DK Nerfs: What about the non-geared?

#0 - March 11, 2009, 1:49 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all. I'm kind of a forum troll, always reading while not in class or on the game. I've read up on the apparent nerfs to our avoidance, through blade barrier and the various talents in frost. While I'm unholy at the moment (it's win on Loken. helps my healer out.) I do play frost some days. My only questions are as follows:

For DK's who aren't in T7/T7.5 gear, are there plans to help us out? a 10% reduction to barely 50% avoidance is a bit high.

With the removal of parry from blade barrier, will the threat modifiers on Death and Decay, Frost Presence, and Rune Strike be increased due to the less % chance of rune strike proccing?

With the removal of some of the magic reduction on our frost presence (doesn't seem like much, but 5% can mean the difference between getting crit healed if you're low or going splat.) will we see any fixes to our mitigation, such as druid "block" or pally/war block?

Please keep comments constructive.. I really hate some of the posts flaming others or the devs.
#4 - March 11, 2009, 4:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You might not be able to step into Ulduar in blue gear, but you don't need crazy high avoidance numbers for most content in the game including Naxxramas.

The intent of Rune Strike isn't that every hit becomes one. This is more true of Heroic Strike for warriors, but even then it's only in high rage situations.

One mistake that new tanks tend to make is to go overboard on defensive stats and ignore threat generation. For example, I know some older warrior guides would sometimes suggest going with a high threat weapon for that one slot. DKs do struggle a little to reach the defense "cap" but beyond that, you can probably tank in a lot less than full T7, especially if your group is not also new to all of their roles.
#85 - March 12, 2009, 12:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Expertise and hit are great +threat stats. That is especially true of DKs who suffer a lot when one of their rotational abilities fails to land.

My point about DKs just starting out is that the content just starting out is very forgiving of gear. The 5-player content is designed to be tanked by an Arms warrior.

Sad face that yet another thread turned into an argument about which tank class is the best / worst / has it easiest. :(