin Workshop, War Mill, and Trading Post) and Alliance buildings (Dwarven Bunker, Gnomish Gearworks, Trading Post) should now correctly contribute credit towards the achievements for Working Some Orders and Working More Orders.
- Work Orders should now also work with materials and reagents that are in the character's bank and reagent bank.
- Items obtained from Garrison Missions above level 615 now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- [Hotfix still undergoing testing.] Barn: Captured beasts can now stack to 20 (up from not being stackable).
- Barn: Increased the drop rates for Savage Blood from work orders.
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap should no longer be incorrectly triggering when other players run over it.
- Barn: Iron Trap, Improved Iron Trap, and Deadly Iron Trap now have a 15-second cooldown (down from 30 seconds).
- Barracks: Training dummies have been temporarily removed from the Garrison.
- Barracks Level 2: Bodyguard followers accompanying the player are now more likely to assist with the player's current target.
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Players can now accrue as many Iron Horde Scraps as they want.
- Dwarven Bunker/War Mill: Armor transmogrification items obtained from the Dwarven Bunker/War Mill are now truly account-bound and can be sent to other characters on the same Battle.net account.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill: Work orders now award more Iron Horde Scraps and increased the drop rates for Follower Enhancements.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill Level 2: Added a 2 hour grace period for cosmetic gear purchases from this building, allowing characters to sell the item back for a full refund. Note that utilizing the item for transmogrification will remove this grace period.
- Dwarven Bunker / War Mill: Completing the Scraps of Iron quest should no longer remove more Iron Horde Scraps than needed.
- Fishing Shack: Completing a daily Fishing quest now awards 15 skill points to Fishing (up from 1).
- Fishing Shack: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Frostwall Mines: Mine Guards should now scale with the player's character level.
- Frostwall Mines Level 3: Mine Guards now have significantly more health and damage.
- Gem Boutique: Followers assigned to the building should now always offer a daily quest.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Resolved a situation that could cause players to be unable to receive new Nemesis quests.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Corrected an issue that allowed a losing player to claim loot from victor's chest when multiple players died near-simultaneously.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Characters can now accumulate up to a maximum of 5000 Broken Bones at a time.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Highmaul Coliseum gladiator tournament should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Work orders were awarding much more gold and items than intended. The amount of items and gold awarded has been reduced to be more comparable to other buildings.
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The Coliseum scenario now requires 15 players to start (up from 10).
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: The building should now correctly provide the benefits from earlier levels 1 and 2.
- Gladiator's Sanctum Level 3: Fight, Kill, Salute! now awards 500 Conquest Points (down from 1500).
- Gladiator's Sanctum: Nemesis quests should no longer be incorrectly removed from the player's quest log if they log out while the building is under construction.
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: Overcharged Demolisher should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- Gnomish Gearworks / Goblin Workshop: "Skyterror" Personal Delivery System should now be usable only in the areas it was intended for.
- Herb Garden: Visitors can no longer harvest the player's Frostweed.
- Herb Garden Level 3: The Draenor fruit tree should now always bear fruit even if no Followers are assigned to work there.
- Inn: To encourage players to not leave in the middle of a run with a Dungeon Finder group, quests received from the Garrison Inn now requires the final boss of the Dungeon to be defeated.
- [Still in testing.] Inn: Inn quests can now be completed on the spot without returning back to the Garrison.
- A hotfix in testing from December 11 has been implemented. Inn: The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
- Inn: The achievement, Stay Awhile and Listen now only requires the character to complete 10 of the 20 Inn quests (down from all 20).
- Inn: Millhouse Manastorm can now always be found on the second floor.
- Inn: For the Children! quest reward, Manastorm's Duplicator should now correctly awarded to characters that complete the quest.
- Inn: Improved the rewards for completing Budd's Gambit, Go Fetch, Ogre Ancestry, and Sky Dancers.
- Lumber Mill: Players can now accrue as much Timber as they want.
- Lumber Mill: Legacy of the Ancients quest now has increased spawn rates for Medium Timber around the Botani Marsh area in Shadowmoon Valley.
- Lumber Mill: Greatly increased the number of trees available to mark for both Horde and Alliance versions of the quests Back to Work and Looking for Lumber. Additionally, Lunarfall Ravens respawn much more quickly now.
- Mage Tower / Spirit Lodge: Greatly increased the drop rates for Ogre Waystones.
- Mage Tower / Spirit Lodge: Characters under a shapeshifting effect should now be able to use an Ogre Waygate to return to their Garrisons.
- Menagerie Level 3: Reduced the number of pet battle wins needed for the Draenic Pet Battler achievement from 500 to 150.
- Mine (Horde): Fixed a number of True Iron Deposits that were spawning inside of pillars and terrain.
- Mine Levels 2-3: Mining Carts now contains more Primal Spirits and Archeology fragments. The amount of ore given by each mining node has been adjusted to a more appropriate level.
- Mine Level 2: Preserved Mining Picks obtained from mining carts should now work correctly.
- Mine Level 2: Mining carts should now be easier to spot and should contain more than 1 piece of ore.
- Salvage Yard: Special transmogrification items obtained from crates of salvage are now Rare (blue) quality to help distinguish them. Additionally, these items are now able to be disenchanted.
- Salvage Yard: Salvage recovered from a Garrison Mission should now always contain an item.
- Salvage Yard: Awards for salvage have been split into 3 tiers based on the level of the Garrison Mission (Levels 90-94, Levels 95-99, and Level 100). Additionally, the mission needs to be successful for a chance to receive salvage with Level 100 missions having a guaranteed chance on success.
- Salvage Yard: The building should now correctly still provide a bonus while it's under construction.
- Stables: Corrected an issue where players could complete The Stable Master achievement without owning a Level 3 Stable.
- Stables Level 2: Characters should now be immune to being dazed while riding their mounts.
- Stables Level 2: Resolved an issue where characters were not remaining mounted while interacting with herb nodes.
- Stables Level 3: Completing The Stable Master achievement should now correctly award the Stable Master title.
- Tannery Level 2: Rorok Ironhide (Horde) should no longer incorrectly be selling tents.
- The Forge Level 2: Followers assigned to work at the building should now be able to correctly grant Solace of the Forge and Song of the Anvil buff.
- The Forge Level 2: Solace of the Forge should now correctly only be usable while outdoors in Draenor.
- Trading Post: The Savage Friends achievement now only requires the character to become Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation (down from 3).
- Trading Post (Alliance): The Sha'tari Defense quartermaster now correctly offers the Sky Fry Battle Pet for sale at Revered reputation.
- Trading Post Level 2: Players should now be able to gain reputation with the Sha'tari Defense or Laughing Skull Orcs.
- Trading Post Level 2: Multiple items for Auctioning for Parts should no longer be dropping at the same time.
- Players defeating the final boss that pushes their invasion score to over 1000 should now correctly be able to receive credit for obtaining a gold rating.
- Players should now be eligible to receive an Invader's Forgotten Treasure once a week if they complete the invasion with a Gold Victory.
- Corrected an issue that was causing progress towards a Garrison invasion to reset each week.
- Item rewards received from a Garrison invasion now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Botani Invasion: The Gnarled Ancient should no longer get stuck and be able to enter a Horde Garrison.
- Iron Horde Invasion: Made a number of adjustments to make Gold Victory more obtainable.
- Goren Invasion attackers should no longer be getting stuck in Garrison buildings.
- Shadow Council Invasion: Concubine of Sin no longer awards points when defeated.
- Shadowmoon Invasion! is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
- Thunderlord Invasion! is now automatically removed from the character's quest log if they upgrade to a Tier 3 Garrison as this quest is only available for Tier 2 Garrisons.
- Completing a quest for a newly swapped Outpost building should no longer cause it to incorrectly revert back to a pre-swapped state.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Nagrand to 500 gold.
- Reduced the cost for changing Garrison Outpost buildings in Gorgrond, Talador, and Spires of Arak to 5,000 gold.
- Changing Garrison Outpost buildings should now grant access to the building-specific questline for that zone, including building-specific follower(s).
- Additional information on changes to Outposts can be found in the forum thread titled: Upcoming Garrison Outpost Hotfixes.
- Nagrand Corral: The building bonus for having a Corral should no longer incorrectly dismount Herbalists while harvesting resource nodes.
- Nagrand Tankworks: Wor'var Demolisher and Telaari Siege Engine now deals less damage against other players.
- Spires of Arak: Bonus for the building should now switch correctly when changing buildings for the outpost.
- Followers that are 3 or more levels below the mission level now receive 10% of the mission XP and bonus XP (up from 0%). Additional information on how Followers and mission level affects their XP gain can be found in a forum thread titled Followers and Garrison Missions XP.
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where characters were not receiving the quest.
- Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where players may sometimes not receive this quest after completing the Embaari Defense Crystal event.
- Hulda Shadowblade should now be correctly awarded to players that have completed the quest, Standing United.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Resolved an issue where characters that were dead or in Spirit of Redemption form when completing the achievement Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy...? may sometimes not receive Leeroy Jenkins as a follower.
- Magister Krelas should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Elvenkind trait.
- Magister Serena should now work correctly in a party for Followers with the Humanist trait.
- It is now possible to continue to receive Level 95-99 missions even when all Followers are level 100.
- Conquest Garrison Missions have been disabled temporarily from the pool of available missions for players that are eligible to receive them.
- Characters are now guaranteed to have level 90-94 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 90-94 range and level 95-99 Garrison Missions available if they have Followers in the level 95-99 range.
- Dwarf
- Dwarven Stoneform ability should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Orc
- Hardiness now reduces stun duration by 15% (up from 10%).
- Undead
- Will of the Forsaken has a 2-minute cooldown once more (down from 3 minutes).
- Player pets should now correctly rejoin the player after taking a flight path or using a vehicle.
- Resolved an issue where durations for periodic effects were not always being extended for the full amount when refreshed by another ability.
- Death Knight
- General
- Blood Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Frost Fever, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Outbreak modified by Glyph of Outbreak should no longer incorrectly consume Runic Power if the attack misses.
- General
- Frost Strike's damage has increased by 7%.
- Howling Blast's damage has increased by 7%.
- Obliterate's damage has increased by 7%.
- Necrosis’ damage has been increased by 67%.
- Scourge Strike’s damage has been increased by 50%.
- Unholy Might now increases Strength by 5% (down from 10%).
- Breath of Sindragosa should now work correctly with the Plaguebearer talent, extending the duration of diseases when used.
- Conversion now costs 15 Runic Power per second for Frost Death Knights (up from 10 Runic Power).
- Defile should no longer be growing in radius and damage by more than the intended amount.
- Necrotic Plague, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Necrotic Plague now deals 20% more damage.
- Glyph of Death and Decay should now also apply its effect for Death Knights with the Defile talent.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Blood Death Knights should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- Death Knight PvP 2-piece set bonus from previous PvP Seasons should now grant 1 Runic Power when Chains of Ice is used (down from 10 Runic Power).
- General
- Resolved an issue where Druids may sometimes lose Flight Form (and fall) when logging in or exiting from a Battleground or Arena match.
- Druids are no longer able to switch specializations while in Flight Form.
- Druid shapeshift forms should now override the transformation from Fire-Watcher's Oath.
- Wrath’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Empowered Moonkin's clearcasting effect should no longer be incorrectly consumed if it's triggered while the Moonkin is in the middle of casting a spell.
- Lunar Peak should no longer incorrectly display as having 2 charges (it was always only 1 charge). Additionally, the tooltip will be updated in a future patch to clarify the damage increase only applies to Moonfire's initial damage.
- Moonfire, when used in PvP combat now has a duration of 24 seconds and may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Shooting Stars should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Moonfire or Sunfire dies.
- Starfall now deals 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- Starfall’s damage has been increased by 75%.
- Starfire’s damage has been increased by 25%.
- Starsurge’s damage has been increased by 25%. Additionally, resolved an issue where Starsurge may sometimes provide an incorrect Lunar or Solar Empowerment.
- Sunfall should no longer incorrectly have a chance to trigger Nature's Vigil.
- Sunfall (Starfall modified by Glyph of the Solstice) should now also be dealing 33% less damage in PvP combat.
- Sunfire, when used in PvP combat may no longer have its periodic duration extended past 30 seconds.
- Resolved an issue where the balance cycle may incorrectly force the Druid to stand up.
- Resolved an issue where the Eclipse indicator in the UI can sometimes not match the Druid's current Balance power.
- Predatory Swiftness no longer increases the healing done by Healing Touch.
- Nature's Swiftness should now correctly increase the healing over time effect and duration of Regrowth.
- Nature's Swiftness should no longer incorrectly allow Cyclone to be cast while in any shapeshift form.
- Heart of the Wild's bonuses are now halved when used while in PvP combat.
- Nature's Vigil now heals nearby targets for 20% of the healing done (down from 30%), but can now trigger from Multistrikes.
- Pulverize (Guardian) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Soul of the Forest (Restoration) should now interact and correctly apply its healing bonus while Nature's Swiftness is active.
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Feral Druids.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Balance Druids can now only trigger once every 15 seconds.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Guardian Druids should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- General
- Adaptation now increases Combat Experience’s damage increase to 70% (down from 85%).
- Camouflage's stealth effect should now be reapplying correctly when the Hunter and their pet are stationary.
- Explosive Trap now deals additional Fire damage over 10 seconds (down from 20 seconds). Total amount of damage dealt remains unchanged.
- Explosive Trap modified by Glyph of Explosive Trap should now correctly knock enemies away from the trap instead of away from the Hunter.
- Freezing Trap should now trigger correctly when a stealthed character walks over it.
- Resolved a number of additional situations that could cause Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) to not correctly reset its cooldown.
- Kill Shot should now correctly reset its cooldown when it fails to kill the target due to Cauterize (Mage) or Guardian Spirit (Priest).
- Kill Shot's (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Kill Shot (Beast Mastery, Marksmanship) should now correctly reset its cooldown if the target becomes immune, have abilities, or talents that trigger to prevent the target from dying.
- Improved Focus Fire now grants a 5% increase (up from 2%) to attack power for every stack of Frenzy that had been consumed.
- Kill Command’s damage has been increased by 20%.
- Aimed Shot's damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Chimaera Shot’s damage has been reduced by 13%.
- Serpent Sting's damage has increased by 60%.
- Serpent Sting should now be correctly applied to targets even if they move more than 40 yards away when struck by Arcane Shot.
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Blood of the Rhino now reduces the pet's physical damage taken by 15% instead of increasing armor by 20%.
- Tenacity Pet Specialization: Great Stamina now increases the pet's health by 60% (up from 12%).
- Carrion Bird: Bloody Screech can now be set to autocast.
- Binding Shot should now correctly stun targets affected by silence when they move more than 5 yards from the arrow. Additionally, targets should no longer incorrectly break out of stealth on entering Binding Shot's area of effect.
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now work correctly with the Glyph of Mirrored Blades.
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera should now interact correctly with Glyph of Deterrence.
- Damage from A Murder of Crows can no longer be dodged.
- Focusing Shot now has a 2.5 second cast time (down from 3 seconds), and its damage has been increased by 25%.
- Resolved an issue where Posthaste may sometimes not trigger correctly with Disengage.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Hunters should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect when Freezing Trap activates on a target that is immune.
- General
- Conjured food no longer has a level requirement to use.
- Arcane
- Arcane Barrage's damage has increased by 16%.
- Arcane Blast's damage has increased by an additional 16%.
- Arcane Blast's damage has been increased by 10%.
- Arcane Explosion's damage has increased by 10%.
- Arcane Missiles' damage has increased by 16%.
- Resolved an issue where notifications for Arcane Missiles charges may sometimes not display properly.
- Combustion is now learned at level 80 (up from level 77).
- Enhanced Pyrotechnics now causes a stacking 10% increased critical strike chance (up from 5% per stack).
- Molten Armor now increases spell critical strike chance by 15% (up from 5%).
- Pyroblast's damage has been increased by 35%.
- Frostbolt's damage has increased by 25%.
- Frostbolt’s damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Alter Time should now work correctly for characters below level 77.
- Arcane Orb's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Cauterize should no longer be dealing more damage than intended to the Mage.
- Comet Storm's (Frost) damage has increased by 25%.
- Comet Storm should now correctly belong to the Frost school and is no longer usable if that school is locked.
- Greater Invisibility should now correctly be counting as dispelling two damage over time effects instead of canceling them.
- Meteor’s (Fire) damage-over-time effect has increased by 25%.
- Nether Tempest's (Arcane) damage has increased by 10%.
- Prismatic Crystal used in PvP combat, now transfers only 75% of total damage on Critical Hits, and only 50% of total damage on Multistrikes. There's no change to the ability in PvE combat.
- Prismatic Crystal when conjured, should now correctly last for its full duration.
- Supernova's (Arcane) damage has increased by 12%.
- Mage PvP 2-piece set bonus should now be correctly consuming stacks of the buff while casting Frostfire Bolt.
- Mage Tier-16's 4-piece set bonus is no longer guaranteed to trigger for characters above level 90.
- Mage Tier-12 2-piece set bonus' summoned Mirror Images should no longer be dealing an excessive amount of damage.
- General
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 10% increased damage from the Monk's abilities (down from 15% increased damage).
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 15% increased damage (down from 20%).
- Stance of the Fierce Tiger now increases all damage dealt by 5% (down from 10%).
- Resolved an issue where Stance of the Fierce Tiger's movement speed increase was not working correctly for newly created Monks.
- Tiger Palm (Brewmaster, Windwalker) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Transcendence: Transfer should now continue to correctly reference new transfer locations after multiple uses.
- Black Ox Statue should no longer be attacking targets.
- Guard's damage absorption shield now absorbs 100% more damage.
- Resolved an issue where Keg Smash may sometimes not generate Chi when used.
- Rising Sun Kick (Windwalker, Mistweaver) now causes enemies to take 15% increased damage (down from 20%).
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now defers 30% of damage taken to be divided over 10 seconds (up from 20%).
- Stance of the Sturdy Ox now increases armor by 75% (up from 50%), and reduces magic damage taken by 15% (up from 10%).
- Tiger Palm's (Brewmaster, Windwalker) periodic effect should now behave like other periodic effects, and be able to have its duration extended by up to 130% of normal when refreshed.
- Enveloping Mist's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Life Cocoon's healing has been increased by 50%.
- Chi Explosion's visuals should now be more visible and the ability's sound effects should no longer be too quiet.
- Chi Explosion now deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Damage to the primary target remains unchanged.
- Chi Wave should now correctly bounce up to 7 times to targets within 25 yards.
- Glyph of Keg Smash should now correctly increase the range of Keg Smash.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Brewmaster and Windwalker Monks should now correctly reduce the Energy cost of Jab.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Mistweaver Monks should no longer incorrectly apply its effect to both the casting Monk and target at the same time.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Brewmaster Monks should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- General
- Eternal Flame's initial healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Flash of Light's healing has been reduced by 20% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Hand of Freedom modified by Glyph of Hand of Freedom should now correctly reduce the remaining duration of all loss of control effects when used on other players.
- Seal of Insight's healing effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- Word of Glory's healing has been increased by 25% for Protection and Retribution Paladins.
- Beacon of Light's sound effects should no longer be excessively loud.
- Mastery: Divine Bulwark now increases Shield of the Righteous' damage reduction by 0.5% per point, down from 0.75% per point.
- Grand Crusader now also has a 30% chance to trigger its effect from Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous.
- Shield of the Righteous now reduces physical damage taken by 25% (up from 20%).
- Empowered Seals (Protection, Retribution) should no longer incorrectly be providing a 30% increase to attack speed on top of its intended benefits.
- Hand of Purity should no longer incorrectly affect damage over time abilities that are immune from this damage reduction effect.
- Holy Shield should now correctly deal damage when blocking normal attacks as well.
- Selfless Healer should now be correctly dispelled instead of having only 1 stack dispelled at a time.
- Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Paladins.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins, Righteous Determination should now be dispellable.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- PvP 4-piece set bonus for Protection Paladins should no longer be incorrectly applied to other pets or guardians.
- [Currently in testing] PvP 4-piece set bonus for Retribution Paladins now increases damage and healing by 2% per Holy Power spent (down from 3%) for 4 seconds (down from 8 seconds).
- General
- Mass Dispel should no longer be incorrectly dispelling Cyclone without a Glyph of Mass Dispel equipped.
- Mass Dispel modified by Glyph of Mass Dispel should no longer incorrectly dispel Cyclones cast by a friendly player.
- Power Word: Shield critical hits should now correctly absorb only 150% of normal in PvP.
- Power Word: Shield now absorbs 20% more damage.
- Silence (Discipline) now prevents the target from casting spells for 2 seconds (down from 5 seconds). There is no change to the ability for Shadow Priests.
- Divine Aegis' should now correctly absorb only 50% as much in PvP.
- Divine Aegis should now correctly factor in the increase from Might of the Mountain racial passive.
- Holy Nova's healing has been reduced by 41%.
- Penance's damage and healing has been increased by 20%.
- Smite critical hits should no longer incorrectly cause the target to be healed for a greater than intended amount through Atonement while also receiving a larger than intended damage shield that's granted through Divine Aegis.
- Lightwell's heal over time effect should now be able to Multistrike or Critically Strike.
- Binding Heal should now correctly heal both the Priest and friendly target.
- Mastery: Mental Anguish now increases damage by 3.125% per point (up from 2.5%).
- Clarity of Will's (Discipline) protective ward on a critical effect should now be correctly reduced by Battle Fatigue in PvP combat.
- Divine Star's healing or damage (depending on Specialization) has been increased by 15%.
- Spirit Shell's (Discipline) damage absorption shield should no longer be weaker than intended.
- Insanity's (Shadow) snare should now be correctly affected by abilities that remove or reduces the duration of snare effects.
- Glyph of the Inquisitor should now correctly be dealing self-damage against the Priest (with a chance to break crowd control effects) in PvP combat against enemy players with glyphed crowd control abilities that removes damage over time effects on the target.
- Glyph of Inner Fire and Glyph of Inner Sanctum should now be correctly removed as those glyphs no longer exist.
- [Still in testing.] Tier-16 set bonuses no longer work for level 100 Holy Priests.
- Assassination
- Assassination Rogues now deal 6% more damage.
- Envenom should no longer incorrectly consume all of the Rogue's combo points if the ability misses or was dodged.
- Venomous Wounds' damage has increased by 20%.
- Blade Flurry now also strikes up to 4 additional nearby opponents for 35% of normal damage (up from 30%).
- Killing Spree should no longer cancel or end prematurely if one of their targets is immune to damage.
- Vitality now grants 50% additional Attack Power (up from 40%).
- Backstab's damage has increased by 20%.
- Hemorrhage's periodic effect should now be able to critically strike.
- Hemorrhage's damage has increased by 30%.
- Honor Among Thieves should no longer cause Rogues with the Anticipation talent to stand up after receiving a Critical heal.
- Sanguinary Vein now increases damage dealt by 25% (up from 20%).
- Burst of Speed should now be usable even if the Rogue is under the effects of other movement speed buffs.
- Resolved an issue where Death from Above could sometimes incorrectly be granting multiple combo points in conjunction with Ruthlessness.
- General
- Ghost Wolf modified by Glyph of Ghostly Speed no longer provides a movement speed increase while indoors.
- Shaman totems should no longer be damaged by the Death Knight talent, Defile.
- Chain Lightning's damage has increased by an additional 10%.
- Chain Lightning's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Lava Burst (Elemental, Restoration) now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has increased by an additional 10%.
- Lava Burst's (Elemental, Restoration) damage has been increased by 35%.
- Lava Burst now has a chance equal to the character's Critical Strike chance to trigger an additional Multistrike. This is separate from the standard two chances for Lava Burst to Multistrike; one Lava Burst could trigger up to three Multistrikes (two standard Multistrikes, plus one more from Critical Strike chance).
- Lava Burst's visuals should no longer be excessively large.
- Lightning Bolt's damage has increased by 10%.
- Totemic Recall should now correctly refund the mana cost back when used.
- Earthquake's damage has increased by 10%.
- Earthquake can now only Stun a target once per cast.
- Earthquake's knock down effect is no longer affected by diminishing returns, but the knock down effect now only has a duration of 1.5 seconds.
- Earthquake's visuals are no longer visible for friendly players.
- Lava Beam's damage has increased by 10%.
- Shamanism now increases Lightning Bolt's damage by 70% (up from 36%).
- Fire Nova now has a maximum of 7 novas that can be triggered if more than 7 targets are affected by Flame Shock.
- Lava Lash's damage has increased by an additional 20%.
- Lava Lash's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Maelstrom Weapon will no longer increase the damage or healing effects of spells that consume the Ancestral Swiftness buff.
- Maelstrom Weapon should no longer incorrectly persist after the Shaman has switched to a different specialization.
- Stormstrike's damage has increased by an additional 20%.
- Stormstrike's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Restorative Waves now increases all healing done by 30% (up from 25%).
- Riptide modified by Glyph of Riptide should no longer incorrectly consume Echo of the Elements when cast.
- Echo of the Elements effect should now be correctly consumed during Ascendance.
- Elemental Blast's damage has increased by an additional 10%.
- Elemental Blast's damage has been increased by 20%.
- PvP 2-piece set bonus for Enhancement Shaman now reduces the duration of all incoming crowd control effects by 25% (down from 50%).
- General
- Dark Soul's cooldown should now work correctly when used in conjunction with the talent Archimonde's Darkness and Glyph of Dark Soul.
- Doomguards should no longer run out of energy from casting Doom Bolts.
- Resolved an issue where Glyph of Eye of Kilrogg was incorrectly allowing Eye of Kilrogg to fly while on Draenor.
- Agony's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Nightfall should no longer fail to trigger if the most recent target of Corruption dies.
- Unstable Affliction's damage has been increased by 20%.
- Molten Core should no longer incorrectly trigger its effect based on the casting Warlock's health
- Shadow Bolt's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Soul Fire's damage has been increased by 25%.
- Resolved an issue where Soul Fire's damage was reduced by a greater than intended amount.
- Touch of Chaos' damage has been increased by 25%.
- Chaos Bolt now deals 33% more damage in PvP combat.
- Chaos Bolt's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Conflagrate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Fire and Brimstone should now correctly hit all secondary targets within 10 yards, regardless of whether they're in combat with the Warlock.
- Havoc now has a base cooldown of 20 seconds (down from 25 seconds).
- Immolate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Incinerate's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Rain of Fire's damage has been reduced by 60% and no longer generates Burning Embers.
- Shadowburn's damage has been increased by 8%.
- Resolved a situation where interactions between Immolate, Fire and Brimstone, and Cataclysm could cause Immolate to deal less damage than intended.
- Damage caused by Burning Rush while Soul Link is active should no longer incorrectly cause the Warlock to go into combat.
- Cataclysm now has a slight visual which can be seen by the Warlock's allies when it's being cast.
- Demonbolt's (Demonology) damage has been increased by 10%.
- Grimoire of Supremacy's summoned Terrorguards and Abyssals should now correctly have the Avoidance ability.
- Soulburn: Haunt (Affliction) now extends up to 130% of its normal duration when refreshed, similar to periodic effects.
- Stacks of Demonbolt debuff should no longer be incorrectly removed by Hand of Protection.
- Tier-15 2-piece set bonus should no longer be retained incorrectly when the set pieces are no longer equipped.
- General
- Heroic Leap should no longer allow the Warrior to ignore vertical terrain restrictions while in a Dungeon, Raid, or Battleground.
- Whirlwind’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Bloodthirst's damage has increased by 20%, and has an additional 40% chance to be a critical strike (up from 30%).
- Execute's (Fury) damage has increased by 10%.
- Raging Blow's damage has increased by 33%.
- Wild Strike's damage has increased by 32%.
- Revenge's damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Shield Slam modified by Glyph of Shield Slam now only dispels 1 magical effect while the Warrior is in Defensive Stance.
- Shield Slam's damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Ravager’s damage has been reduced by 25%.
- Slam’s damage has been reduced by 30%.
- Sudden Death is now 2.5 RPPM (real procs per minute increased by Haste) instead of a 10% chance to activate from autoattacks.
- PvP 4-piece set bonus now generates 3 Rage for every 1% health lost (up from 1 Rage per 1%).
- Corrected an issue that could cause Bloodmaul Stronghold, Shattrath City, and the Pit to sometimes not drop Apexis Crystals despite being an active quest area for the day.
- Tannan Jungle
- Bled Dry: Cages can now be opened by multiple players simultaneously.
- Vengeance for the Fallen: Bleeding Hollow orcs respawn much more quickly now.
- A Collection of Coils: Increased the drop rates for Coil of Sturdy Rope.
- A Song of Frost and Fire: Players can no longer accept this quest if The Home of the Frostwolves is already in their quest log.
- Articles of the Fallen: Players that have already completed To the Garrison should now be able to see Kal'gor the Honorable to complete the quest.
- Assault on Magnarok: Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs for the quest.
- Battle of Thunder Pass: Dying or leaving the area during the middle of the Battle of Thunder Pass event should no longer prevent players from completing the event.
- Flames of the Earth: Players are now able to free Magma Elementals without tap credit and quest completion credit is now shared amongst all characters in the party.
- Gormaul Tower: (Temporary) Completion credit for the quest is automatically awarded once players reach the top of the hill.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: Resolved an issue where Farseer Drek'Thar may sometimes not accept quest turn-ins.
- Honor Has Its Rewards: The Shamanstone no longer requires characters to interact with it and will grant its blessing to players that are nearby.
- Icespine Stinger: Increased the number of Icespine Stinger spawns.
- Karg Unchained: Players should now be able to complete or re-accept this quest after completing Return to the Pack.
- Last Steps: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Leave Nothing Behind!: Kur'ak the Binder now spawns more frequently.
- Moving In: Characters that abandon the quest should now have an easier time reacquiring the quest and resume their progress on the main quest line.
- Mulverick's Plight: Increased the drop rate for Mulverick's Axe.
- Save Wolf Home: Gronnstalker Korhol, Beastmaster Trokar, and Giantslayer Zhakta should now spawn more frequently. Additionally, resolved an issue where characters may be unable to complete profession quests while this quest is active.
- What We Need: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
- Shivertail's Den: Made a change to make it easier to receive credit for "Find Shivertail's Mother".
- The Battle of Thunder Pass: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Cure: Frostwolf Gladiators can no longer be killed by Alliance players.
- The Eldest: Players joining a party that have already completed the quest should now be able to complete the quest and should no longer get stuck in an incorrect phase.
- The Iron Wolf: Players should now be able to receive completion credit if they've died and released during the quest.
- The Iron Wolf: Added another way for characters to obtain The Iron Wolf invasion quest for characters that upgraded to a Tier 3 Garrison before completing the main Frostfire questline.
- The Master Siegesmith: Master Siegesmith Uratok now scales his health based on the number of players engaging him.
- The Warlord's Guard: Increased the spawn rates for Thunk, Gullok, and Splorg.
- These Colors Don't Run: Characters now receive credit towards planting a Frostwolf Banner when they defeat or help in defeating a Bladespire Ogre with the exception of Bladespire Mauler, Chef, Boarbuster, Ogron, and Goresnout.
- These Colors Don't Run: Multiple players can now place a banner on a Bladespire Ogre if they had tap rights.
- These Colors Don't Run: Greatly increased the spawn rates for Bladespire Ogres and made them share tap credit.
- Tricks of the Trade: Characters that have undergone a faction change can now complete this quest if they had already completed it on the opposite faction.
- Winds of Change: Olin Umberhide should now return if he despawns for any reason.
- Wrath of Gronn: Increased the spawn rate for Captive Gronns.
- Assault on Darktide Roost: Increased the respawn rates of creatures and NPCs needed for the quest.
- Assault on Socrethar's Rise: Sargerei Binders should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Closing the Door: Resolved an issue where Void Portals may sometimes not close correctly.
- Dark Enemies: Increased spawn rates for Shadowmoon Voidmancer.
- Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where characters may not receive completion credit for the quest.
- Downsizing the Darktide: Ra'ka Bloodspear should now correctly allow multiple players to receive tap credit.
- Escape from Shaz'gul: Players can now receive completion credit for the quest by defeating Terrorfang at the end.
- Fate of Karabor: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- In Need Of A Hero: Completion credit for the quest is no longer shared amongst party members. This was causing other party members to be placed into an incorrect phase.
- Quakefist: Quakefist's health now scales based on the number of players fighting it.
- Quakefist: Quakefist now spawns outside of the cave, making them easier to find.
- Shattering the Enemy: Increased the spawn rates for Felstorm Crystal.
- Ship Salvage: Drudgeboat Salvage should now respawn more quickly.
- The Clarity Elixir: Pristine Star Lily can now be looted by multiple players at the same time.
- The Defense of Karabor: Players resurrecting at a graveyard during this quest should no longer be immediately attacked by Iron Horde NPCs.
- The Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where completing this quest may cause characters to be unable to progress if they're also on the quest for The Righteous March.
- The Fate of Karabor: Yrel should now always assist the player with Krull. Additionally, Krull's Brutal Smash now has a reduced range of 6 yards.
- The Great Salvation: Draenei prisoners should spawn more frequently now.
- The Traitor's True Name: Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to complete the quest.
- Wanted: Maa'run's Hoof should no longer incorrectly reward the exact same rings as Engorged Goren.
- A Centurion Without a Cause: Defeating Woodfist far away from High Centurion Tormmok should no longer cause him to remain hostile to the character and allow players to complete the quest.
- Assault on the Pit: Defeating Iron Horde NPCs in the middle of the pit should now correctly grant credit towards completion of the quest.
- Assault on the Pit: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs for this quest.
- Assault on the Pit: Blackrock Foundry Assaulted credit is no longer being awarded when using the Iron Troop Launcher.
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Bonus Objective: The Forgotten Caves: Gorg the Host should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Bushwhacker: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- Shredder vs. Saberon: Resolved an issue where characters that leave the quest area immediately after receiving credit may be unable to turn-in the quest.
- Strike While the Iron is Hot: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- Strike While the Iron is Hot: Blocked off the entrance to the Iron Docks so players won't accidentally wander out of the quest area and wind up getting lost.
- Strike While the Iron Is Hot: Resolved a situation where the Activate Primal Device button doesn't go away after completing the quest.
- The Infested: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- The Razorbloom: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- The Voice of Iyu: Resolved an issue where players that have already completed A Heavy Helping Hand would be unable to turn in the quest.
- Book Burning: Shadowborne Dementor should now always drop a Shadow Council Spellbook.
- Dreadpiston: Dreadpiston should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Kaelynara Sunchaser: Resolved an issue where characters were unable to return to their bodies in Spirit Form if they die inside the Jorune Mines.
- Not In Your House: Fort Wrynn Laborers should now always flee after defeating Ripgut.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Players that have completed Into the Heart of Madness should no longer sometimes be placed into an incorrect phase and be unable to complete the quest.
- Ogre Diplomacy: Increased the spawn rate for Ango'rosh ogres.
- Send Them Running: Peons should now always flee after defeating Vicegnaw.
- Socrethar's Demise: Resolved an issue that could cause Socrethar to become unattackable.
- The Battle for Shattrath: Players joining a version of this quest that's already in-progress should now be able to receive completion credit.
- A Feast of Shadows: Increased the spawn rate for Face-Stealers.
- Adherents of the Sun God: Increased spawn rates for Adherent Bladewing.
- Assault on Skettis: The debuff Infected Talons placed by various creatures in the area for this quest no longer stacks.
- Assault on Skettis: Increased the drop rates for Talon Key. Additionally, Apexis Sol-Mender, Glowing Energizer and, Stalwart Warden should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Bonus Objective: Bladefist Hold: Increased the spawn rates for Brood Mother Xylax, Bagdoth Goredrinker, and Val'dune Fleshcrafter.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Defeating the ritualists Vile Siphonmaster, Crazed Obliterator, and Insane Nullifier now contributes credit towards completing the Pale Orcs Slain objective.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Further increased the spawn rates of Pale Orcs and Rylak Eggs.
- Bonus Objective: The Howling Crag: Increased the number and rate of Rylak Egg spawns.
- Hot Seat: The Apexis Turret should no longer be able to accidentally damage players.
- I See Dead People: Resolved an issue where Bryan Finn may become unresponsive.
- Legacy of the Apexis: Increased the drop rates for Apexis Core.
- Orders, Commander?: Resolved an issue where characters that have performed a faction change may be unable to complete the quest.
- Safety Measures: Increased the spawn rate of bog denizens.
- Skimming Off The Top: Increased the drop rates for Volatile Oil.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Veoryx should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Sol Sisters: Sol-Shaper Krashyx should no longer get stuck in evade mode.
- Assault on the Gorian Proving Grounds: Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the quest area.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade really should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Challenge of the Masters: Warlord Dharl of the Thrice-Bloodied Blade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Removing the Reinforcements: Resolved an issue where the quest could not be completed if the character had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
- THAELIN!: Resolved an issue where players may be able to complete the quest if they had already completed And Justice for Thrall.
- The Debt We Share: Players that are mounted should now be able to receive completion credit for this quest.
- Upgrading the ring should now correctly remove the old ring from the player's inventory.
- Core of Iron: Core of Iron should now only be found on Heroic difficulty Grimrail Depot.
- Draenor's Secret Power: Completion of this quest is now required before being able to move onto the next step of the Legendary quest chain. For characters that skipped this quest, completion of this quest has also been made into a requirement before being eligible for the next upgrade.
- Tarnished Bronze: Spirit of Kairozdormu's Time Bomb ability should no longer be hitting players that aren't in combat with him in a different phase.
- Blood of the Betrayer: Rogues should now be able to remove Arcane Infused Armor from Nalice, and be able to complete the quest.
- Breaking the Emperor's Shield: Nakk'rakas should no longer despawn, allowing players to complete the quest.
- Dah, Nunt... Dah, Nunt...: Players should no longer remain stunned indefinitely and be able to complete the quest.
- Get Kraken!: Increased the health for North Sea Kraken by 1000%.
- Just Around the Corner: Characters should now be able to interact with Sparksocket's Tools.
- Report to the King: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Hero's Call: Redridge Mountains! and My Son, the Prince to become unavailable
- Roll Club: Serpent's Spine should no longer cause players to float and allow them to complete the quest.
- The Brothers Bronzebeard: Brann's Flying Machine has been made to be more sturdy and should no longer be destroyed too quickly.
- The Fall of Neferset City: Dark Pharaoh Tekahn should now spawn in correctly, allowing players to complete the quest.
- The Strength of Tortolla: The quest can now be completed by characters with the PvP flag enabled.
- Truce?: Characters should now be able to interact with Dull Carving Knife.
- Warning the Warchief: Resolved an issue where completing this quest was incorrectly causing Machines of War and Enemies Below to become unavailable.
- Zarhym Altogether: Spirit Chests looted during the weekly quest no longer contains gold.
World Environment and Events
- Resolved issues that can occur for characters that retain the Time Travelling effect outside of Blasted Lands and Theramore.
- The time that corpses persist in the world has been restored back to their former durations.
- Portals leading to the Dark Portal in Blasted Lands have been added next to Archmage Khadgar in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.
- Removed an erroneous treasure marker displayed by using the Spires of Arak Treasure Map for a Reagent Pouch that did not actually exist.
- Increased the number of situations where items and abilities slowing the player's falling speed could be used while in outdoor environments.
- World Defense chat channel should be joinable once again.
- Alliance characters taking a flight path to Shattered Beachhead should now arrive safely at their destination (rather than falling through the world).
- Fixed an issue where Zidormi may send players to an incorrect phase in the Blasted Lands.
- Resolved an issue that could cause The August Celestials daily quests to not match up in a cross-realm zone.
- Frostfire Ridge
- Time-Warped Tower can now be looted by Alliance characters.
- Nagrand
- Resolved an issue where players that die in the areas around Highmaul may be unable to resurrect at their corpse.
- Players should no longer be unable to leave the tower after obtaining Steamwheedle Supplies in the Ring of Trials area.
- Objects in the Mok'gul Watchpost area should no longer incorrectly cause the player to remain in combat and be unable to interact with those objects.
- Resolved an issue where Mist-Covered Treasure Chest could sometimes be empty.
- Reduced the levels of Moonfang, Moonfang Packmate, Moonfang Dreadhowl, Moonfang Snarler, and Darkmoon Rabbit back to pre-Warlords expansion levels. The creatures needs to respawn for the changes to take effect.
- Heirloom items sold at the Darkmoon Faire should no longer have a gold cost associated with them.
- Firebird's Challenge: Blazing Rings are no longer shared with other players.
- It's Hammer Time: Characters that have been flagged as PvP enabled should now be able to complete the quest.
- Exquisite Costume Set: "The Lich King" now allows the user to ride on a mount while transformed.
Creatures and NPCs
- Zidormi in Dustwallow Marsh should now correctly send players back in time to visit old Theramore.
- A large number of rare creatures and NPCs on Draenor can now be tapped by players on both factions.
- Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Rhonin, Leader of the Kirin Tor, should now be reciting their spoken lines to characters within a much smaller radius in the streets of the city of Dalaran. Note that his text... his text are still worth reading and continue to still be visible to those within the city.
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Enslave Demon and Control Undead effect.
- Goren Protector, Orc Ancestor, Ancient Ogre, and Ghostly Arakkoa should now correctly scale to level 100.
- Grom'kar NPCs in the Frostfire Iron Siegeworks and Gorgrond Blackrock Foundry areas should now correctly have a chance to drop Iron Horde scraps for characters with a Dwarven Bunker / War Mill in their Garrisons.
- Fate-Twister Tiklal has relocated to a more prominent location closer to the Apexis Traders in Warspear.
- Rare creatures and NPCs are now immune to the Dominate Mind ability.
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs across a number of questing areas for level 100 daily quests.
- Apexis Traders Dawn-Seeker Krek (Alliance) and Dawn-Seeker Alkset (Horde) are now offering Exceptional gear (item level 645) for sale.
- Developer Commentary: The vendors' offerings were previously tied to the Highmaul raid unlock, but we wanted to make sure that players have useful items to spend their Apexis Crystals on, rather than positioning them exclusively as a catch-up item vendor. The final tier of Flawless gear (item level 655) will now unlock when the Highmaul raid becomes available, rather than when Blackrock Foundry becomes available.
- Made a pass on a number of rare creatures to allow multiple players to receive credit for personal loot if they helped defeat them.
- Reduced the density of Squirrels in Nagrand and, critters and Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge.
- Various creatures should now correctly have a chance to drop fur that could be used for tailoring.
- World Bosses
- The world bosses Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless in Gorgrond now share a single loot eligibility lockout.
- Both Drov the Ruiner and Tarlna the Ageless should no longer be available at the same time.
- Tarlna the Ageless' Genesis ability now summons a maximum of 15 Giant Lashers and has a increased duration of 12 seconds (up from 6 seconds).
- Mandragora now spawns more frequently and can be tapped by multiple players.
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures in the Shivering Trench area in Frostfire Ridge.
- Collision geometry has been added to Drek'Thar, Thrall, and Gazlowe in Frostfire Ridge.
- Borrok the Devourer should now drop a Devourer's Gutstone that allows more than one player to loot it.
- Fernus is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Grizzled Frostwolf Veteran's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Gruuk has moved to a new location where they can be seen by both Horde and Alliance players.
- Nok-Karosh's drop, Garn Nighthowl now only allows players in a party or Raid to roll greed.
- Resolved an issue where Warriors using Charge against some Grimfrost Lavaslingers could become stuck in the world geometry.
- Darktide Rylakinator-3000's attacks now deal more damage.
- Gorum can now be tapped by multiple characters. All players who contributed to defeating Gorum will now become eligible for loot.
- Iron Cannoneers no longer drop Iron Horde Scraps.
- Krosnis is now immune to Enslave Demon and Banish.
- Shadowspeaker Niir should now always be attackable.
- Shinri should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Yggdrel now deals less damage with the Entangling Vine ability.
- Durotan at Beastwatch in Gorgrond is now significantly tougher.
- Gorg the Host should now allow multiple players to receive credit for defeating it.
- Iron Banshee should now correctly award credit towards completing Assault on the Pit.
- Mor the Dominator can now be tapped by multiple players.
- Poundfist now has 40% more health and increased the upper limit on the number of players his health can scale to.
- Rangari Jonaa now has a cooldown on their Scatter Shot ability.
- Typhon's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Resolved an issue where Thaelin Darkanvil may not be visible as a quest giver to players that have rescued him.
- NPCs in the Aruuna area should no longer cause Horde characters to become stuck in combat.
- Reduced the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs laying siege in the areas around Shattrath City.
- Brutag Grimblade should no longer be getting stuck in evade mode.
- Burning Eye's Eye of the Legion ability now has a reduced range of 30 yards (down from 100).
- Cordana Felsong should now be visible to characters that are at or above level 98.
- Daggerjaw Pridelord, Daggerjaw Raider, and Daggerjaw Hoarder now deal less damage.
- Echo of Murmur now spawns more frequently.
- Felwrought Annihilator is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- May Tirta and James Lamone located in Zangarra can no longer be attacked by characters.
- Xanatos the Defiler will never be a slave and is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
- Increased the spawn rates for creatures and NPCs in the Skettis Ruins area in Spires of Arak. Additionally, resolved an issue where some creatures were incorrectly sharing loot with other players.
- Various Kaliri in the Spires of Arak area should no longer be too high off the ground to be attacked.
- Befuddled Relic-Seeker, Highmaul Relic-Seeker, and Highmaul Skullcrusher should no longer drop dead after being pickpocketed.
- Rotcap's icon should no longer persist on the mini map after being defeated.
- Solar Magnifier should no longer become untargetable if they are leashed while using the Excavation ability.
- Increased the spawn rate of creatures and NPCs in the Mok'gol Watchpost area.
- Hallvalor Blademaster should no longer be chasing players for excessively long distances.
- Katsuo should no longer be incorrectly using Wind Walk to target players that they're not in combat with.
- Gordawg no longer uses Tectonic Slam.
- Graveltooth should now be using their inside voice to shout at players in the area instead of shouting at the entirety of Nagrand.
- Nagrand Prowler 's Leap for the Kill ability now has a shorter stun duration and smaller damage radius.
- Warsong Marauders should no longer attack Rogues that pickpocket them.
- Damp Shambler's Renewing Mists now heals for less.
Pet Battle
- Grommloc, the delightfully dreadful baby murloc masquerading as Grommash Hellscream, legendary leader of the Warsong clan is now available. Players eligible to receive this pet will find it in their in-game mailbox. An Achievement for obtaining this battle pet will be added in a future patch.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now has a guaranteed chance to award a piece of Heroic Dungeon loot (item level 630 rare) appropriate for the character's loot specialization.
- Developer Commentary: We’re aware of excessive queue times for Heroic Dungeons. To help players have a better experience in Dungeon Finder, we’re expanding the rewards for Satchel of Savage Mysteries to award Heroic Dungeon loot in addition to the guaranteed Augment Rune, and a chance to contain a mount, Follower enhancement token, Battle Pet, or Battle-Stone. The satchel will remain Bind on Account and we'll continue to monitor Dungeon Finder queues and iterate as needed to ensure a great experience for everyone.
- Messages for obtaining an Augment Rune are no longer broadcasting to the party or raid group.
- Satchel of Savage Mysteries now have a chance to contain a mount, pet, pet consumable, Draenor consumable, or Follower upgrade token in addition to an Augment Rune.
- Call to Arms for in-demand roles have been reeanabled. Completing the dungeon awards a Satchel of Savage Mysteries with a chance to contain new treasures and it will always contain an Augment Rune, a tradeable item that provides a consumable buff that is ordinarily only available through Raid Finder.
- After a lengthy discussion with the Postmaster regarding their mailing habits, the Postmaster should no longer be mailing back gray quality items and money that haven't been looted by characters.
- The Postmaster received a talking to and should no longer be mailing large amounts of unimportant items to players.
- Characters with Warlords PvP gear that had its secondary item level activated due to being in PvP combat temporarily disqualifies them from queuing for Dungeons and Raid Finder. It can take up to 20 seconds after ending PvP combat before the character will be eligible to queue up normally.
- Resolved an issue where completing a Warlords of Draenor Dungeon was incorrectly being crediting progress towards the achievement, Queuing Spree.
- Raids
- Credit for defeating bosses on Raid Finder difficulty should no longer incorrectly have a daily reset instead of a weekly one.
- The entire raid is no longer notified when a player loots an Elemental Rune or Abrogator Stone.
- Highmaul
- Raid Finder difficulty Highmaul should now be creating raid groups comprised of 2 tanks, 5 healers, and 18 damage dealers (instead of forming raid groups with 6 healers).
- Iron Flame Technicians should no longer be incorrectly dropping Normal difficulty loot on Raid Finder difficulty.
- Kargath Bladefist: Players should no longer be getting trapped in the tiger pit after defeating Kargath Bladefist.
- The Butcher now has a chance to drop a Green Winter Hat.
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed attack should now be correctly counted as an attack for abilities that require an attack to trigger its effects.
- The Butcher should no longer become unresponsive if a Rogue in stealth gets too close.
- The Butcher: The boars Krush and Smash now deals less damage with their Boar's Rush ability and should no longer kill players in one hit.
- The Butcher's Heavy Handed ability now deals less damage if it's triggered by their off-hand weapon.
- Brackenspore: Elements of the fight, such as hostile fungus and beneficial mushrooms should now be visible from further away during the encounter on Mythic difficulty.
- Brackenspore: Creeping Moss' healing dealt to fungal spawn will now show up in the Combat Log.
- Brackenspore: Burning Infusion now increases damage and healing dealt by 13% per stack (up from 10% per stack) and decays more slowly at a rate of 1 stack every 4 seconds (up from 1 stack every 2 seconds).
- Brackenspore: Elements of the encounter should now still be visible from further away.
- Brackenspore: Unit frames for Living Mushrooms and Rejuvenating Mushrooms should now display properly.
- Brackenspore should now correctly heal back up to full health at the start of the encounter.
- Tectus' health has been reduced by about 15% when the raid is scaled to 10 players on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. As the raid scales up to a maximum of 30 players, Tectus' health for 30 players remains roughly unchanged from before this hotfix.
- Tectus: Motes of Tectus should now be properly tracked in the boss frames as intended.
- Tectus: Visual markers for Earthen Pillar, Fracture, Meteoric Earthspire, and Radiating Poison should now be easier to see.
- Tectus: Meteoric Earthspire now deals less damage on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Tectus' targeting circle for Crystalline Barrage should now still be visible for users with projected textures disabled.
- Tectus: Players should no longer be able to use their bonus rolls twice after defeating Tectus.
- Tectus: If Tectus enters Berserk mode while in the process of shattering, the resulting Shards of Tectus and Motes of Tectus should now correctly enter Beserk mode as well.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where Tectus could have no loot if the entire raid dies before his death event was complete.
- Tectus' Berserk timer is now 10 minutes on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
- Tectus: Resolved an issue where defeating Tectus just as he was going into Berserk mode could result in no loot.
- Tectus: It should now be possible to obtain the achievement, More Like Wrecked-us.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved a situation where pulling Twin Ogron and having them despawn could cause the Imperator Mar'gok encounter to not work correctly on Mythic difficulty.
- Twin Ogron: Pol's Arcane Ogron forms should now correctly use Arcane Charge based on the direction they're facing.
- Twin Ogron: Phemos' thrown weapons now persist for 16 seconds after Quake has finished casting.
- Twin Ogron's Fierce Disposition, Savage Disposition, and Aggressive Disposition should now be showing up in combat logs.
- Twin Ogron: Resolved an issue where credit for completing the achievement Brothers in Arms was being incorrectly awarded.
- Ko'ragh: DPS caster trinkets should now correctly have a chance to trigger its effects on attacks that have been completely absorbed by Ko'ragh's Nullification Barrier.
- Ko'ragh should no longer benefit from Critical Strike auras from players that are under the effects of Dominating Power.
- Ko'ragh: Resolved an issue where players may be unable to use execute abilities against Ko'ragh when his health is low.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Mark of Chaos abilities should now be correctly applied to all characters regardless of range.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now use their abilities more consistently, using Crush Armor every 6 seconds (instead of 5-8 seconds), and Kick to the Face every 20 seconds (instead of 15-30 seconds).
- Imperator Mar'gok: Gorian Reavers now deal 15% less damage on all difficulty modes.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Arcane Aberrations that have been Banished should now continue to use Collapsing Entity.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Added a portal transporting players back to The Coliseum from Throne of the Imperator after Imperator Mar'gok has been defeated.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane mines for Destructive Resonance should now be easier to see for users with projected textures disabled.
- Imperator Mar'gok: Visuals for Destructive Resonance should now be visible from anywhere in the Throne of the Imperator area.
- Imperator Mar'gok's Arcane Wrath ability should no longer incorrectly jump to a player that has been Branded during Phase 4 with the Power of Replication.
- Trash mobs like Ancient Core Hounds and Lava Surgers no longer respawn.
- Players should no longer be incorrectly placed into a Molten Core where Ragnaros has already been defeated.
- Shazzrah's area of effect damage has been reduced.
- Firelord now uses the Lava Spawn ability less frequently.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, and Molten Giant's area-of-effect attacks now deals 50% less damage.
- Core Hound, Molten Destroyer, Molten Giant, Lava Annihilator, and Lava Surger now have 30% less health.
- In a departure from the original Molten Core, reduced the aggro radius for most non-boss creatures from their original aggro radius from back in the day.
- Paragons of the Klaxxi: Resolved an issue where Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver could not be looted.
- Downfall Wing 4: Resolved an issue where Gnomish Gyrocopters may not be destroying Thresher Turrets for Alliance players.
- Jin'rokh the Breaker's Ionization effect should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Dark Winds debuff should no longer incorrectly persist on the character, preventing them from being able to use mounts.
- Protectors of the Endless: Protector Kaolan's Defiled Ground ability now deals less damage.
- Garalon: Destroying Garalon's Legs should now correctly damage Garalon and resolved a situation where players facing one of the legs may incorrectly receive an error message that they're not.
- The Lich King's Harvest Soul ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Anub'arak's Leeching Swarm should no longer be healing Anub'arak for an excessive amount.
- XT-002 Deconstructor's Searing Light ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Defeating Sartharion too quickly should no longer cause him to not drop a mount.
- Illidan Stormrage: Fixed an issue where defeating Flames of Azzinoth too quickly in phase 2 may cause Illidan to not land.
- Cloth chest pieces should now correctly have a chance of dropping on Personal loot mode.
- Resolved an issue where players were unable to queue through Dungeon Finder while in Warspear or Stormshield.
- Reverted the change to the default loot mode for random matchmade groups in Dungeon Finder back to Personal loot.
- In Personal loot, each player in the group will now always receive an item from the final dungeon boss.
- In Need Before Greed, the dungeon boss will now drop 3 items to be shared among the group as desired, up from 2 previously.
- Full premade groups queuing in Dungeon Finder now defaults to Need Before Greed and they can change the loot mode if they want.
- Players should now be able to take a Soul Transporter to get back to Teron'gor if the entire party died after defeating him.
- Slave Watcher Crushto: After being defeated, the miners should no longer be attackable, and no longer cause Croman to chase them out of range.
- Slave Watcher Crushto's Ferocious Yell now deals 10% less damage.
- Slave Watcher Crushto: Captured Miner's Traumatic Strike now has a recast time of 6 seconds.
- Achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live: Croman should now be more forviging with how far apart he can remain from the player he's following before despawning.
- Core of Iron should now correctly only be available on Heroic difficulty.
- Borka the Brute is now immune to taunts from player pets.
- Grom'kar Cinderseer's Lava Wreath ability should no longer hit pets.
- Fire effects for Slag Blast and Slag Tanker should now be visible across all graphics settings.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Assault Cannon's Suppressive Fire now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Grom'kar Gunner's Shrapnel Blast now deals less damage.
- [Requires a realm restart] Nitrogg Thundertower: Iron Infantry now has less health.
- Railmaster Rocketspark: Characters should no longer be taken out of stealth effects at the start of the encounter.
- Railmaster Rocketspark's X21-01A Missile Barrage now deals 20% less damage.
- Added a second location for Iron Autocannon, Iron Limbcleaver, and Huge Crate of Weapons to the Grimrail Crash Site.
- Grimrail Enforcers: Makogg Emberblade's Lava Sweep should now always deal damage to players.
- Grimrail Enforcers: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Ahri'ok Dugru, Makogg Emberblade, and Neesa Nox are defeated in.
- Nitrogg Thundertower should no longer be able to get thrown off the train and wind up being stuck in evade mode.
- Skulloc: Resolved a looting issue that could occur depending on the order that Skulloc, Koramar, and Zoggosh were defeated in.
- Players should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for completing the Take Cover! achievement without actually completing the achievement.
- Attempted to resolve an issue where Skulloc may sometimes not grant loot.
- The portal that appears after Ner'zhul has been defeated should now transport players back to the beginning of the Dungeon.
- Credit for completing the achievement I Saw Solis should now be correctly awarded.
- Ranjit should no longer occasionally target the tank with Lens Flare and Windwall.
- Araknath: Rogues using Vanish should no longer cause Araknath to become non-interactive.
- High Sage Viryx's Cast Down ability should no longer cause Druids to drop out of their shapeshifted form.
- Solar Flares are now able to correctly Fixate on a target even while stunned.
- Players that are dead should now correctly still receive credit for completing the achievement Come With Me If You Want to Live.
- Mutagen can now stack up to 10 times (down from 20) and have a maximum duration of 1 minute.
- Ancient Protectors: Shaper's Fortitude has been removed on Heroic difficulty.
- Coagulated Genesaur Blood is now correctly flagged as a damage dealer trinket.
- Putrid Pyromancer should no longer continue to track the player when using their Dragon's Breath ability.
- Xeri'tac: Resolved an issue that could cause Venom-Crazed Pale One to not spawn in correctly.
- Commander Tharbek should no longer be using Iron Axe, Imbued Iron Axe, and Iron Reaver within 4 seconds of each other.
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, Black Iron Guards no longer join in the fight when he is at 10% health.
- During the Commander Tharbek encounter, players should no longer be kept in a constant state of combat between waves.
- Kyrak's Rejuvenating Serum now has a duration of 9 seconds (down from 12 seconds). On Heroic difficulty and Challenge Mode, the ability now heals for the 8% (down from 10%).
- Kyrak's Debilitating Fixation ability can now target players up to 50 yards away (up from 30 yards).
- Orebender Gor'ashan's visuals for his Electric Pulse should now correctly reflect the ability's area-of-effect.
- Orebender Gor'ashan's Electric Pulse should now correctly hit players that are standing on a Rune Conduit.
- Orebender Gor'ashan: Mobs from other parts of the Dungeon should no longer be joining the fight during the encounter.
- Ragewing the Untamed: Blackhand Doomcutter should no longer be incorrectly dropping for characters that use Strength in Personal loot mode.
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability should no longer incorrectly disorient Rogues with Cloak of Shadows active.
- Ragewing the Untamed's Engulfing Fire ability can now hit players that are not in line-of-sight.
- Ragewing the Untamed's indicator for Fire Storm should now correctly display the ability's area of effect.
- Son of the Beast's Fiery Trail should no longer persist and continue to damaging pets after being defeated.
- Black Iron Leadbelcher should no longer incorrectly activate a Sentry Cannon while polymorphed or hexed.
- Emberscale Adolescents and Emberscale Whelplings should now always be targetable while in combat.
- Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom: Resolved an issue where players defeating multiple packs of creatures in the room too quickly could cause Jedoga Shadowseeker to remain not attackable.
- Blackrock Caverns: Angered Earth should now spawn in when Rom'ogg Bonecrusher hits a player with Quake.
- Hellfire Ramparts: Players should now be able to loot the Reinforced Fel Iron Chest after defeating Vazruden the Herald.
- Razorfen Downs: Resolved an issue where Amnennar the Coldbringer may sometimes fail to be summoned when Death Speaker Blackthorn is defeated.
- Razorfen Kraul: Groyat, the Blind Hunter's Drain Life ability should no longer damage or heal for an excessive amount.
- Siege of Niuzao Temple: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, Where's My Air Support?
- Well of Eternity: Players should now be able to complete the achievement, That's Not Canon!
- Items contained within the Challenger's Strongbox now have a chance to be Warforged, contain a socket, or tertiary stats.
- Aviana's Feather should no longer be usable while in a Challenge Mode dungeon.
- Salyin Battle Banner is no longer eligible to be used during Challenge Modes.
- Resolved an issue where a realm may sometimes not have a Challenge Mode daily quest available.
- Characters can switch specializations once more after the Challenge Mode has started.
- Once a Challenge Mode has started, characters can no longer change
specializations, talents, or glyphs. - Auchindoun
- Disabled the cutscene for Teron'gor that plays after defeating Azzakel on Challenge Mode.
- Reduced the amount of enemies to kill to 48 (down from 50).
- Time needed to achieve a gold rating has been increased to 17 minutes (up from 15 minutes). Times for silver and bronze rating have been adjusted accordingly.
- Players receiving credit for Challenge Master: Upper Blackrock Spire achievement should no longer be incorrectly receiving credit for Challenge Master: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds as well.
- Statistics for Basic Healer (Endless) should no longer be incorrectly displaying under Basic Tank (Endless).
- Critical Heals should now correctly heal for 150% of normal in PvP (they were incorrectly healing for 175% of normal).
- Gladiator's Distinction, the 2-piece set bonus now reduces damage taken from players by 15% (up from 10%).
- Being attacked in PvP combat and triggering the secondary item level on PvP gear should no longer cause the player's health to decrease by more than intended.
- New Honor and Conquest vendors have been added to Stormshield and Warspear.
- In Stormshield, Alliance players can find Bregg Coppercast (Honor) and Ingrid Blackingot (Conquest) standing in front of the Siege Tank near the exit to Ashran, across from the training dummies.
- In Warspear, Horde players can find Lieutenant Brokefist (Honor) and Lieutenant Axelash (Conquest) on the hill next to the exit to Ashran, just down the path from the inn.
- [Requires a realm restart] Players now have 60 seconds to accept the prompt to enter Ashran (up from 20 seconds).
- Fangraal and Kronus now costs 3000 Artifact Fragments to summon (up from 1000).
- PvP vendors in Stormshield and Warspear now have Pre-Mixed Pot of Noodles for sale to Pandaren characters.
- Conquest Primal Gladiator trinkets have had their values adjusted proportionally to the Honor Primal Combatant trinkets.
- Players are now removed from a Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group upon accepting the queue to enter Ashran.
- Addressed an additional issue that could cause faction Captains to stop spawning.
- Events in Ashran should now occurring more frequently.
- A Few Artifact Fragments should no longer be awarding more reputation than intended.
- Fangraal and Kronus no longer scales their health based the number of players they're fighting. Each faction guardian's health now scales based on the number of enemy players active at the time when they're summoned.
- Bonus objectives in Ashran now have a daily reset timer.
- Fortune Favors the Bold no longer provides a bonus to Honor Point gains.
- Disabled health regeneration for Kronus, Fangraal, Grand Marshal Tremblade, and High Warlord Volrath when they leash or drop out of combat.
- Creatures outside of Ashran should no longer incorrectly have a chance to drop Artifact Fragments.
- To address a potential pathing issue, Fangraal, Kronus, and faction Captains now continuously push towards the enemy faction's base.
- Players entering Ashran from a PvE realm should now be correctly flagged for PvP.
- Characters should no longer be able to resurrect at the King's Road graveyard if their faction isn't in control of that point.
- Resolved an issue where faction Captains may not be spawning correctly.
- Faction balancing is now in effect if there are more than 5 players from each faction in Ashran.
- Fortune Favors the Bold has been increased to 100% additional Honor Points and Artifact Fragments (up from 25%).
- Artifact Fragment rewards from Ring of Conquest Ogre guards, or Ashran rares should no longer decrease based on the number of players engaging them.
- Honor and reputation increases for turning in Artifact Fragments first noted on December 3, are now out of testing and have been implemented.
- Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 3 Honor Points per fragment (up from 1 Honor Point).
- Increased reputation gains with Wrynn's Vanguard and Vol'jin's Spear.
- Turning in an Artifact Fragment now awards 5 reputation points per fragment (up from 1 reputation point).
- Turning in tokens recovered from a defeated player now awards 2500 reputation points when turned in (up from 350 reputation points).
- Completing a bonus objective now awards 500 reputation points.
- Defeating Grand Marshal Tremblade or High Warlord Volrath now awards 2500 reputation points.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Healers leaving an Arena match should no longer sometimes cause Dampening to reset.
- Resolved an additional number of situations where players could incorrectly obtain items that require Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip from a Rated Battleground or The Coliseum.
- The level 90 bracket has been merged into the level 91-99 bracket.
- Priests should no longer be able to continue to hold onto the flag while in Spirit of Redemption form.
- Rated Battleground flag carriers in a tanking specialization should no longer be taking more damage than flag carriers in a non-tanking specialization. Previously, flag carrying tanks took 50% more damage and that stacked with an additional 25% damage received while in RBGs (additional 75% damage received total). This change removes the 50% additional damage taken while carrying a flag in an RBG.
- Rated Battlegrounds should no longer incorrectly be awarding PvP gear and items that require reputation with Vol'jin's Spear or Wrynn's Vanguard to equip.
- Resolved an issue where if a Flag Carrier was standing in the area where their team's flag would be when it is returned, they'd be unable to capture the flag until they leave and return to the area again.
- Battleground Flag Carriers should now correctly have a 45-second delay before their location is revealed to the enemy team (was incorrectly revealing their location immediately).
- Resurrection times in Rated Battlegrounds has been corrected to be 25 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- An item now needs to be at least item level 560 or above before being eligible to be scaled up to 650 in level 100 Battlegrounds and Arenas.
- Resolved an issue where item levels for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Skirmishes brackets below level 100 were not scaling correctly.
- Battlegrounds
- Characters should now receive a popup notifying them with the amount of bonus Honor that was awarded at the end of a Random Battleground match.
- Increased Honor gains for Arathi Basin, Deepwind Gorge, Eye of the Storm, and The Battle for Gilneas. Honor is now awarded for every 150 resources gathered (up from Honor being awarded for every 250 resources gathered).
- Returning a flag in Battlegrounds should correctly play an appropriate sound once more.
- Bonus Honor for winning a Battleground is now only awarded when queued for a Random Battleground (it was incorrectly awarding the bonus Honor for any Battleground win).
- Tarren Mill vs Southshore
- Victory conditions are now for the first side to reach 300 points or the match results in a tie after 30 minutes.
- Tarren Mill Deathguards and Alliance Guards now have more health.
- Arathi Basin
- Characters on the Alliance team in a Rated Battleground should now be able to be resurrected by their Spirit Healer at the Blacksmith graveyard if their team is in control of it.
- Deepwind Gorge
- Status of the mine cart should now be updating correctly.
- Eye of the Storm
- Characters in a Rated Battleground will now return to their team's starting position when releasing, regardless of what bases their team controls.
- Isle of Conquest
- Huge Seaforium Bombs no longer have a level requirement to interact with them.
- Strand of the Ancients
- Players should now correctly receive a Gold Strongbox for winning.
- The Battle for Gilneas
- Resolved issues where Spirit Healers may sometimes not spawn in correctly when a point has been captured.
- Warsong Gulch
- Players in a Wargame or Rated Battleground should no longer be sent to the wrong graveyard.
- Priests entering an Arena match while in Spirit of Redemption form should no longer die during the Arena Preparation phase.
- Tol'viron Arena should now correctly have Dampening.
- Level-up items created by some professions no longer use reagents that required a daily cooldown to create and are no longer soulbound. To compensate for this change, basic reagent requirements have been increased and vendor buyback price for those items have been reduced now that they're less rare.
- Crafted gear and weapons received an item level boost. Tooltips for the items will still display the incorrect (older) item level.
- Crafted Tier-2 weapons now have an item level of 645 (up from 640).
- Crafted Tier-3 weapons now have an item level of 660 (up from 655).
- Crafted Tier-3 gear now have an item level of 670 (up from 665).
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Alchemy recipes. Combat potion recipes no longer requires Crescent Oil and meat/fish, and will require herbs instead. Flask recipes now use more herbs, increasing the number of herbs needed from one type of herb to two.
- Draenic Agility Potion now requires 3 Fireweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Armor Potion now requires 3 Frostweed and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Channeled Mana Potion now requires 3 Starflower and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Potion now requires 3 Talador Orchid and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Mana Potion now requires 3 Gorgrond Flytrap and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Potion now requires 3 Nagrand Arrowbloom and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Agility Flask now requires 4 Fireweed, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Intellect Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Starflower, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Stamina Flask now requires 4 Talador Orchid, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Draenic Strength Flask now requires 4 Gorgrond Flytrap, 4 Nagrand Arrowbloom, and 1 Crystal Vial.
- Mixology should be working correctly doubles the duration of flasks and elixirs once more.
- Resolved an issue that could cause Enchanter's Illusions to be reverted from an item.
- Rare (blue) quality items now have a greatly increased chance to disenchant into Draenic Dust instead of a Small Luminous Shard. Additionally, characters with the Enchanting profession should receive more Draenic Dust while disenchanting an item.
- Mark of Blackrock can no longer trigger its effect for the first 40 seconds after equipping the weapon.
- Mark of Blackrock now triggers its effect more frequently, and can occur when the character is below 60% health (up from being below 50% health), and can also trigger from blocking an attack or absorbing damage.
- Mark of Blackrock now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Earth (down from 10).
- Mark of Shadowmoon now requires 3 Temporal Crystals (down from 15) and 5 Scorcerous Fire (down from 10).
- Mark of the Shattered Hand now triggers its bleed effect less frequently.
- Enchant Boots - Mastery now increases Mastery by 9 (down from 11).
- Blingtron 5000 should now correctly resume offering their daily quest after defeating another Blingtron.
- Antiseptic Bandage no longer requires Sea Scorpion Segments to craft.
- Ink Traders should now accept Warbinder's Ink in exchange for other inks.
- Based on player feedback, a number of adjustments have been made to Jewelcrafting recipes. Tier 1 gem recipes now requires more ore and less herbs. Tier 2 gem recipes will no longer requires herbs and instead require a tier 1 gem.
- Critical Strike Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Fireweed.
- Haste Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Frostweed.
- Mastery Taladite take 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Starflower.
- Multistrike Taladite take 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Nagrand Arrowbloom.
- Stamina Taladite now requires 10 True Iron Ore and 2 Talador Orchid.
- Versatility Taladite now requires 10 Blackrock Ore and 2 Gorgrond Flytrap.
- All Tier 2 gems now requires 50 Taladite Crystal, 10 Sorcerous Air, and one Tier 1 gem.
- Primal Spirits should now be dropping more frequently while harvesting mineral and herb nodes outside of the Garrison, from Skinning, and in a satchel obtained by completing the daily Fishing quest from the Garrison Fishing Shack.
- Potions purchased from the Brawler's Guild are now bind on pickup.
- Healing effects from healing potions should no longer incorrectly be able to critically heal or Multistrike.
- Raid buffs to Mastery no longer counts for food that provides a well fed buff to the highest secondary stat.
- General goods vendors across Draenor now offer Crystal Vials and Enchanting Vellums for sale.
- Consumable items that summons a fast mount can no longer be used while in a Challenge Mode.
- Follower Weapon and Armor enhancements can now stack up to 20.
- Temporary buffs that increase Critical Strike should now correctly increase Parry through Riposte for tanking specializations.
- Consuming a Draenor potion, elixir, or flask should no longer cause the character to break out of stealth.
- Draenor Treasure Maps are now bind on pickup.
- Many epic trinkets in Draenor received a buff to ensure a proper progression path through the Raid tier. This change affects world-drop BoE epic trinkets, Inscription-crafted epic trinkets, and trinkets that drop from Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry. Further information on this change could be found in the forum thread titled: Trinket Hotfixes.
- Note that Scabbard of Kyanos was unintentionally buffed much more than intended and its stats will be reverted to a more reasonable level.
- Missing Class Glyphs
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Glyph of the Solstice (Druid)
- Glyph of Flying Fists (Monk)
- Glyph of Cleanse (Paladin)
- Glyph of Purification (Priest)
- Glyph of Purify Spirit (Shaman)
- Glyph of Frostbrand Weapon (Shaman) will be automatically learned at level 75.
- The following Glyphs were not available to be crafted through Inscription and have been added to vendors in Stormshield and Warspear. Alliance players can purchase them from Joao Calhandro, and Horde players can purchase them from Maru'sa. The glyphs are unique and bind on acquire.
- Primal Spirit
- Savage Blood
- Burnished Leather
- Gearspring Parts
- Hexweave Cloth
- Metamorphic Crystal
- Taladite Crystal
- Truesteel Ingot
- War Paints
- Got My Mind On My Draenor Money now only requires looting 2,500 gold in Draenor (down from 10,000).
- Guild Bank Money Logs should now be able to correctly display records of transactions greater than 215,000 gold.
- Premade Groups should no longer display a Scenarios category for characters that are above level 90.
- Guild news should no longer be displaying (and getting spammed with) entries for characters looting items for the Legendary Ring Quest Line.
- Resolved an issue where Draenor PvP gear may display incorrect item levels and stats.
- Tooltips for players in Premade Groups should no longer incorrectly display their level 90 Proving Grounds achievements.
- Timeless Isle Tokens and legendary weapons looted during the fight with Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep are no longer included in the guild news panel.
- Bags set to "Ignore this bag" should now be saving the setting correctly when the character logs out or zones into a new area.
- /console colorblindshader [0-8] has been re-enabled and replaced with /console colorblindsimulator [0-8].
- Settings for SET ffxGlow should no longer be resetting when exiting the game client.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue that could cause Quest achievements for Draenor zones to not be awarded correctly to characters below level 100.
- Resolved an issue where having a player join the Dungeon Finder or Raid Finder group just as another player was leaving could cause the button to queue up for additional players to remain greyed out for the rest of the group.
- Resolved an issue where the Darkmoon Faire was not showing up in the in-game calendar past December 2014.
- Resolved an issue where Druids that performed a Character Boost would be unable to learn the Incarnation talent until they have completed Tanaan Jungle.
- Resolved an issue where dispelling Prayer of Mending was incorrectly only removing a single charge instead of the entire effect.
- Recruit-a-Friend characters should now be correctly receiving a 300% bonus to the experience awarded for completing a Dungeon (was incorrectly awarding 900% instead).
- New Pandaren Hunters that use the Level 90 Character Boost should now start with a turtle pet.
- Resolved an issue where buffs received from a Shamanstone was incorrectly causing the character to travel much more slowly while on a flight path.
- Resolved an issue that could cause characters to become stuck on a flight path.
- Resolved an issue where Draenor Perks for characters may sometimes not be saving correctly.
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters that have XP disabled could wind up being unable to level.
- Resolved an issue where items transmogrified into The Horseman's Horrific Hood or The Horseman's Sinister Slicer could revert back to their original state.
- Resolved an issue where boosting characters could cause them to forget spells that have been taught by items.
- Resolved a frame rate stuttering issue that was affecting some Mac OS clients.
- Mobile Armory's guild chat should be working once more.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3, Build 19342
Released: 12-18-2014
- Gnomes should now be able to see Wrynn's Vanguard in the reputations panel.
- Players should no longer be receiving Garrison Invasions notices if their Garrisons are below tier 3.
- Resolved an issue that caused PvP items to report an incorrect item level and stats.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the terrain may not be visible immediately when players load into their Garrisons.
- Resolved an issue that could affect the frame rates of users on a Mac OS client running on video cards with more than 2GB of video ram.
Visit the Warlords of Draenor: Feature Overview blog for information and features added in patch 6.0.2.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3, Build 19243
Updated: 12-04-2014
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the experience reward for a quest may display incorrectly.
- Resolved a display issue for quest objectives that have received a hotfix to sometimes not update properly.
- Resolved an issue where players may be unable to connect to another realm if they attempt to switch to a different realm after being in a server queue.
- Resolved an issue where the Mac OS game client may sometimes crash on launch or close improperly.
- Resolved an issue where adding or removing a friend may cause the player to be unable to whisper to any BattleTag friends.
World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.3
Updated: 10-28-2014
Note: For the rest of the pre-Warlords expansion patch notes, please see The Iron Tide: 6.0.2 Patch Notes.
World Event: Iron Horde Incursion
- Characters that have completed the Iron Horde Incursion event can now visit a vendor near their faction's respective beachhead to purchase replacement quest rewards.
- Report to the King/Warning the Warchief: Characters with a healing specialization should now be able to select Ironmender's Totem as a quest reward.
- Thrall received a reminder that he is currently still on Azeroth.
Character Models
- Resolved an issue where certain helmets could incorrectly cause an Undead's jaw to disappear.
- Resolved an issue where skin color for Human models were not matching up with their original counterparts.
- Resolved an issue that could cause characters to remain disarmed for an extended period of time.
- Death Knight
- Talents
- Breath of Sindragosa now deals reduced damage to secondary targets. Damage to the primary target remains unchanged.
- Talents
- Druid
- Feral
- Savage Roar should no longer incorrectly consume Omen of Clarity's clearcasting effect.
- Resolved an issue where Rip refreshed through Ferocious Bite was not extending its duration for the full amount against targets that were below 25% health.
- Feral
- Protection
- The passive ability Sanctuary, is now learned at level 10.
- Shadow
- Resolved an issue where Shadow Priests in Shadowform were not displaying a targeting outline.
- General
- Chain Lightning, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Lava Burst, and Lightning Bolt now costs 50% less mana.
- Elemental
- Earth Shock and Earthquake now costs 50% less mana.
- Glyphs
- Glyph of Ember Tap was causing Ember Tap to heal for more than intended. Additionally, the glyph now increases the healing of Ember Tap by 2% (down from 5%).
- Gulp Frog no longer drops the Wilted Lilypad.
- Kor'kron Butcher Cleave ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Kor'kron Commanders with the Hemorrhagic Shadowstep ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
Pet Battles
- Iron Starlette should no longer be excessively noisy when their owner is on a mount.
- A Villain Unmasked: Resolved an issue where Samuelson Unmasked was dying too quickly to grant quest credit.
- Basilisk Butcher: Basilisk Meat should be dropping again.
- Borrowed Brew: Resolved a number of audio issues with the quest.
- Get Kraken!: Resolved an issue where North Sea Kraken was dying too quickly to grant quest credit.
- Warforged Seal: Added a safeguard to prevent characters from completing the quest if they already have the maximum amount of Warforged Seals.
Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
- Looting bind-on-equip items should no longer automatically bind it to the character on Personal Loot mode.
- Resolved an issue where Guild Raid groups were not receiving credit towards Guild challenges on Mythic difficulty.
- Dragon Soul
- Spine of Deathwing: Blood of Deathwing should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Firelands
- Shannox: Rageface's Face Rage ability should no longer deal an excessive amount of damage.
- Blackwing Lair
- Razorgore the Untamed received a buff to increase his survivability.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
- Battlegrounds
- For players queued for Random Battlegrounds, the losing team should be receiving 45 Honor again.
- Resolved an issue where Windwalker Monks were unable to craft more than one item at a time using the "Create All" button.
- Fire-Watcher's Oath should correctly have a 100% chance to grant Bloody Coins on PvP kills once more.
- Living Root of the Wildheart's bonus armor provided by Ursine Blessing for Guardian Druids has been toned down to a more reasonable level.
- PlayMusic API should now work correctly and be able to play MP3s once more.
- PlaySound API should now work correctly and be able to play MP3s once more.
- Resolved an issue where quest headers in the Quest Log may become stuck in a collapsed state.
- Game settings and macros for characters with names that contains an extended ASCII character should be saving correctly once more for users on Mac OS.
- Resolved a number of situations where the mouse cursor can disappear on Mac OS.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where multi-passenger vehicles entering your character's viewing area could cause them to be booted to the character selection screen.
- Resolved a client crash that can occur if a character logs out after copying a calendar event.
- Resolved a Lua error when selecting monitor 3 on systems with multiple video cards.
- Resolved a Lua error from using Command+M on the Credits screen on Mac OS.
- Resolved an issue with the skybox flashing on systems with multiple video cards.