Not sure how to interpret GC on this one

#0 - April 24, 2009, 2:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So, Ghostcrawler recently commented on this thread in the Damage Dealing forums:

to say:

Q u o t e:
We're not talking about combo points here. But we keep running into problems with say Judgement, Divine Storm, Crusader Strike, and now (until recently) Exorcism and perhaps even Hammer of Wrath all being unrelated. You can use one per global cooldown leading to just a ton of damage without there being much an opponent can really do. There is no poison or disease to cleanse. There isn't a self buff someone can remove. They often don't even have time to respond because the attacks are coming right on top of each other. Yes the abilities all have cooldowns, but that's small consolation to someone who may be in triple digit health by the time you unload.

Furthermore, it's not like there is much skill involved to that rotation ("GC SEZ RETS R FACEROLLERZ"). You hit the buttons and damage happens. Sure you can come up with other situations where a player just hits their buttons and unloads a lot, but in a lot of cases they do have other considerations to deal with. Warriors have to watch Overpower opportunities. Enhancement shamans want to follow up Stormstrike with Nature damage. Frost mages want the Frost Nova (or whatever) before the Ice Lance.

To some extent, Holy paladins even have the same issues. Simple does not have to mean boring. Having few buttons doesn't have to mean having few options.

Again, we've come a long way with paladins. Their aren't horribly broken. No class is. They just need a little more tweaking.

What I'm not sure about is that last bit about holy paladins.

Is GC saying that, in the devs' opinion, holy is a good model for "simple does not mean boring"?
Or does he mean that holy, like ret, still "need[s] a little more tweaking" to be more interesting?

I'd sort of like a bit of insight into how happy the devteam is currently with where holy falls on the "simple vs interesting" spectrum, since, as we've seen here on the forums, player opinions on the subject vary widely.

#8 - April 24, 2009, 9 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Or does he mean that holy, like ret, still "need[s] a little more tweaking" to be more interesting?

This one. We don't think that we need to turn Holy paladins into Resto druids in order to make the spec a little more interesting for players who find it a little too simple.