Y is Blizz OBSESSED with Dresses on Priests?

#0 - March 10, 2009, 11:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Seriously I can not fathom this?

What do too many people there play with barbies and need an outlet?
Do you have an abundance of Scottish Calendars depicting national garb?
Was dress ups a bit too much fun when you were children?
Is there a fabric store located nearby and every season just HAS to be used as much as possible?
Do the artists come up to a deadline and think crap all other classes are done whack a different pattern on a Dress and that'll do?
Have you truly decided that not only is it fine to be the worst favoured class we have to suffer endless humiliation by putting on bedroom curtains?
Do you all play PVP and has running into Battlegrounds screaming "KILL THE ONE IN THE DRESS!!!11!!" Become so ingrained in your behaviour it would be too hard to change?

I'm guessing the answer to most of those questions is no so what is the fascination with dresses on men?
Perhaps next couple of sets could have a few Leggings and shirts and a little less of the gender crisis?
#13 - March 10, 2009, 11:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Seriously I can not fathom this?

What do too many people there play with barbies and need an outlet?
Do you have an abundance of Scottish Calendars depicting national garb?
Was dress ups a bit too much fun when you were children?
Is there a fabric store located nearby and every season just HAS to be used as much as possible?
Do the artists come up to a deadline and think crap all other classes are done whack a different pattern on a Dress and that'll do?
Have you truly decided that not only is it fine to be the worst favoured class we have to suffer endless humiliation by putting on bedroom curtains?
Do you all play PVP and has running into Battlegrounds screaming "KILL THE ONE IN THE DRESS!!!11!!" Become so ingrained in your behaviour it would be too hard to change?

I'm guessing the answer to most of those questions is no so what is the fascination with dresses on men?
Perhaps next couple of sets could have a few Leggings and shirts and a little less of the gender crisis?

In all fairness, it makes posts like this easier to read when you look so adorable. :)
#23 - March 10, 2009, 11:11 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Doesn't have to be armour just something nice and practical - hell give us options would you like this in a dress or something sensible would be appreciated.

But why does Blizz have the obsessions with dresses.

I'll admit that arguments regarding practicality in the World of Warcraft will be completely lost on me. :(

Q u o t e:
No healz 4 u >.<

#42 - March 10, 2009, 11:22 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:


Explain that one Please Zarhym ^_^

Well, you see...

Oh wow, Neth just gave me a ton of work to do! I'll catch up with you later! :p