Resto Druid PVP = Broken in 3.1

#0 - March 15, 2009, 8:21 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Completely butcher our healing efficiency and then as compensation you buff tree armor? LOL.

Pretty obvious no one on the design team understands the issues with Resto Druids in PVP.
#7 - March 16, 2009, 4:34 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Pretty obvious no one on the design team understands the issues with Resto Druids in PVP.

Ah, the tactical nuke of class balance arguments. Busted all the way out on the first post. :)
#226 - March 19, 2009, 9:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This is not a good thread and not the kind of thread we like to reward by posting. I realize you don't actually have the power to keep trolls out of your threads, and we aren't always quick enough to remove all of the bad posts, but you can ignore them.

This thread tried a few times to actually cover the issues, but by and large a huge number of the posts are about A) how neglected you feel, B) how or where you think I should respond to posts. Neither of those help druids at all. Neither of those are items I can take into a class design meeting. To be brutally honest, they are the kind of response I skim over at best.

Pain gets it. Re-read what he or she wrote. If you feel you have accurately summarized the issues, then you have done all we have asked you to do. There is no need to keep bumping and there is no need to get upset because we don't respond to your threads. We are going to respond to very, very few threads. But we will read them all.

Q u o t e:
I'd be interested to see the many productive posts in this thread. Most seem to be composed of "we're broken", "Blizzard is kicking us while we're down", etc. Productive doesn't mean "not angry", it means effective in yielding results. The result you want is a good blue response, or perhaps sparking conversation that yields a good blue response. It has been a pity party, and please don't say, "well we deserve it because we're mad and they ignore us". The probability of a GC response will increase with cold logic, objective testimonials, data, and qualitative theorycrafting. It decreases with anger, self-pity, generalizations, and faulty logic. You can choose to whine and complain, or you can choose to be productive, in such a way as to contribute usable feedback.

"I feel that druids do not compete at present in pvp as it is (source:, and these nerfs will further hurt us (source: I do not feel that the armor buff, tree shifting cost decrease, and the barkskin talent are enough to make us strong because our main issue is our mana pool lasting the length of the fight, and I feel I cannot overcome this. Do you plan on giving us more buffs to compensate, or if not could you please explain why you feel these are sufficient?"
#229 - March 19, 2009, 9:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I announced a change to ToL in another thread that should help with some PvP issues. I'm not sure this thread can be steered around to that topic easily though. :)