#2 - April 18, 2009, 4:43 p.m.
Ongoing Issue - Missing or Incorrect Talent Points & Dual-Specs
Update, 4/29/2009
Our Quality Assurance Team is looking for your feedback!
If you have experienced a loss or full refund of spent talent points after leveling up, please post within the following thread:
If you have experienced a loss or full refund of spent talent points that neither you nor the Game Master department initiated and
is not related to leveling up, please post within the following thread:
We respectfully ask that you refrain from commenting in these threads if your issue is not directly related to talent point refunding or loss and to continue with those steps listed below.
Thank you.
We are presently aware of a variety of talent related issues that may be affecting your gameplay. Our Development and Quality Assurance teams are currently working to address these issues
for all players as quickly as possible; however, the following information may prove helpful in the meantime.
1) Too many or too few available talent points –
Should your character's talent interface display an incorrect number of available points, it is recommended that you first proceed with a full reset of your UI (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article.xml?articleId=20377). You may wish to preserve your AddOns by moving your AddOns folder to a separate location prior to performing the steps, but please test this issue before reinstalling them!
If the issue persists following this reset, the Game Master department may be able to assist by providing a talent wipe for the target character. We thus encourage you to submit an in-game petition with the following information included:
- Character name and realm
- Brief description of issue
- Confirmation that UI has been reset
If a talent wipe is provided, we recommend that you enable "Preview Talent Changes" * prior to redistributing points. While this particular step is not a guaranteed workaround, it has proved successful in preventing additional issues for many players.
Attention: If the character that is having this issue is not level 80, there is a possibility that this issue may reoccur as you level. Should this happen, please enter a new petition at that time and we will be happy to assist.
2) Talents are being partially reset when swapping between saved dual specs –
Some talent points are being wiped upon switching from one spec to another; we are aware that this is occurring and are presently pursuing resolution. In the meantime, it will be necessary to re-distribute your talent points when this occurs. We sincerely apologize for any resulting inconvenience, and hope to remedy this issue as soon as we can.
A possible workaround to this issue has been suggested on our EU forums here:
3) Talent points not showing up correctly in the talent tree –
In some cases, points invested in talents may not appear within the talent tree. This is believed to be a display issue only, and the all appropriate bonuses and skills should be bestowed upon your character. (http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=16418872953&pageNo=1&sid=1#13)
*NOTE: If you have enabled the new
"Preview Talent Changes" option (found in
Interface options -> Display)
you must press "Learn" before any changes to your talent tree take effect. This button is located on the very bottom of the talent tree window.