Alchemy and Jewelcrafting Changes

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#1 - Dec. 10, 2014, 6:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We’re giving a heads up on adjustments being made based on player feedback over the amount of herbs used in recipes by Alchemy and Jewelcrafting. The adjustment will increase the amount of herbs an Alchemist needs and decrease the herb costs for Jewelcrafters.

Overview of Changes:

  • Combat potion recipes no longer requires Crescent Oil and meat/fish, and will require herbs instead.
  • Flask recipes will use more herbs, increasing the number of herbs needed from one type of herb to two.
  • Tier 1 gem recipes will require more ore and less herbs.
  • Tier 2 gem recipes will no longer require herbs and instead require a tier 1 gem.
    In summary, these changes are not active yet. But once the change is active, Alchemists will need more herbs, and Jewelcrafting will need less.


    We’ve been reading feedback and concerns that have been raised and wanted to provide clarification. Historically, Alchemy has greater synergy with Herbalism than Fishing and we wanted to restore that with this change. Crescent Oil still has a use for Alchemists and it will still be used for some Draenor Alchemy recipes. We’re removing Crescent Oil as a reagent from primary stat buff potions and mana potions, but keeping it for other potions.
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    #34 - Dec. 10, 2014, 7:49 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    12/10/2014 11:31 AMPosted by Mordecaí
    Does this require a Realm Restart to take in effect?

    This is an early heads up and it's not live yet. It depends on how testing for the hotfix goes before that can be determined.
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    #184 - Dec. 11, 2014, 1:09 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    I'm currently working to get clarification from the designers over feedback that we've been receiving over the change to reagents for Alchemy recipes.
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    #211 - Dec. 11, 2014, 2:54 a.m.
    Blizzard Post
    We’ve been reading feedback and concerns that have been raised and wanted to provide clarification. Historically, Alchemy has greater synergy with Herbalism than Fishing and we wanted to restore that with this change. Crescent Oil still has a use for Alchemists and it will still be used for some Draenor Alchemy recipes. We’re removing Crescent Oil as a reagent from primary stat buff potions and mana potions, but keeping it for other potions.
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    #326 - Dec. 11, 2014, 7:27 p.m.
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    12/11/2014 03:32 AMPosted by Gorpz
    Seriously, you are going to make one simple change (yes, yes "simple" being relative) when you know about 50 other problems more important? Wow....literally. I need to make a trip to the suggestion barn. Reminds me of making a dam after the area is flooded.

    That's a logical fallacy. There are different teams of developers with different specializations that are working on different aspects of the game simultaneously.
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    #385 - Dec. 11, 2014, 10:02 p.m.
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    12/11/2014 12:44 PMPosted by Letoghanima
    12/11/2014 12:43 PMPosted by Kaels
    Oh. Worse than I thought. It's already hotfixed in. Right in the middle of my potion-farming. With basically no warning.

    What the f.

    They do not listen to player feedback whatsoever. They just do whatever the hell they feel like, regardless of how bad the idea is and how bad people keep telling then it is.

    People keep telling them "don't do this" and they just don't care. They come up with "imaginary people" who support their decision. And then they point to the fact that everyone's going along with it as evidence that the new system is working.

    This thread would like to have a word with you.
    And this one.