DK changes that make no sense

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#0 - March 31, 2009, 7:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
First, the obvious one that I'll keep repeating until Blizzard gets it:

Unholy is the most powerful, popular DK spec, yet it has largely been immune from nerfs. You've been bashing Blood over the head with nerfs, which seemsy out of sync with the reality that 90% of DKs are Unholy, 90% of DK QQ is with Unholy. You actually UPPED Unholy's damage output with Scourge Strike, which may be needed for PvE scaling but makes the overpowered sentiments stronger in PvP. I simply don't understand it. Maybe you say the "changes aren't final," but we're this deep into 3.1 PTR and you still don't think Unholy DKs need to be toned down? I don't think the Gargoyle nerf is sufficient too, that's just one of the many issues with Unholy DKs.

Blood Strike is superior or equal to Heartstrike in damage This one is inexplicable. I don't care if it's glyphed, why is a 41-pt talent equivalent to a baseline ability? Adding the snare effect for the glyph is really nice, but you've effectively nerfed HS by 20% since most Blood DKs used the BS glyph. Blood is that much less a desirable tree with the latest changes.

Trying to force IT/PS into rotations isn't going to work With the nerf to Icy Touch, there are already rotations floating around that don't use IT, and there are still some disease-less rotations being experimented on. I know you're hellbent on forcing everybody to use IT/PS, but I'd prefer your spending energy elsewhere than fudging with the numbers to have us overhaul our whole rotation with every patch.

On another note, I'm somewhat happy with the Rime change and basing it on Obliterate instead of IT, which is a nice help to 2H Frost. I'm actually starting to like 2H Frost again.
#30 - March 31, 2009, 9:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Blood dps has been too high for much of the PTR.

Unholy is popular in PvP paritally because of all of the utility that tree brings. But a major portion of Unholy damage in PvP was in Icy Touch, and that spec has been brought down a lot. Unholy also benefited from things like Lichborne and Frost Presence which have been nerfed for DKs overall.