Refunded talent points

#0 - April 28, 2009, 12:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I really hate the way my talent points have been refunded to me over and over again. I have over 10 characters. I'm sure there are ppl out there with many more characters than myself. I'm sure that some ppl don't mind either that they have to re-do thier talent points again and again because they always are re-speccing anyways.

However, I never respec. I really am tired of having to spend an hour per character redoing something I've already re-done 5 times in the past months on all of my characters. I haven't even played some of my characters since the second time we had to respec since the lich king came out. I'm sure there are at least some others who are really annoyed by having to respec every time they log on.

I'm seriously considering quitting WoW, at least in part, because it's such a pain to get my characters going again after every patch.

#3 - April 28, 2009, 12:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I really hate the way my talent points have been refunded to me over and over again. I have over 10 characters. I'm sure there are ppl out there with many more characters than myself. I'm sure that some ppl don't mind either that they have to re-do thier talent points again and again because they always are re-speccing anyways.

However, I never respec. I really am tired of having to spend an hour per character redoing something I've already re-done 5 times in the past months on all of my characters. I haven't even played some of my characters since the second time we had to respec since the lich king came out. I'm sure there are at least some others who are really annoyed by having to respec every time they log on.

I'm seriously considering quitting WoW, at least in part, because it's such a pain to get my characters going again after every patch.

Well, the respec's were given because some trees and talents changed, and we didn't want players to need to spend gold.

My best recommendation is to write down the characters various specs once you have them as you'd like to see them. If they need redone at that point, just a matter of consulting the list :)

Also, there is a preview available now, you just need to turn it on in your interface options. That prevents any errant misclicks. Adjust them the way you like, then hit learn once you are happy with your setup. If that option is active, you'll see a learn button at the bottom of your talents page.
#8 - April 28, 2009, 2:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I wasn't posting it as a suggestion, as I said, I appreciate Orylia trying to be helpful, but at the same time it seems there is no sensitivity towards the level of inconvenience/irritation this causes people. "Write them down" or "Bookmark the armory entry" is perfectly good practical advice ... and totally infuriating alongside the GM-suggestion to "go respec your talents" if I didn't want to wait 3 hours to have a GM reset them for me. I'd be happy to hear that advice, if it wasn't tantamount to "Awh, Bliz botched your toon. Insert coin if you want to see how long till they do it again because the bug ain't fixed".

It is something our developers are continuing to work on yes.

When there are changes to the trees, there really is no other option.