Bring back resistence fights!

#0 - April 10, 2009, 5:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard, please consider bringing back boss fights that needed resistances to certain schools of magic. I miss the fights like rag and huhuran sp? (I think that was the one, it's been so long) Going back to old instances like mara to get the nature resist trinkets, and building rep to craft the resistance sets. It added more depth to raiding, not just show up 10 mind before raid start and then log on again next raid, no preperations needed.

It also drove the economy, non-raiders could sell elementals and other 5 man dungeon drops that were in high demand for raiding.

Even if just optional bosses they were my favorite fights from vanilla wow.
#6 - April 10, 2009, 5:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Resistance fights are still around in a way (Sapphiron). We wanted to get away from the necessity of making a gear set to make any decent attempt at a boss and instead focus more on the encounter itself challenging players and not a resistance cap being the challenge. While putting the frost resistance on for Sapphiron helps, especially early on when progression through the dungeon, we didn't want it to be 100% needed in all attempts.

And before you say it, yeah yeah, Sapphiron/Naxx wasn't hard, but we like this design layout better than the bag stuffing necessity version that was Huhuran.
#14 - April 10, 2009, 6:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Awe, I liked the variety they added. Something about getting 5 guildies together decked out in tier2/2.5 and farming strath for green resistance drops that just seemed to add comradery.

Although I can agree on the bag space, I think this change along with the potion change is what makes raiding seem so much easier.

Raiding used to be almost as much about preperation as skill, now it seems to lack re need for both on most encounters.

We have made a number of changes in the preparation area that minimize the need to farm for additional consumable buffs. Farming mats for several days outside of raid days wasn't really fun for anybody (to my knowledge), and it forced us to design the encounters around having those buffs so if you didn't farm the mats you were in a tough position. It is possible we will add more Sapphiron-like resistance fights in the future where it helps to have the pieces, but the pieces will likely be more like the current frost resist pieces instead of an entire set of random "garbage" pieces that you keep in your bank for a year.

I will admit you are one of the first people I have heard about enjoying farming all the random pieces of resist gear from the old fights, but if you feel the raiding is being too easy, we have covered that in how Naxx was meant to be accessible but we probably made it too easy overall and want to change that a bit in Ulduar.
#16 - April 10, 2009, 6:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I understand. The guy working at blizzard has done everything to destroy the large tight knit raiding guild.

rock on

Well I'm sure everybody enjoyed it when the tank they were gearing out in a pile of resistance gear quit and made it so you couldn't attempt anything for a couple weeks while gearing up a new person. Those were some sweet times. (Yes, heavy sarcasm here.)

It tends to not be a lot of fun when players' have to have their stats all nerfed a bunch just to be able to survive an attempt in a resistance fight. We would rather avoid a situation like this and make it so the encounter itself is what is challenging.
#41 - April 10, 2009, 7:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

On my druid back in pre-BC (wth is vanilla wow, can i get chocolate wow? :P), I had the NR set for AQ, FR for BWL/MC, the +healing set and the +int set - all for healing. I am not even counting the feral set(s) I built from BWL and blues from scholo/strat. All this in awesome 16 slot bags with 2 18 slotters.

So, yes, I don't like resistance based fights.

I still have some random pieces of my old resist sets, I felt that we bonded after they took up space in my bags for such a long time. Ah the glories of tanking.