One Free Day?

#0 - April 16, 2009, 10:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Maybe I'm a complainer but only 1 free day Blizzard? That's it? Sorry, but I haven't been able to really play for two days now, and I expect that to be 3 days by the end of tonight. Obviously things are not working right and many servers are unplayable during peak periods. Just own up and refund your members as many days until this is fixed. maybe it will provide some financial urgency to correcting the problems.
#5 - April 16, 2009, 10:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Compensation is generally calculated by analyzing the most severe amount of down time and stability issues from all of our realms outside of the scheduled maintenance window. The primary priority is to stabilize the game play on all of our realms as quickly as possible, though we wanted to proactively provide compensation to players for the exceeded down time the realms had after the patch. As always, we will continue to take any further down time or excessive stability issues into consideration going forward.
#9 - April 16, 2009, 11:04 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Thank you for the response. In all honesty, Id prefer to just be able to play and happily pay for Blizzards staff to continue for me to do so. It's just been frustrating is all. Especially as a raiding guild, organizing a full raid of players eager in anticipation of attempting to conquer the new content only to spend most of our 3 hour raiding block watching frozen loading screens and facing forced hearths back far away from our destination.

It's completely understandable and I apologize for the troubles, Ikhnaton.