Why is Blizz ignoring Holy Paladins?

#0 - March 24, 2009, 12:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Im not fishing for a blue response here.

This is just to discuss why there has been such a lack of response from GC and blizz on Holy Paladin issues.
Not one single blue has posted on our curent status for a very long time, and our problems are growing and growing.

Holy paladins are angry and upset, and the lack of blizzard suport is fueling a very dangerous fire.

So why is blizzard keeping us in the dark?
My theroy is that they are curently working on our class and they just dont want to say anything at the moment to get our hopes up, or create any future expectations......But im a optimist.

It could also be that blizzard dosent see any problems with our class and thus there is no reason to post? But if this is the case what dose blizzard think when they see the pages and pages of topics showing blizz the math and our reasons for our concerns.

Do they simply brush of our feedback as False?
#33 - March 24, 2009, 4:22 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We ignore all the classes.

Seriously, if we haven't commented on something, there are usually some reasons why:

1) We want to see how the discussion plays out.
2) We don't agree there is a problem.
3) We agree it's a problem and are working on a solution.

If you have outlined the problem, cool. You've done your job. Give other players a chance to respond. We read all of these threads. You don't need a blue response for that to be true.
#39 - March 24, 2009, 5:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Sometimes its nice to hear why you think something is not an issue if only because: A: it shuts people up a bit about it if you're right and B: Sometimes you're wrong.

Sometimes we are wrong, absolutely. Players know this. If they assumed we were always right, there would be about 4 threads in this forum. :)

I disagree with your part A though, for pretty much the same reason I just stated. If we say "Okay, we are buffing you" then people may go quiet for a bit. If we say "We don't think it's a problem," then the thread just gets longer as players try to convince us why we're wrong. Sometimes we want to have that conversation, particularly if it's on a hot topic on which we aren't 100% sure ourselves. Sometimes we don't want to have that conversation for a lot of reasons, one of them just being bandwidth. :(

As for your first issue, we think there is probably a way to make Holy paladin healing a little more "dynamic" (for want of a better word) without losing the simplicity that some players like. Maybe there is a way that an okay paladin can heal with just 2-3 spells, but a great paladin can add a few more to the mix and eek a little more throughput for the effort. Something like that.