Is Thunderstorm getting a knockback too?

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#0 - March 19, 2009, 9:37 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Typhoon -- what we are most likely to do is add a daze effect of some kind. This is what the mage spell Blast Wave does. The daze (it's like a 50% snare) can add a little bit more time to do something before the targets get back on you, such as cast a Cyclone. We might mess with the knockback distance a little, but Typhoon is built differently from many spells, so there may be a limit in what we can do here.

Do we get in on this love as well?
#12 - March 19, 2009, 10 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Thunderstorm seems a good deal more popular (meaning actually used) than Typhoon. Shamans also had several PvP buffs this patch while balance druids lost their main talented PvP ability, the Celestial Focus stun.

It's tricky to compare abilities. Sometimes it makes sense to change similar spells in all the same way, but the risk of doing that too much is that every spell feels the same.