Account Merge, Canada?

#0 - March 20, 2009, 2:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post

I recently signed up for a account and wanted to merge my WoW account to it but saw under it there was some wonderful text which I think all Canadians love to see 'US Only' or more precise '(Available to US Accounts only)'

Does this mean only accounts in the USA can be merged or does it mean only accounts on US servers? If it's the former, why? What's different in an account from Canada to a USA account? Please don't tell me Canada also has laws on account mergers like they do with contests.

If it's the latter, I think the '(Available to US Accounts only)' should be rephrased to show it.

Thank you

#1 - March 20, 2009, 2:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
That is referring to US realm accounts, vs. say EU, China, etc., Ellienna.

If you play on US realms, it applies to you.