Hearthstone Error Help

#0 - March 11, 2009, 11:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
My friend recently stayed over and showed me how to use a private server and told me how fun it was...so i let him edit everything we played etc. and when he put everything back i went in-game on my normal account and well the Hearthstone was still edited for the private server, it says i can't use it until i am lvl 60 and it says *WoW Zone* at the bottom so i was wondering if there was a way to fix it or give me a new one.
#6 - March 11, 2009, 4:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Ismismism has provided you sound advice, Rovor. To expand:

First, begin by removing any files associated with this private server from your computer as soon as possible. Following this removal, scan your computer for possible malware; regrettably, many sites affiliated with private servers are unscrupulous and will attempt to glean your login information. Tips and suggestions may be found here:

Second, once your computer is clean, set-up a new email address. Ensure that the name and password for this email address do not overlap with that of your WoW account or with your previous email address. Register this address and reset your account's password.

Following, delete your WTF, Interface, and Cache folders. Relog. Should any issues persist, run the Repair Utility.

Please do not visit such servers again, Rovor. They are explicitly against policy and, regrettably, participation on them may risk your account's security.