Mana and healing output = Druid PVP problem

#0 - March 15, 2009, 11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We don't need tree to give 50 million armor.

We don't need barkskin to give 90 bazillion percent damage reduction.

What we need in PVP is better mana efficiency, better healing output. My lifeblooms tick 500 on a target with MS, my rejuv ticks for 700 every 3 seconds, what can that heal through? NOTHING.

I run out of mana instantly, meanwhile the Shaman or the paladin on the other team is at 60% mana.

Don't get me wrong, Druid survibility, mostly in 3v3, has its issues, BUT IT IS NOT THE REASON RESTO DRUDIS ARE DOING SO TERRIBLE IN PVP.

You could buff our survibility to be even better than HOly paladins, and we'd still be an inferior PVP spec, because our healing output is pathetic and our mana efficiency is even worse.

The lifebloom nerf = nail in the coffin for resto druid efficiency in PVP.
#26 - March 19, 2009, 8:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Maybe you do, but GC doesn't seem to, so I will keep making them until GC responds to PVP concerns or I get banned, it's as simple as that, we deserve a response.

The response you are going to get with that strategy is getting banned. These forums are not about trying to force a response.