I Suggest Everyone Serious About WoW, Read.

#0 - March 28, 2009, 12:29 a.m.
Blizzard Post
My staement is not a QQ, but a simple fact...

WoW is not nearly as lusterous as it was in the days of Vanilla WoW. Epics are easily farmed and casual players have downed some of the hardest bosses in game. I believe that WoW will most likely never return to the "good ole days" but I know Blizzard should try.

Although it has been proposed before, I believe that there should be Servers which allow players to stay at 60. To express my idea further I would like others to post their thoughts, mine below.

These "Level Sixty Servers" shall have...

Blood Elves
Patches of 1.2 - 1.12
As well as certain changes in later patches:
Voice Chat
Mac Movie Capture
Guild Banks

I think this mainly sums up the overall feelings towards this topic. Please post additions and thoughts on the above.
#16 - March 28, 2009, 12:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You're going to need to trust me when I say that, while your feedback is appreciated, this topic absolutely does not need another thread dedicated to it.