Blizzards Classic Server Respond

#0 - March 17, 2009, 11:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This was blizzard "recent" response to classic servers

"Putting up level 60 realms and rolling back everything that's been added to the game in the last couple of years would bring new meaning to "nothing to really look forward to." We have no plans of doing this. "

I have to disagree with this post, and i will use other posts ive read to support how this is wrong.

First off, World of warcraft is now basicly centered around most people only have 1-2 characters at the level 80 range. Only real hardcore players have the ENDURANCE to level another toon to 80..

that being said, i have to say that leveling new characters, creating new characters, and getting new characters to level cap was my favourite part of the game in vanilla. YES the raiding was good ect but it was accually POSSIBLE to make alts and get more than 1 of them to endgame.

I would rather have 6 level 60 alts, all able to Raid with, and pvp with, then 1 or even 2 level 80's present day. If you did integrate private servers you could easily make some obvious changes to make it more balanced, seeing as we have learned alot since then.


This is was huge concept and everyone that i talk to absolutely loved it and would give there teeth to experience again. LARGE SCALE BATTLES, no rules, almost as if your accually in that envirement, not runnign after a flag.

Blizzard seems to think that the only reason we want vanilla wow is because of the raids, but for me atleast, thats not the case at all. These servers are a good idea whether blizzard realizes it or not, Theyd just need a little bit of attention first.
#8 - March 17, 2009, 11:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A new thread isn't needed.