Seriously is new content that hard to make?

#0 - March 10, 2009, 8:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I just don't get the incredibly long drawn out window between new content. Is it that hard to add or is Blizzard just taking it's customer base for granted.

It seems like with how much money they make each month, we should be able to see a new outdoor boss or even micro-instance every 1-2 months. Personally I think 1 month is more than enough.

Is there a reason if it's so dammed hard to make a monster model that they could just do heroic old instances? I'd run heroic dead mines, dire maul, maraduron, etc. How friggin hard with all the money and staff that Blizzard has, could it be to give us something to do?

Dual spec with a new raid. Great... and in between raids we can be just as bored as we were while switching specs back and forth? lol

How about a new BG every couple months? Even if they're minimalist and simplistic, something different to do?

Isn't the concept of a subscription MMO that they take our money every month and create new content? Do you guys think they're trying their hardest to push out new content and it's really that hard. Or are they just saying "screw you guys, you know you'll keep subscribing"?

Curious what the community thinks.

#55 - March 10, 2009, 9:34 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It does take time to develop content, especially when a patch contains something from scratch, like Ulduar, where multiple teams work on a different aspect of its creation. Patch 3.1.0 is an extremely large patch containing many things beyond Ulduar, including dozens of game impacting class changes. Fortunately, testing is going very well on the PTRs but we won't release it until it's ready. While we'd love to push content faster, our primary focus is on the quality.

And no, that doesn't mean we guarantee a bug free patch.
#62 - March 10, 2009, 9:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
of all the lame troll post that dont get deleted, how does this warrent a blue post?

It's a valid discussion.