Inquiring about loremaster achievement please

#0 - April 29, 2009, 4:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello. I've been working on the Loremaster achievement for some time now. Yesterday I was at 699/700 on Alliance: Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms. When I hit 700/700, there was nothing, no achievement at all.

I submitted a ticket and spoke to a GM. I was told that it was a known issue and that the # of required quests was being raised to 740 and that they were terribly sorry. Once I hit 740, I should get the Loremaster recognition.

My question to Customer Service is this.... what about all those other people who've already gotten their Loremaster achievement? Will their's be taken away until they get the 740 requirement or will they be grandfathered in?

If the latter is the case, then I think those of us who have achieved the 700 requirement while the achievement records still indicate needing 700, should be allowed to get the achievement. It's unfair that others not need the same # of quests as us, and since it was technically achieved while it still shows only needing 700, I feel it's fair and just that I should get the achievement as well.

It goes without saying that my spirits were crushed when I thought I was working hard for 700 only to be let down after all my hard work to see it go to 701/700.

I'd greatly appreciate hearing back from a Blizzard rep about getting the achievement for this. I'm not too happy at all that after indicating 700 and seeing people get their achievement for 700, I'm now being told "we're terribly sorry, but you need to get another 40 for yours". Please and thank you.

Thank you,
(4 year subscriber of 3 accounts)
#3 - April 29, 2009, 5:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The present requirement for Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms is, as you've stated, 740 quests. This obviously conflicts with the displayed 700 requisite and causes considerable confusion (a fact for which I do sincerely apologize). We are indeed aware of this issue, as well as your concerns, and are presently working towards a resolution which is best for all players.

Once this matter is resolved and if you meet the appropriate requirements at such a time, then you should indeed qualify for Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms. :)
#5 - April 29, 2009, 6:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is something we're hoping to have addressed in an upcoming patch, Angelia.

Also, as I noted, we are indeed aware of those concerns you've expressed herein and are keeping them in mind when evaluating how best to go forward with resolution. :)
#8 - April 29, 2009, 7:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
When you said upcoming patch, does that refer to some of the hotfix patches that can be a week or two away or are you referring to the next major patch that could be months or more down the road?

Due to the specific nature of this issue, it is unlikely to be the sort of thing we are able to address via hotfix; however, we do sincerely understand just how confusing this is for our players and so wish to get this achievement's tracking hammered out just as quickly as possible.

In answer to your question, though, we have several different methods of introducing changes and resolutions to the World of Warcraft. Major content patches (think 3.0 or 3.1) generally bring with them substantial alterations to game mechanics, added content, and new environments in addition to the usual issue resolutions. There are also smaller patches (think 3.1.1) which occur between their more major brethren which generally alter/add to existing content or are created specifically to address issues that cannot be hotfixed. Finally, those issues which both demand and can be resolved through a hotfix are addressed in this manner. Many issues cannot be addressed in the short time frames and small size that a hotfix requires, though.

Ultimately, we are unable to reveal which of these processes will be used to resolve this issue, though it isn’t unreasonable to assume that it might be handled via a "normal" patch at some point in the future.
#46 - May 13, 2009, 8:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For those who may have just joined this thread, I would like to reiterate a few points:

    - At present, Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms requires the completion of 740 quests rather than its listed 700; we are indeed aware of this achievement's description discrepancy and are deeply sorry for any confusion it's caused or may cause for those pursuing it
    - We are also aware of those concerns you've expressed in relation to this change and are taking them into consideration as we work towards the best resolution possible
    - Due to the nature of this particular issue, it is unlikely that we will be able to resolve it via hotfix

Your continued feedback is greatly appreciated and will be welcomed herein so long as it remains constructive and civil. :)
#55 - May 16, 2009, 7:38 p.m.
Blizzard Post
As an update: We have determined that the appropriate quest count for Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms should be 700 (and not 740) for all Alliance players. We are working to amend this achievement's requirements at this time and hope have the matter resolved as quickly as possible.

Also, for those who may be curious, the possibility of resolution via hotfix has indeed been discussed. Due to the changes we need to make to ensure this achievement's proper functionality, though, it still remains unlikely that we will able to do so without a patch.

You've my apologies for any delay or confusion, folks. Thank you for your patience!