EU forums

#0 - March 27, 2009, 4:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Someone told me the reason the EU forums don't get responses like we do is because you respond to our posts outside of work. Basically, it's not your job to talk to us.

Just wanted to say thanks for doing it. You take a ton of unnecessary heat, but if you're doing all this on your off time... thanks. :)
#2 - March 27, 2009, 6:42 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I don't spend much time out here during normal working hours, because I usually have plenty to do. I have spent a little more time on the forums lately just because we are gearing up to ship a massive patch.

I wish I had enough bandwidth to post on the EU forums too, let alone the Asian and other forums around the world. I have seen some great threads on those forums too. We have CMs in all of those markets, and they keep us up to date on the discussions happing there.

Someday I am sure even these forums will grow so large that I can't keep up with every conversation going on and I will be sad -- happy that the WoW posting community is growing, but also sad a little too.