Ulduar Cleared... IN TWO DAYS?!

#0 - April 16, 2009, 8:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Ensidia is one of the best guilds in the world.
Look at their players. its on the main page of mmo-champion. They're gear is INSANE. They have the best possible professions for maximized DPS, they've been raiding Ulduar in the PTR, and have been working on the instance NON-STOP since the servers came up tuesday.

I don't know about you. But if it takes the best guilds in the world months of preparation, and 24 straight hours of grinding, wiping, and retrying an isntance to clear it. that sounds like a hard instance to me.

And that's not even hard modes.

All these people complaining are gonna be crying like babies when it takes em months to clear normal. and MONTHS to clear even SOME of the hard modes.

Good job blizzard.

don't listen to the naysayers.

ulduar is a job well done.
#44 - April 16, 2009, 9:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Algalon is optional. For all intents and purposes, the instance has effectively been cleared.

Most people will consider Ulduar fully cleared when Algalon is defeated, myself included. He isn't optional in the sense of, "hey, guys -- enjoy this bonus boss", he's actually designed to be the hardest encounter in Ulduar, and only accessible by completing a questline that requires players to complete multiple Ulduar hard modes.
#52 - April 16, 2009, 9:52 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I'm sorry. But Kara took longer to clear then this. When Blizz started saying that Uldar would be hard, and it wouldn't be puggable, I was at least hoping for something that would take as long as Kara to clear.

2 days isn't that. If these bosses really are 'raid killers' like we've been told..well..what I can see it's not going to be any raid killer bosses.

We see comments on the difficulty of a raid dungeon every time we've released one since after Blackwing Lair. The complaints never come from the players who actually did any of the content interestingly enough.
#65 - April 16, 2009, 10:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Never on the level we have seen since Wrath's launch. The QQ has gone through the roof on easy raiding.

You must have mis-phrased that. The word "never" is obviously wrong. Raiders who did Naxxramas, Sartharion, Archevon, and Malygos pretty much said across the board that it was too easy. Barring the Achievements you tac on.

I think the point with a 24 hour Ulduar clear is the simple (and correct) belief that no guild, anywhere, for any reason, should be able to clear the second tear of raiding in that much time.

I'll have a discussion on Ulduar's difficulty with you, when you've cleared it.