Achievment Points.. good for?

#0 - March 11, 2009, 5:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I was lookin at patch notes and dida lil search for it as well... even googled it!

Is there ay update for a vendor or achievment points to be spent?

I know its cool to join PUG groups or trump guild members by saying "Don't talk to me till you have 3k+ Acheivment points nub"

but is there any plan soon? or is this a carrot to help us pay monthly :P

Ya know it was announced at Blizzcon right? or was it swooner.. anyways.... so its been a while. Maybe next patc h or am I gunna ruin the suprise for this patch (I now Blizz loves secrets and easter eggs as well as gnome warriors oya dont forget Tauren cooks that make those buffalo burgers)

speculation Spock?
#3 - March 11, 2009, 5:12 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Currently there are no plans to spend achievement points, they are simply a marker of progression in the system.