Why are casuals so happy about the difficulty

#1 - Dec. 14, 2010, 9:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I've seen a loooooooot of posts now, where someone who's raid experience entails the first wing of ICC, and maybe up to Jaraxxus in ToC, where this poster is going on and on and on about how much he enjoys spending so long in 5 mans

Why are people who are even LESS likely to see endgame content so thrilled that the new entry level content is just as boring, but now far grindier?
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#60 - Dec. 15, 2010, 1:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Why is it that someone can feel so proudly justified in assessing the experience, knowledge, and play style of a person from looking at the achievements of a single character? Enough so to then create a forum post about it, no less.


I'm going to add it to the profanity filter one of these days. It's a stereotype, and while I, Bashiok, have no personal opinion on what the use of casual/hardcore means regarding the person using it or substance of their text, wikipedia happens to have a definition on-hand which I'm only including here as a total and complete accident of copy&paste.

Possible prejudicial effects of stereotypes are:

Justification of ill-founded prejudices or ignorance

Unwillingness to rethink one's attitudes and behavior towards stereotyped group

Preventing some people of stereotyped groups from entering or succeeding in activities or fields

How interesting, wikipedia and not Bashiok, of you to say. I'll take this from an objective mindset which I have not previously thought about and offer no personal opinion on in any way.

Posted by Skillscore
op is wearing 251 tier gear.

it doesn't look like he touched heroic 25mans last expansion so his opinion on wrath raiding being of any difficulty is moot.

This level 80 is clearly my main

It's just so nice when things fall into place.
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#65 - Dec. 15, 2010, 1:47 a.m.
Blizzard Post
12/14/2010 5:42 PMPosted by EndzHow's Priest healing working out for you in heroic pugs Bashiok? I heard that was your current main.

... I've been having too much fun leveling my worgen druid ...

I transferred my priest to PvP and got scared so I got through Vashj with my War, but then decided to check out a worgen druid, which I had been intending to actually do first a while ago but kind of forgot about, and have been enjoying it quite a bit.

I'm planning to eat sleep and drink Cataclysm a few days on my holiday vacation so I can have at least one 85 and not be grossly behind. I'm thinking I'll make it my priest. Then I can go QQ to GC in person. ;)
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#82 - Dec. 15, 2010, 2:44 a.m.
Blizzard Post
To be fair the priest issues are well known on the class design team. Mana regen probably needs a buff or mana regen in some way needs to be addressed for ... us. Them? I've never considered myself a specific class so that sounds weird to say.