My chat log is broken

#0 - April 9, 2009, 4:33 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So, for some reason I can't click on any item link, profession link, or any other kind of link in the chat log. I also can't right click a character's name to whisper/invite/ignore them or shift+click a character's name to /who them.

Halp fix, please?
#3 - April 9, 2009, 4:48 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I turned off all addons and it is still messed up. The only addon I use that affects the chat log is Prat, but like I say, I disabled it and it still wouldn't work. And i've had prat (the same version) for a few months, and my chat log just now borked.

Try this for me:


#5 - April 9, 2009, 5:24 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Yu sir, are a robot among men.

Fix'd. =)

Have fun!