PTR Ret Worst PvE DPS in Game. Help!

#0 - March 2, 2009, 10:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Current parses from the PTR are confirming what Ret Paladins have feared will happen regarding 3.1 changes. With our consistent damage being nerfed in addition to the large DPS loss from mob changes, Ret Paladins have gone from second lowest PvE DPS to rock bottom DPS. Our DPS has taken a whopping 10%+ drop in PvE damage, and frankly, Exorcism is not compensation at all in this regard.

Plainly put, very well-geared Ret Paladins are falling well behind equivalently geared DPSers, and many of us are very concerned that our very raid viability will come into question, and that we might start seeing a repeat of TBC where Ret Paladins were only invited to groups for their buffs and only if they were extremely well geared. That may be a bit of an overreaction, but currently the signs are pointing that direction and Ret Paladins have no desire to experience that again.

Like most Ret Paladins, I am very much at a loss exactly why our consistent damage of all things was nerfed. This has been Ret's primary weak point in PvE DPS, and if anything needs a substantial buff. Ret Paladins can function fairly well on trash and AoE mobs, but against single targets, fall well behind others, even other hybrids. This has been our biggest failing for the longest time, and we simply cannot see the logic in only making it worse. It has pretty much guaranteed that we will be rock bottom instead of close to rock bottom, and that is not something to look forward to.

As well, with all the recent changes to talents, Ret is literally a skeleton tree in 3.1. You can literally pick up every single DPS-boosting talent in there by Lv67. While the slimming down of some of the talents is a good thing, the problem is there are so very few places to actually put our excess talents, none of which allow us to boost our PvE DPS damage in any way. Aura Mastery is actually being considered to be a talent dump for all the excess, and frankly, that is just a disgrace.

Please try to understand, we are trying to stay positive, but all the indications and reports are pointing to Retribution being left far in the dust come 3.1, with it's very viability being put into question. Unless some MAJOR compensation is coming with it, Ret Paladins are extremely apprehensive about this, and rightfully so. The fact that Paladins remain practically the ONLY class not answered by a Blue in any way, shape, or form whereas most others have been answered repeatedly has not helped. 1 full post was fully capped and a bumped one completely ignored thus far, which has only fueled speculation and allowed even more doom and gloom to permeate the class.

With all that is getting thrown our way, how are we supposed to succeed when our hands have been tied?
#101 - March 2, 2009, 7:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Retribution dps, especially in PvE, is lower in 3.1 than we want.