Hardmodes or Not. 1 Day Clear is Stupid.

#0 - April 16, 2009, 8:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
All the hard modes will be completed by next raid lockout, unless they are somehow bugged. The only reason they were not cleared on this lockout was because people were trying to race to world first Yogg. Bookmark this thread.

I understand Blizzard wants more people to see the content and that is good, but they are putting in achievements in place of what should be actual content. In almost every other situation aside from PVE difficulty, achievements are seen as extras are and unnecessary to really make accessible to all classes due to their nature of being a "non-requirement" to complete. However when people clear the content in what would have been probably 3 hours if the servers had been stable we are told that we MUST complete all the achievements before that content is considered cleared. Poor druids can't even get their shape shifting to not break costumes for some achievements, being told those achievements are necessary, but those same druids are told to keep grinding points when it comes to PVE difficulty.

So what's next, another 6+ month wait until Icecrown? How long will that take to clear? Will Blizzard keep the instance servers down a whole week to extend the content in addition to putting 6+ achievements for each boss?

Players want content, not virtual points. We don't want Muru 2.0, but we also don't want Karazhan 3.0
#71 - April 16, 2009, 11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

So what's next, another 6+ month wait until Icecrown? How long will that take to clear? Will Blizzard keep the instance servers down a whole week to extend the content in addition to putting 6+ achievements for each boss?

Amazing. You have nothing to do now that people that aren't you have cleared Ulduar.