Violet Proto-Drake - 280% or 310%?

#0 - March 6, 2009, 10:01 p.m.
Blizzard Post
With the removal of Brew of the Year from the Brewmaster meta (and consequently, the Long Strange Trip meta), the burning question now is - will the Violet Proto Drake be an "advanced" speed mount (310%) or merely a "normal" epic mount (280%).

The listing on the official site at previously denoted the Black, Plagued and Violet drakes as all being 280% - the site seems to have been updated to reflect the Black and Plagued mounts' speed as 310%, but the Violet is still listed as 280%.

So, could someone let us know whether the Violet will in fact be a 280% speed mount, or a 310% as previously reported?
#1 - March 6, 2009, 10:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I guess we'll find out when somebody actually possesses one won't we?