Your chat and mail privileges have been temp,

#0 - April 27, 2009, 3:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
/sigh I really hate having roomates so does anyone know how long it lasts its so annoying its almost impossible to get into WG raid and Heroics, cant do anything. I sent in a ticket but its been like 5 hours and still no answer.

title got cut off full message says:
Q u o t e:
Your chat and mail privileges have been temporarily suspended pending Game Master review.

OK since everybody on here CLEARLY cant understand one little thing: ALL IM ASKING IS HOW LONG I CANT TALK/USE MAIL

this was not an attempt to get off ban which is prob like a day idfc how long just want to know I have another account I can use thats not banned and I can use any of there accounts its not like this matters like wtf stop trying to flame me and act like an e-thug on the forums and get over yourself.
#28 - April 27, 2009, 4:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The restrictions can last up to 24 hours, Shadyy.

From your petition you seem to indicate that your roommate logged into your account, it wasn't a matter of you simply stepping away and leaving it logged in.

Please remember that account sharing is against our Terms of Use and can result in the suspension or closure of your account. Only two people may ever access an account and that is the registered user and one minor child (that the registered user is the parent or legal guardian of).
#30 - April 27, 2009, 4:11 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Please stop with the inappropriate acronyms, Shadyy, that is the last time I will edit pro bono.
#35 - April 27, 2009, 5:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

What a wonderful way to use that term Vrak. I think I shall sig it.

Did I use it correctly? O.o
#37 - April 27, 2009, 5:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I was going for the free of charge but with a "for the public good" feel. <3
#48 - July 31, 2010, 10:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
i have the same problem, just wasnt my roomate it was my idiot server so i was saying buying a mechano hog for 13kg and then after a while it started giving me that message i only did it like once or twice every 2 mins

Actually the message you were saying in Trade wasn't that you wanted to purchase a Mechano Hog for 13kg, it was that you wanted to buy one for 3G. In a three minute span of time you repeated this message 11 times. Another time you repeated the message another 11 times in the span of 15 seconds.

I'm sorry, Hazoroth, but it seems that the Report Spam method of reporting is working as intended. While reviewing the chat I noticed that you don't seem to be abiding by many of our policies when it comes to language. You may want to review the following support article about what kind of conversations are not permitted within the game. If such chat is reported you may be looking at more then just the temporary loss of your chat and mail privileges.

You should receive those privileges back within 24 hours.