WoW Email Address and Sierra Entertainment

#0 - Sept. 14, 2007, 6:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello. The email address that I gave to Blizzard for World of Warcraft, has been shared by someone in Blizzard with Sierra Entertainment.

Since I didn't ask for, nor did I share my email address with, Sierra Entertainment, I went to the link provided in the spam email for unsubscribing.

To unsubscribe to the Sierra Entertainment, I have to agree with the following information associated with the checkbox to unsubscribe...

Q u o t e:
Unsubscribe me from all Sierra Entertainment and Vivendi Games mailing lists

So here's my question. I wish to continue receiving World of Warcraft emails, but not Sierra Entertainment emails. The description of the unsubscribe link seems to specifiy all Vivendi games would be unsubscribed to, including WoW, which is not my intention.

Making things worse, here's the web url that takes me to the page to unsubscribe...

Q u o t e:

I replaced my actual email address with MYEMAILADDRESS, but otherwise that's the actual link to unsubscribe from the Sierra Entertainment emails, my WoW email address.

Why my WoW email address is tied into Sierra Entertainment games is something I don't know, though I'm guessing somewhere deep inside of the EULA I've probably agreed to it, If thats true, I would have enjoyed the opportunity to not agree with that particular clause. You shouldn't be forcing your WoW customers to receive ads for other games they are not playing, just in the hopes of them maybe purchasing those games. I get enough spam in my email inbox each day.

How do I unsubscribe to Sierra Entertainment emails, but continue to receive World of Warcraft emails, if the unsubscribe is hinting at a linkage, a "all or nothing" receiving of emails?

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the email that I received was a "World In Conflict Newsletters" email, but on the subscription page that you get to from the link I posted above, doesn't have that newsletters feature checked, its unchecked, so it would seem that I shouldn't be getting it anyways, even if I did agree to receive other Sierra Entertainment games.
#93 - Sept. 14, 2007, 8:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
As a matter of corroboration, Smiter, the other posters are correct in directing you elsewhere for further assistance with your inquiries; while the moderators of this forum are more than willing and able to offer aid with in-game matters, those involving your e-mail account would be better suited for either Account Administration or perhaps our Billing Department. You shall find the pertinent contact information below. :)

Billing Department:
Phone: 1-800-59-BLIZZ
Hours: 8a-8p Pacific, Mon-Fri

Account Administration: